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Everything posted by LordCamTheGreat

  1. An acklay and/or reek mount and a black lightsaber crystal.
  2. If Commando sev's gear came in to tor i would get it for every character i have, sev is my fave clone trooper of all time.
  3. I still find it strange how sometimes the bolts fly vertically sometimes, where as the mercanary who has 2 pistols rarely spray everywhere. Its like the fallout perk spray and pray.
  4. Why is it that when i shoot my gun half the time the shots fly randomly around the target and miss a lot. I've had times where my toon literally fires blindly into the sky its hilarious but utterly stupid. It would be nice if some people who new why this was could explain or make this funny problem become more realistic. Thank you in advance.
  5. That was a bug? I used that for hybrid build. That patch has now screwed up my sorc build.
  6. This new gear sucks. It's ugly. Bring back old gear alongside new gear u get more subers everyone happy. I was looking forward to getting recruit smuggler gear but was lvl47 on day of patch now all there is is Robin Hood armour
  7. I agree completely. 500coins a MONTH is not enough we pay £8 a month for more fp wz space and that's it. The 500 isn't enough for anything worth getting like armour sets. I have had to wait since the cathar came out cus I had 120 coins left. 1000 a month would be better.
  8. I like the sound of more companions, increase the ammount of comps allowed to craft items and comp games. If this is to happen i think you should be able to buy a "ship improvement" for ur ship. Each grade allows more companions to join.
  9. Every time i travel through space in any flashpoint i crash to desktop unless i skip all the dialogue as fast as humanly possible. Whats worse is that if you don't skip it very quickly and it crashes due to other group members not skipping, the flashpoint counts as not being completed and you have to start the whole thing again! Is there a way to stop this? If so please could someone tell me.
  10. I couldn't agree more sorc is the only class i continued playing for more than a few days and got to 50 with and every time i go into combat i never i repeat NEVER use my saber it just gets in the way for abilities. When you do chain lightning it disappears magically but for lightning it just stays wobbling in the air. I think that instead of saber abilities we should be given a free cast flurry type thing and 25 cost lightning strike instant but with both hands. Now that would look good.
  11. I have read a few threads about op and up classes mainly pt's and mercs but not much about anything else. So i would like to know peoples opinions and facts on what you think is the best class for which type of thing so, who's the best tank, who's the best healer and who is the best dps.
  12. Played a few games and realised a combo of force speed unnatural pres and static b got me away from people buts marauders immobilise you with instants and trap you like a fish in a bucket. We need another version of unbreakable will dark heal an instant infusion 2.5 activation and force speed unnatural pres to be half the cooldown
  13. sorc's are a squishy class i should know for i play one. We definitely need a rebuild better trees would help maybe skills that improve our armor like juggs immortality tree but for us. we need more instant abilities for damage and heal for us to be effective in anything including pve.
  14. Now I play a 44 sorcerer and i really do think that lightning tree needs to become better. also how about skill tree that makes your armor better? that would make a sorc a lot more fun to play in pvp
  15. Hi guys i'm a relatively new swtor player (started when f2p came out) but can play quite well and i am looking for a good active guild on the republic side that does a range of pvp rp flashpoints etc. My character is on progenitor server and is a vanguard called notsotinytim. if you are in a guild or guild leader could you recommend one for me please.
  16. Mercenaries are very useful for holding ground and dealing out loads of damage, but they are a turret and literally all abilities have an activation or Chanel time. Power techs are very mobile can grapple and with right spec boost to them, then there is all the instant abilities and elimental damage to wear the enemy down. Downside nearly all abilities are 10m range in other words close quarters. Basically it comes down to either range or combat. I went power tech for pvp caus it's nearlly always close quarters and merc for pve. Hope this helps
  17. I personally like them because: a good thing to do before a planet, while a companions on a quest and quick xp+money That is all
  18. Somehow I doubt that anything under 1.5 metres will be alowed, however it might be an idea to have creatures under that height to have say, a greater chance to dodge things and taller creatures to do more damage. But thats only if EA actually consider doing this. That is all.
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