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Everything posted by hargrave

  1. not to mention the HUGE lag spike i get from those stupid announcements wish there was a way to turn them off
  2. i know this is a sore subject with the dev team but wookies would have been what the sith are to the imperials. I feel pretty confident that wookies had been a playable race it would have either been more balanced or to many wookies ill take to many wookies any day over 50-60 imps camping a rep base 24/7 I do wish the rep classes were more apealing in general but i dont want to be a rock spammer or a 2 shotting smuggler (i also dont want to be a a lighting prod or a 2 shot agent either)
  3. what concerns me is i see a large amount of gear hounds so once those people get thier gear that thier farming at the rep base for hours are they going to stay? I see more people switching to imperial now to. The republic got screwed and has been getting screwed since 1.1. They should have let them play wookies or more alien races that would have made rep side more appealing i think. Id rather fight 200 wookies then have 60-70 imps camping 10-15 reps at thier base 24/7...
  4. this has been my overall pvp experience 99% of the time..plus ilum announcements huge lag spike
  5. Tired of these bleeping lag spikes from those anouncements on ilum. Ive posted in the customer service area as well. I just asked others in there as well so im not the only one. I dont understand why we cant turn them off? can we just have it in our chat box or something. Please give us some way to turn these announcements im open to suggestions or a work around but im just tired of this
  6. -1 im tired of lag spikes from those stupid announcements. Every 2 seconds is a lag spike..... Ive been a huge supporter of this game and im getting to my breaking point. Out of 23 ques for warzones yesterday 2 went through... get rid of those stupid announcements that cause lag spikes get rid of ilum instancing its really ruining the open world pvp feel and its not solving lag issues b/c we still have those lag spikes from those announcements. come on gabe and james i dont want to quit another mmo but im getting close james you ask us to trust in you well i cant even copy and paste a link from chat in game but i can copy and paste from outside the game into it? I see you offering a UI enhancement that should have been here at launch as a coming soon feature? Im trying to be positive but im getting fed up i cant pvp hardly in ilum and i cant even que 1/2 the time for warzones and you want me to have faith in you guys? You wont do cross server pvp b/c you want to foster server rivalries but we still dont have decent server forums then on top of it were told to make community forums then after 2 billion community made sites have server forum wars you say hey heres a half baked server forum no? Loyal bioware and star wars fan at his wits end............
  7. im not rep but im getting close to feeling the same way and im imp. When i see 50-60 imp camping rep base 24/7 and them unable/unwilling to make a rep raid or simply dont have enough people to do so bothers me. We need bleeping rvr cross server pvp yesterday. Sitting at a rep base farming 10-25 with 50-60 plus is not ideal pvp for me anyways. I hope in the following months they fix this. Ive tried to give helpful ideas but by the time my post goes up theres 100 wow give me give me kids that want this to be wow and i dont bother much know its really depressing. So whether hes rep or not i hope bioware at least takes his view into consideration b/c what reps are left after 1.1 should be treated extra good if u ask me. Personally i think warzones have become another factor as well. Warzones have caused more bad then good in regards to ilum open world pvp. On the other hand i cant honestly blame reps wanting to go to warzones after what i been seeing at ilum.
  8. what bothers me about ilum is the majority of the time its 50 plus imps camping the rep base and when there seems to be enough reps its at 6 am lol. We need cross server pvp already. They should have let reps play as wookies it would have made for more reps or even rodians. I dont see any other solution other then rvr cross server pvp do you? Also instancing the hell out of ilum is causing more bad then good heres why. ilum 1: were camping reps at there base ilum 2: theres no reps here ilum 1: where did the reps go? ilum 3: theres 30 reps here now ilum 1: ok everyone go to ilum 3 ilum 2: theres 30 reps here now ilum 3: ok everyone go to ilum 2 ilum 1: theres 20 reps here now ilum 2: ok everyone back to ilum 1 the next hour or 2 is then 50 plus imps camping 30 0r less reps. Is this working as intended? Is this what im suposed to be amazed at gabe? Im seriously debating leaving soon but im gonna stick out for next 3 months or so but why you arent implementing rvr is mind boggling we can have up to 50 ilum instances its not solving the issue all thats happening is less pvp and when pvp actually occurs its imps farming reps and i dont want to do that its so boring and top of it im a melee so im double screwed in this case.
  9. not bad i wish for the time bieng they would put bases on other planets b/c im sick of switching ilums constantly. Its become open instancing not open world anymore.
  10. I have to say i find the clone wars more entertaining then those new movies were.... now if could only make a cad bane chiss that looked like cad bane and not a member from the blue men group sigh
  11. i wish wz didnt exist to be honest it should have been just open world pvp and thats it
  12. the way i see this is coming from beta to todays date is this. sith classes (never done before in a mmo) swg only had dark jedis which were crap.So you have where you can actually play as a full blown sithlord thats very appealing in itself. When i heard that you could play a sith years ago i was sold then to be honest. Jedi/republic jedi class in beta i rolled a jedi and consular jedi got the jedi up to lvl 10 absolutely hated it as much as i love bioware and thier story set up it was just ridiculously boring the story and i posted so in the beta forums. consular was the same and i felt super op at the get go and i wanted to do more then chuck rocks and engines block ( in fairness i played sith inquistor and i felt the same about that class) So sadly it is more appealing for most people "not all" to have the stories that the empire has simply b/c your killing people all over the place and thier trying to kill you sometimes even on your own side. You have in house fighting storylines its just so much more fun to play sith sadly. Anyone whos played a bh knows what i mean about an awesome story. I mean no offense to bioware im just saying this why i like the sith side more then republic. As for faction balance and the reply i got i agree some what about the warzones but after seeing 50 plus imperials rofl stomp 10-15 reps 1-2 times then they leave in ilum i stand by my rvr server cross pvp. Theres no other way to solve the issue. You cant make faction vs faction open world pvp. They can try to make the republic side more appealing but i honestly dont know how. All i know is witnessing what i have in ilum today made me more sad i did like joining the raid but i dont like theres hardly any rebs. I really feel bad for the reps i actually felt bad playing imp b/c it worries me how long thier gonna let this go. Cross server pvp needs to be put in for ilum yesterday.
  13. the only solution is cross server pvp. Theres no negative aspect to it. Im sure ill hear oh it will ruin the server communities and all this. Well we still dont have server forums (yes i know there coming) but at this point thats the only real concern. Its going to happen sooner or later. You cant make same faction open world pvp and bolstering and buffs will not solve the issue either.
  14. Well what i saw was nice ill give u due credit for that.What i also saw was open world pvp bieng abandoned for warzones. New warzone would be ok i guess but id rather have the choice to choose the warzone over a new warzone first. Another issue is if u release the new warzone without the ability to choose it your going to have mass warzone droppage from current warzones due to not bieng able to choose the new warzone. Unlike most people i understand you guys are trying and from what i saw at the comic con hotel thing your really involved with the game. If any of this comes off rude or insulting i apoligize ahead of time im just getting very frustrated and i do realize there isnt any instant fix to any of this... Open wold pvp. This was my major incentive to buy swtor for the last 3 years. So far i have seen it crash and burn. Gabe has said publicly that ilum will have 100vs100 the game cannot hold this based on what ive observerd. Instancing ilum and putting a cap is not a solution as i see it. What would be a better solution is to make pvp bases on other planets to thin the fight out. This would be better overall (your probably trying to do this already not sure) Overall ive gone from loving this game to finding it harder and harder to be positive about it. I keep telling myself (it hasnt been a month yet) So please get the open world pvp going better and please allow cross server reps to join in pvp fights. This would make the game better for all i see very little negative to this idea if u do let me know. I dont see any other way to solve that issue. How ilum bases/pvp in general should be As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses. The bases need the following things implented 1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base. 2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out 3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective So heres how the base take over should be 1. use rocket launcher kill turrets 2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through. 3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base. 4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself) 4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box. 5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing 6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets 7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going 8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly 9. Ilum lag/congestion Instancing and capping ilum isnt going to work imo. Instancing even though its shard your own and its still open world is still instancing. Ilum was said to be 100vs100 in past interviews. The long term solution is putting bases on other planets to spread people out. This would be a better idea then instancing. You solve both issues with this idea. You dont have to instance that much and everyone can join a decent pvp fight somewhere. These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them. To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all. Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides. Swift sure server public pvp ts3
  15. i was in beta and i pre ordered but i dont see this title in game anywhere? Oh well i would like to continue trying to make the game better but i have to be honest its very frustrating to see things are bieng dealt with after the fact. Ilum is a good example i tryed to post my positive ideas to to gabe but theres just to much mad wow kids and qq im out of here threads so i dont know i think ill stick around for 3-6 months but ive gone from loving the game to overly concerned about its future. I hoe gabe goes to comic con this year so i can discuss my ideas with him in person b/c i want this game to succeed but there needs to be serious change here and fast. The first month in any mmo is the most crucial for it. Theres no chance for 2nd impressions = (
  16. if we had pvp bases on other planets to capture and hold it would help the issue
  17. Ilum bases As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses. The bases need the following things implented 1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base. 2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out 3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective So heres how the base take over should be 1. use rocket launcher kill turrets 2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through. 3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base. 4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself) 4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box. 5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing 6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets 7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going 8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them. To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all. Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.
  18. Ilum bases As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses. The bases need the following things implented 1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base. 2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out 3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective So heres how the base take over should be 1. use rocket launcher kill turrets 2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through. 3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base. 4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself) 4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box. 5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing 6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets 7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going 8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them. To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all. Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.
  19. The turret suggestion is good idea but the main problem is the bases are to open there needs to be 1 way in and 1 way out. The entrance should have those turrets like youve said but also they need gaurds and droids in there. If they make it 1 way to get into the base with the turrets would be fine i think. Yeah i wish they did listen more about this in beta i did say the same thing about the bases bieng to open.
  20. the problem is there needs to be only 1 way into the base. The bases are to open. There needs to be gaurds and droids in there as well.
  21. This is my idea of how ilum should work whats yours? Ilum bases As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses. The bases need the following things implented 1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base. 2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out 3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective So heres how the base take over should be 1. use rocket launcher kill turrets 2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through. 3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base. 4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself) 4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box. 5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing 6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets 7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going 8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them. To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all. Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.
  22. Ilum bases As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses. The bases need the following things implented 1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base. 2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out 3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective So heres how the base take over should be 1. use rocket launcher kill turrets 2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through. 3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base. 4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself) 4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box. 5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing 6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets 7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going 8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them. To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all. Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.
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