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Everything posted by Myriandore

  1. Yup - nothing but just moar lip service from bw... 2.7 is out with dp & df nim - imho own targets only debuffs would've been the most significant improvement. Fail
  2. Suggested. Exactly GatorAndy. That's what (and all) I've ever heard had ever been done on the subject. Deflecting strategy? I know it sounds paranoid but whether it is or not, all BioWare does is pay lip service to this serious issue. Clever. They buy themselves another 3 to 5 months, then some more lip service, then launch another Cartel pack and more lip service. Rinse and repeat... Meantime, the true core community (the one that kept that game afloat) keeps showing support and patience. Never used damage meters in Tor and I've played with seriously skilled guilds downing many nim bosses. I recently joined this quality guild that had me install "Parsec". I did so ofc but couldn't help have a chuckle at the irony. What's the freaking point monitoring my damage when I can't even properly track my debuffs to the "micro second"? QQ at a real downer.
  3. True. And players have showed great patience & tolerance for what can be lived with - even about relatively important features. There are however limits to how low one will go in the face of blatant cynicism, when lacking essential basics that should be here by default.
  4. Then why!? Their selective quality vision baffles me. They show great thinking the way they saved this game - and at the same time don't have the slightest clue this fail feature is ruining the game for anyone - even casually raiding.
  5. Yeah well at least I'm not alone - so it feels a little more bearable And I see what you mean by blowing up your own debuffs only - that could work I guess.
  6. Bleh yeah whatever sure okay... I just want them isolated - didn't really plan to discuss how who when it was erm .. discussed. But I see your point. I'm not completely delusional holding my breath this post will change much tbh. I totally realise my endeavour is as constructive as peeing in a violin. Let's face it, all this'll ever produce at best is a chuckle from BioWare executives. But every so often I come here to mention this rather daft lack of feature and entertain myself with the pleasurable fiction that someone might actually realise that in the Grand Scheme of the Things of Life, caring for those managing buffs / debuffs to the micro second is... the humane thing to do
  7. Bigger debuffs wont work. It'll just make it worse. Just imagine 10 people's HUGE debuffs cramping your UI... Nah, it's gotta be just yours.
  8. I know own debuffs only isn't as popular a subject as "best Jedi's looks!!" or "best Jedi names!!!" or " best <insert nonsense here>". So long story short, not being able to see my own debuffs among 15 others in ops, sucks. Simples. No qq attached but come-on, be honest bw. How hard is it to really fix this business? It seems trivial to me but what do I know... Now don't be shy, we've seen you nakid and fail for more serious stuff. So please, be kind and let us know already, ty. Myr Red Eclipse
  9. And why not a completely leveled and BIS geared char while you're at it... Don't be daft. The whole point is having to work RELATIVELY hard to appreciate your character's feats. Then again, since you asked in the first place, no matter what others might say to the contrary, it's unlikely you'll ever see the light.
  10. Treek (35510 k hp) in item lvl 69 beats my Scourge (40316 k hp ) hands down in item lvl 75/78 gear. Why defeat the purpose of what you are creating? That baffles me... Players "attach" themselves to game elements to see them rubbished by acts of utter ... negligence on your part. Strange no one at your firm realises that this "new" companion almost makes others obsolete... You have exactly the same slack creative attitude with romances - although in that case you inadvertently re-created a very realistic rendition of many people's real life relations You created an elaborate romance story then once married, completely abandoned the concept - having companions talk to you like a soulless perfect stranger lmao So my suggestion: re code older comps so they compare performance wise to Treek. Voilà
  11. I was focusing on both external and internal layouts mate - functionality should remain the same ofc. Idd, players interface are great, -i.e. gtn, vendors, etc- nothing to report there. DarthDymond perfectly illustrates my point with the 2 pics he posts on the previous page - just apply the same principle to the inside and voilà!
  12. Oh no you don't I never (ever!) watched any of those and went "Oh look, the same as in such and such..." And trust me, I am a lost cause sci-fi addict and watched each you mentioned several times over - even the Star Trek series! Nah mate; I know where you're coming from though. You try to make a point by rationalizing. Thing is I am not remotely interested in any rationale - in fact I'm at the other end of the spectrum: where impressions rule over practicality.
  13. Yes mate, it's no matter of life or death for this game - and I hope I made it clear I think as much. I can even and also totally appreciate the fact that to some people it isn't even an issue at all! Me on the other hand, I'm a sucker for details and aesthetic. I can't help but feel it's a darn shame they worked so hard on so many aspects of the atmosphere ... and yet neglected this crucial aspect. It takes so much away from the dimension this game could have... Imho it's a huge mistake to underestimate the appreciation players have for decors - tons of eye candy makes people immerse in their experience more; one of the reason of Wow's huge success. Yep, you can just wander without even taking part in events; their universe is so gorgeous. (Oh and btw, no I am not comparing this to wow. I hope you can see that. )
  14. Lol looks like you were made for the Dark Side And speaking of designs, I just got my Agent's ship.... My heart went up my throat it is so gorgeous! I'm so jelly the best designers worked on imp side
  15. And in essence, that's exactly my point !
  16. Keep your knickers on certain emo people, I love this game. Really won't lose sleep over this. I just find it weird more don't see this as a huge anomaly. Especially given the amount of creative effort BW clearly put into imp side. Music, lighting, ships, clothes, story lines... everything sets the atmosphere brilliantly - then you end up on fleet or transiting through space stations and you go /sigh. Anyhoo, making the most of double xp weekend and my sniper's already lvl20 in this rare imp side outing. So without any further ado, back to Le Grind! Have a good one. Myr
  17. Identical Republic / Sith architecture (space stations, fleet, etc.) is a crying shame. What a let down for such a good game.
  18. Very true, the same as players females and males characters's abilities are identical, there shouldn't be "sub par" companions. I know, I shamelessly exploited portion of your statement knowing darn well you meant something all together different
  19. Hi all, It's probably been covered zillions times, and it's not a matter of life or death for the future of this great game. Now that we've got that cleared (and hopefully chased off trolls) let's get to my trivial point. I find it unfair that Doc who has a brilliant personality, whom I've known since the Balmoraa's hard campaign and who's accompanied me through all those tough battles heals less than that FOTM Treek who I'll be blunt, I find annoying to no end. Same for tanking. How can my fav Lord Scourge, a Sith Lord for crying out loud!... be outclassed by an ... Ewok!? Srsly... are you for real!? This feels so wrong! There you have it. Trivial verging on the pointless suggestion but one that would bring (more) joy to my dailies. So pretty please, fix your coding and make old school companions just as performing as that ugly, annoying nouveau riche FOTM Treek whom I've never used and never will. QQ. Thanks for reading o/
  20. I read your post as an email since I sub to this one. You put some effort in it, shame it was off topic.
  21. That freak luck is great when it happens. But I'm looking at the market on the long term, not at the great one off. I know many players would much rather discuss the coolest sentinel name, and bw the most profitable cartel market next cash cow... But there's a whole really cool aspect of the game completely numb dead because of a blatant lack of vision...
  22. Find a way to drastically and OFTEN change crew skills mats drop rate. Every 3 ish maintenance would be great. Why? Because 90 out of a 100 crew skill missions we run yield ONLY THE SAME OLD MATS. Because it would force people not to sell out killing off a near dead GTN market because they need to clear off their banks full of the same old crap.
  23. Find a way to drastically and OFTEN change crew skills mats drop rate. Every 3 ish maintenance would be great. Why? Because 90 out of a 100 crew skill missions we run yield ONLY THE SAME OLD MATS. Because it would force people not to sell out killing off a near dead GTN market because they need to clear off their banks full of the same old crap.
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