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Everything posted by LordCamTheGreat

  1. Honestly? I don't know if this is a troll post or not... You've lambasted every single aspect of the game's combat system. You seem to despise the fact that rotations exist in an mmo, find every animation immersion breaking and generally don't want to play the game. The gameplay isn't going to change, ever. The convoluted systems currently in place are not going to change. In my opinion, it would be more enjoyable for you if you did not play the game at all if it is causing you so much anguish and requiring you to scrub your brain clean every time you open it.
  2. I stopped playing when CXP first came out and returned a couple months ago for 6.0 I might end up just doing the story for 6.0 then ending my sub and coming back once gearing is in a better place in a few years time...
  3. With the small amount of time I've played on the new patch, some things are better, many of my previous issues are still here and some are worse now than ever. 1) I am still getting duplicates of items I DON'T NEED. I played 2 hammer station runs and received 3 of the same lightsaber. THREE. I also received 2 implants and 1 earpiece and a load of mods that I don't need because I have 3 lightsabers. I'm item rating 258 on this character, I still need gear for my head, chest, wrist, legs and both relics. I would buy from a vendor but this brings me onto the second point that is still frustrating and now even worse. 2) Random item tech fragment costs are way too high. 300-450 for a single piece is waaaaay too high. Now you might argue that we are given so much loot that deconstructing gives us all the tech fragments we need! Wrong. You get a whopping 3 or 4 tech fragments per piece, sometimes you get 0. This is a terrible amount and when combined with the fact that you get 90 fragments per flashpoint, you need to do 4 flashpoints to get a single piece of RANDOM gear. So if I want to fill out the rest of the gear on my character, I'm going to have to run the same thing over and over and over again, getting the same pieces that I don't need while having no effective way to gear on the side. This brings me onto point 3. 3) Renown is a joke still. Until the amount of xp needed to gain a level is reduced by at least half, there is no point talking about it. It is useless and shouldn't exist at this point. Now, something I've really wanted has been added to the game so thank you to the devs for this: There is now a series of vendors that you can buy set bonus and tacticals from. This is amazing. Or at least, it would be if it weren't for the same issue as point 2 which brings me onto point 4. 4) Set piece and tactical vendor item prices are disgustingly high. I take issue with the rng gear pricing, so the pricing on these vendors is honestly disheartening and disappointing. You need over 3 times as many tech fragments for one gear piece here. You need 3,000 tech fragments. That's 1/3rd of the total legacy wide tech fragment capacity which NEEDS to go up a lot. 10,000 minimum. That, or cut the rng gear vendor prices in half, and massively reduce the tech fragment costs of tactical and set piece gear. Oh, I forgot to mention that there is also an extra cost of 1 million credits per set piece and tactical item. If I want to gear a toon, it's going to cost me more credits than I own. I don't buy CC items and play gtn and have no wish to. The credit cost needs to disappear completely from this vendor imo. I just had to edit this point as I misread the tech fragment cost as 1,000 which is already disgusting, but no. It takes 3,000 tech fragments, which just so happens to be the capacity of the legacy wide main currency used in this expansion... I don't even know what else to say about the price inflation at this point. I won't be playing the game if this stays, grind for the sake of grinding isn't fun. TLDR: Gear drops are still too random and I can't complete a full set of 270 gear because of duplicates and stupidly high tech fragment costs compared to how many tech fragments you get. Thank you devs for listening and adding tactical and set vendors, but the costs are obnoxiously high.
  4. First comment is really the only one needed imo. UI box showing what you get from too many items scales outside your screen.
  5. Played through hammer station with the latest changes. (solo on veteran mode as no one plays pts so I can't queue in activity finder). First run: Got 6 pieces of green gear total from bosses. 1 barrel mod. An amount of crafting materials. 10k credits for completing the flashpoint at level 75 - enough to re-roll 2 amplifiers. 2 pieces were the same relic so realistically I only got 5 pieces. The pieces I did get were upgrades, from 268 to 270 and all of the pieces were class specific which is an improvement from the last time I went on the pts at least. Second run: Got 9 pieces of gear total, 8 green and one yellow. 2 mods 2 pieces were the same Crafting mats 2 pieces were the same. 4 pieces were the same as what I already had equipped so weren't even upgrades. The yellow piece had a set bonus I had no interest in at all. +2% shield rating and regen 1% of max health every 10 seconds. I'm a gunslinger. I don't need shield rating. I have a utility that is 6x as powerful as the full set bonus. That being said, set bonuses were previously unobtainable in flashpoints and it can be seen as more of a bonus. Third run: 6 pieces this time I have collected 4 of the exact same chestpiece over these 3 runs... One of the pieces was a yellow with a different set bonus to the one from earlier, giving +2% alacrity and increased mastery under the effects of a stimpack. These set bonuses seem really really bad. Would be better than nothing if I got multiple pieces from the same set. Interestingly, I managed to acquire 2 pieces of rating 38 level 15 gear over these 3 runs from non boss enemies. Overall, I got a total of 23 pieces of gear from bosses over the course of 3 runs. Two runs had 2 gear pieces dropping per boss. One run resulted in 5 items dropping from the last boss only. I got one piece of 276 gear from a non boss enemy, but it wasn't spec specific or class specific as it was a tank item. All of the gear received from bosses was spec specific. Most of the gear was NOT an upgrade and I think there needs to be an anti-duplicate item system in place, which prioritises the acquisition of gear for slots that aren't yet at your average gear rating. For example: I received 4 of the exact same 270 chestpiece, and another different 270 chestpiece on top of those for 5 270 chestpieces total. I still have 268 rating leggings. I did use the 300 or so tech fragments I got from three flashpoint runs to buy an unidentified leg piece which was a spec specific higher than average item rating at 272. I'm not sure if this is already the case, but I would like for different flashpoints to have a set pool of set piece gear, maybe one or two different sets per flashpoint, so that you can farm a flashpoint for a specific set piece if you so wish. This is probably completely pointless as this set gear will be replaced by higher tier set pieces with bonuses similar to what we have on live. I would also like for at least the final boss to have a guaranteed non green drop of either your average rating, or one tier above your average rating. I still think that personal loot should include tactical items and that the last boss should drop a tactical even if you aren't in a group. Limiting items to group rolls only is very frustrating for me personally. As for the changes to healing for companions, it seems interesting and more interactive. No real difficulty change from live from what I could tell. Treek still looks worse than all other healer companions, but not as bad as on live when compared to other healer companions. I still hate amplifiers and think that you should be able to re-roll the amplifier and percentage separately. I didn't even gain a single renown level after three flashpoint runs. I know the devs wanted to kill off command ranks but this seems excessive. You honestly might as well straight up remove renown from the game entirely if it takes this much xp to achieve one single level. I did start another run just to get that one renown level using a booster and the first boss only dropped one gear item this time.... I sincerely hope that the renown crates aren't implemented at all yet cus I only got one gear piece from it. I would much prefer to get levels as fast as with command ranks or maybe a little bit slower, but only get the cosmetics/ orange empty shell gear, companion gifts and tech fragments for e.g. from the crates. Getting one crate after 3 flashpoints only for it to drop one piece is pointless. It's not even supplemental at this point, it shouldn't exist. I feel like the gearing system is more intelligent now that some changes have been made. Gear from flashpoints is acquired slowly with the intent to constantly iterate and grow your specific character and spec. I'd need the gearing system to be implemented into the rest of the game and to be able to group with people on the pts to fully get to grips with things. Anyway this is getting long, maybe it's helpful to someone IDK. I've raised my issues with amplifiers and tacticals a few times now. If we're getting rng, it should at least be good rng that is stacked in the player's favour so that it doesn't feel like rng.
  6. I love this idea. Put a dishonourable sign over them so people feel inclined to target them Seems like there's no reason at all to leave a match if it's close to halfway done. Still see people leaving less than a minute before the game ends if they're gonna lose which makes no sense at all to me.
  7. So here I am, trying to enjoy unranked pvp as one does. Nearly every game I've had so far today, someone leaves. Then another. Then another. Soon enough, I've seen a dozen people leave and rejoin, completely ruining the pvp experience and preventing any semblance of an enjoyable game. To all the people who leave warzones, why do you do it? Do you get some secret achievement or reward for leaving early? Do people even get punished for ruining the experience of their fellow players? I've never understood why people do it and after returning from a few year's break, it seems that this is still a big issue.
  8. These changes are a big first step in the right direction and I have to commend the devs for the quick turnaround based on forum feedback. Still would like to see a lot of changes to amplifiers to make getting the specific type of amplifier you want a lot easier, rather than dumping hundreds of thousands of credits in the hope you might get something half decent.
  9. I think that the dot on incendiary round and missile for the plasmatech and pyrotech specs should spread on explosive surge and flame sweep, rather than ion wave and flamethrower. Operative and scoundrel dot spread was changed from a cone based aoe in blaster volley (now removed and replaced) to the new bushwhack and toxic haze abilities. This is an 8 metre cone aoe ability. Assassins and Shadows can spread their dots with a spammable 5 metre ability (deathfield and force in balance still need to go back to being 8 metres). It is time that Vanguards and Powertechs be brought into the modern age and have their dot spread changed from an awkward to use cone ability on a 15 second cooldown, to a spammable aoe such as for the assassin and shadow. This is more balanced than assassin and shadow spread spam due to the energy cell and heat system punishing the spamming of abilities. Further, the second dot that vanguards and Powertechs use in their active rotation is not spreadable, and only spreads to a single target if one dies. Because of this, Powertechs and Vanguards struggle with energy management when trying to keep dots on several targets at once. Do other Powertech and Vanguard players share the same sentiment? Thoughts?
  10. The amplifier system honestly seems horribly bloated, unnecessary and unnecessarily costly. Imo, the percentage values should be done away with completely and there should be a single flat bonus for each different amplifier. Thus you only reroll to get the specific amplifier that you want, rather than rerolling for the amplifier and hoping and praying you can somehow get a higher percentage after sinking thousands upon thousands of credits into it - which most players don't have millions upon millions of lying around after their gtn farm sessions. Recalibration costs get really, really expensive after a while. There definitely needs to be an upper limit to the cost and a daily/ weekly reset on recalibrating costs. You should be able to recalibrate the amplifier and the percentage bonus separately. If this doesn't happen, and if the system stays as it is, I probably won't spend much time at all wasting time, credits and patience on the amplifier system. The concept seems interesting, but is far too bloated and the recalibration system is rng at its worst.
  11. Playing through 5 veteran modes of hammer station as operative, the overall amount of loot seemed pretty low especially after seeing the livestream yesterday where each boss supposedly drops 5 pieces of gear. I got a double bladed lightsaber which I was not expecting at all considering I can't even use it. Saw a single higher tier item/ tactical on the last boss but since it was a piece of loot that needed to be rolled for, it made the whole process kinda disappointing. I'm the type of player that hates having a big focus on loot upgrades that need to be rolled for by a group of players as the worst thing to happen after running through a piece of content is to feel like someone else has just stolen your piece of gear and wasted your time. Is it possible to find set piece and tactical items in personal loot for flashpoints? If not I doubt I'll play them anywhere near as much as I used to.
  12. It feels like the loot system isn't working as it was on the livestream, I'm only getting like, one thing per boss rather than 5...This is from playing hammer station too.
  13. When I first launched kotet as my shadow and saw that phase walk was gone, I did a le cry, then I saw the cool down of force speed. 20s. then I got the utility that made the cool-down 15s, suddenly, I no longer cared about the loss of phase walk because my precious 15s cool-down on force speed was back!!! :DDDDD
  14. Sadly, in end game content, melee classes have to work twice as hard as ranged classes to pull off the same dps numbers. Against a dummy, sure a melee class might be able to out damage a ranged class, but in an actual operation, there are so many things that can go wrong. As a sentinel/ marauder, you are one of the most mobile of all the melee classes, with a force jump, 10m sprint thing (mad dash) and your predation or transcendence. Careful use of these will help you keep dps up on a target, but know that a ranged class can usually sit back and watch the fireworks while the melee classes have to duck, dive and weave through various mechanics in order to keep up their damage. It sucks I know, but that's just how the game is right now.. D:
  15. What crew skills does each class get using the level 65 "outlander" character token?
  16. It looks like an 18 gcd rotation where force melt/rend etc are always on cd for at least one gcd more than is shown in the rotation xD
  17. I really want to be able to have a conversation with musco and the devs and find out why they decided to implement this random loot, senseless grind as a way of doing end game content. There better be about 10 NEW operations coming out in January that all grant thousands of cxp if they want people to actually play nim and master mode stuff.
  18. I just don't understand how bioware expects people to be able to play hm, nim, master content etc. when it will take months of senseless grinding of content we have had to grind already for 5 years......
  19. Great job Musco, not only do we have to grind content that's been out for 5 years for the thousandth time, but we have to put up with random loot and the devs nerfing any decent means of gaining cxp......Guess we'd better wait another year for another few hours of content....
  20. Ummm both vitiate and nihilus devoured entire worlds at a time xD
  21. Deception and Infiltration are losing the active stance and are getting a new ability
  22. Zakuulian knights would be quite easy to implement imo, story/ faction alleigance? bah, it's all one story now anyway so who cares!?? for voice stuff, just let you choose one of the other classes voice actors cus all speech options are the same! ability animations; let you choose either sith or jedi!
  23. Boosts mobility massively, datamined stuff shouldn't really be on here though
  24. I'd assume there will be an increase in character slots, the level of the token is either 60 and starts at kotfe, or 65 and starts at kotet. I think gear was 192 for the level 60 token so I'd assume maybe 208 for level 65? You get the token whenever you sub for kotet.
  25. No clue what this armour is, but I think it looks amazing and would love if it made it's way into the game. http://theunityprocess.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tumblr_mvo4miY2oA1qbwnuho1_1280.jpg It also makes me wish for a grey jedi class to be added to the game that contains a mix of force powers, or if bioware was able to let the player pick what animation they wanted for their class. I.e. you play sorc, but you can choose to use forcequake instead of force storm. It should be pretty easy to implement and I know that a great many players would love for this option to be available.
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