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Everything posted by HaltHammerzeit

  1. I recently went to Oricon for the first time. The first run through I got cut scenes, but after that it's all mission terminals. I like the way the side quests are done now. They've still got the background behind why the NPC is giving you the quest, there's a bit of vocal audio, but it doesn't piss me off because it's taking so long to get though.
  2. The end of chapter 3 for the JK depends on your light/dark alignment too. If you're too dark they don't make you a Master, but the Republic makes you a General instead.
  3. Pretty sure this is the reason more than anything. I think server maintenance is tied to account maintenance so nobody would be able to login on the website and they take the forums down because it's easier.
  4. Were you expecting to get early access AND 12x leveling at the same time? Kinda removes the fun of playing through the expansion for the first time if you do half a planet and you're at the level cap already. The way they ran this preorder bonus was fine. I'd like to see the 12x back at some point, maybe as an unlockable legacy reward, but I'm also fine with it not coming back. Just takes a little longer.
  5. You won't get the 12x experience then either. The bonus was only for those that preordered by a certain date and it's finished now.
  6. I don't think it would be all that hard. Consider that if something like this were to happen it would probably be in a future expansion, for this post let's call it Allegiance. Allegiance could start with a flashpoint that would end with an offer to switch sides (but not actually get the choice just yet). You could play through the expansion and build points for either Rep or Imp (something like reputation or even base it of light or dark side decisions). You could even base it off existing light/dark alignment. When you get to the mid point of Allegiance you get offered the choice to swap factions. Each side has similar classes (Warrior Vs Knight, Consular Vs Inquisitor, Trooper Vs Bounty Hunter, Smuggler Vs Agent) so there's a bit of overlap there. You can play for a while under the new faction, then at the end you can be offered the choice to return to your original faction in case you don't like the change. Considering the class story hasn't been all that different in RotHC and SoR, the story portion of this expansion would swap to the new faction's story. Doing it that way would also avoid swapping story in the middle. I've always quite liked the idea of being about to swap sides. I'm not sure if it's a choice I'd make for my goody two shoes Knight, but I might roll a new character for both sides just so I can get them to swap sides.
  7. If you make it a legacy achievement it's not pay to win. How is starting a new legacy and getting a leveling bonus different to allowing 12x leveling for a faction after a character has reached the level cap? What is that reason? Because one of the main arguments against leveling bonus seems to me to be "I had to do it the hard way so everyone has to". Players not learning their characters properly is a better concern but I would think that players that can't work it out after gaining 55 levels with the bonus that they'd still have trouble without the bonus. I spent 10 hours playing on Sunday with my first healer and I was managing fine. 12x leveling impacts you but a leveling bonus for a new legacy doesn't? How does that work? Edit: I'd like to see some stats from Bioware around how many people preordered Rise of the Hutt Cartel vs those that preordered Shadow of Revan and how many free to play/preferred players subscribed to get Shadow of revan. That might be a good indication of how many players used the 12x leveling bonus.
  8. I keen for this. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to roll a new character. I used it to get my Inquisitor from 37 to 55 and started a Trooper and got her to 34. I really don't want to bother with the fluff, especially considering all the side missions are the same for all the classes on the same sides. I had a little bit of trouble here and there with gear but it didn't take me long to get around it. I wouldn't want to make it easy, though. I'd put a proviso that you needed to have at least 1 character at the level cap for that faction and then you'd have to unlock it somehow. By that I mean that if I had leveled a Republic character to the level cap and acquired the unlock I can get the 12x leveling bonus for my other Republic characters, but not Imperial. I would need at least 1 Imperial character at the level cap to get the 12x leveling bonus. That way you've experienced all the side missions for each side at least once. You can always choose not to unlock the bonus if you don't want to play that way.
  9. While we're on different lightsabre types, I'd like to see a Lightwhip
  10. I don't have a problem with this. Anything that expands the player base can only be a good thing. I don't mind that I paid for this and 5 months later it's going to be free. I've said it before, but I lose more than $10 on a big night out so paying $10 for an extra planet isn't a big deal to me. What does bother me (not a lot, but it does bother me) is that BW seem to be rewarding late adopters of ROTHC while pretty much ignoring those that purchased it when it came out. Like I said, it doesn't bother me that much but I'm also an Australian player who went to the trouble to import the game before it was available here and have subbed since day 1. With the closure of the APAC servers (and a seeming unwillingness to even consider merging the PvE, PvP and RPG servers into one) I just don't feel like it's worth me continuing my sub. I will most probably resub if/when a new expansion comes out and I'll probably end up buying that as well, but I don't see a point for continuing support for a company that doesn't seem to value not just me, but all players in the APAC region. (not that that's unique to BW and EA, all tech companies seem to like to spit on Australians).
  11. Apart for the fact that Anakin built 3PO, so he was pretty unique. It's probably more likely that Yoda and Obi-Wan saying they knew R2 would raise questions that they weren't ready to answer and (in The Unseen Queen) R2 showed great reluctance in showing Luke anything because of the heart breaking turn of Anakin to the dark side so I doubt he would have wanted to bring it up and have to answer more questions as well.
  12. Sad news. I remember winning a short story comp years ago and got a copy of The Hutt Gambit signed by her.
  13. Gary Oldman. I'd love to see him back doing bad guy roles as well.
  14. The first time I came across this I went to Nar Shadaa first. It probably wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done, but I managed to get through it without too much trouble. Only had to group a couple of times to get through the solo stuff. On the plus side it made Taris really easy
  15. Dawn Of The Jedi: Into The Void is the novel set around the Dawn Of The Jedi comics. It was alright, though I prefer the story in the comics.
  16. The Yuuzhan Vong didn't set foot on on Zonoma Sekot until the events of the NJO. Sekot is a 'child' of the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. I'd like to see Czerka (or some other corporation) as a third faction, with droids as their characters. You'd have similar sorts of toons (no force users, though) but the big boon I see for them is how you can customise the characters. Each bot of armour you get could change your appearence. Different heads, bodies, legs, arms. It would probably take someone more creative than me to come up with them, but it would give the characters a totally different feel.
  17. I like this idea, especially when getting near the level cap. You can skip the area & heroic missions and just concentrate on the story missions instead.
  18. I don't like this idea. I know playing through the world and group stories again and again can be boring, but we already play through flashpoints and operations over and over again. You can skip conversations and cut scenes by pressing the spacebar. Doing it any other way would take away from the game itself. Edit: Beside, I have different 'personalities' for my alts and they 'react' to situations differently. I like taking them through the world quests and seeing what they would do.
  19. I just love the game in general. It's my first MMO and just love it! While I don't get to play that often I love when I do. My guild is an awesome group of people, the server I play on is full of friendly people. My JK is awesome-sauce. The flashpoints are great and while I've only completed one and a half operations the mechanics of the boss fights and operations in general were very well put together. And being able to play in a SW sandbox makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
  20. More importantly, why did they have to skim the trench if the torpedoes were going to take a 90 degree turn? Why not just fly directly towards the exhaust port? That way you're not confined to a small space (and a lack of maneuvering) and dodge as many other fighters and turrets as needed before unloading on the unsuspecting exhaust port! Also, TIE Fighters were used by the Empire because they were cheap. The Empire relied on brute force and fear to get the job done, meaning that numbers counted for more than keeping their pilots alive. Combine that with the massive fleet of capital ships (various Star Destroyers and other smaller ships) and you've got a force to be reckoned with. TIE Fighters didn't need to be long range fighters because they were always deployed with capital ships (with the exception of a few specialised TIE Interceptor units that had hyperdrives and later the TIE Defender, although the Defender only went into production because of the Rebellion's success with the X-wings and other starfighters). The Rebels, with their limited resources and personnel, preferred to use their resources keeping their pilots alive and without a major capital ship fleet, they didn't have the support that TIEs had. That meant that lone squadrons could do things that the Imperial fleet could do just as well (obviously not on the same scale, though). The shields also meant that pilots lived longer to learn from their mistakes and got better.
  21. I see it like the Cargo Bay. You have to go to a certain point to make deposits of either items or credits. In fact, it might be easier to make the Cargo Bay legacy wide instead of character wide.
  22. Especially for characters on the opposite faction. I should be able to transfer credits from my JK to my SI a lot easier than this.
  23. Most of that sounds like rehashes of already existing ideas in the EU. Droids that heal? How about Yuuzhan Vong and healing armour? Chiss general thrown out of the Chiss military for not doing what his masters wanted only to go on and lead the Empire? I'll see you your President Rath Zel-Quula nd raise you a Thrawn. Then you get 1313 thrown in just for good measure. It feels to me like they're just throwing random bits of SW EU into the mix and see if anything good washes out. If it's true of course.
  24. This is my first MMO and I have to say the leveling was pretty easy. I played mostly solo and skipped all the heroics or any quest that required me to group and I was always ahead of the level required for the area. I breezed through Makeb on the weekend solo. It wasn't until I got to level 50 that I joined a guild and now I really enjoy the aspect of completing flashpoints and operations with people I like. Granted I've only got the 1 character (Sentinel Jedi Knight) I that I've played any extended amount of time with and, being a DPS, it's one of the easier to play, but I'm a pretty lazy player. I don't gear myself or companions very well and I still manage to get through everything alright. Whenever I did have trouble, though, I did a bit of research. There's plenty on the net about the various quests if you're having trouble. Google and Youtube help heaps and there's a few guides you can read through around.
  25. Yeah, what would you do with guild ships/fleet? There doesn't seem to be too much that a guild ship would add to the experience. We could have things like a guild vendor, guild marketplace to trade with people in your guild only (which would probably be redundant with the bank) and guild bank in that area. I don't like the idea of only the guild leader being able to move the ship to various planets, but I like the idea of being able to fly to any planet from the guild ship. There are a couple of neat ideas floating around, but I don't think it warrants a guild ship.
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