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Everything posted by Rollbacks

  1. Opener: LShot(Snapshot) > CDart > CGrenade > WBlast > (sometimes Orbital strike) Orbital Strike should come first, not after Weakening Blast. Cull > TDown > Coverpulse(stroke of Genious) > LShot > SShots > I'd also heavily suggest NOT taking the Stroke of Genius utility. Also Cull > TDown > Covered Escape > LSot(Snapshot) > SShots> You're delaying cull with the Takedown -> Covered Escape ->Lethal Shot ->SShots
  2. Never heard of any person or guild mentioned in this thread... If this is a cross-server recruitment message, please state so clearly
  3. I do agree that SM's don't warrant being tracked, could save space and effort just ignoring them altogether
  4. Cloake <Intrepidation> Dirty Fighting Gunslinger 1.5m HP Dummy TTK: 07:04 DPS: 3538 AMR Profile
  5. If we're including server transfers, we got a couple Dread Masters here too Though I think this thread has gotten outta hand, if you wanna make the thread go right on ahead Dragon and see if it succeeds or fails.
  6. This is one from a few months ago, my gear hasn't changed at all since then Cloake Dirty Fighting <Intrepidation> 1m HP Dummy TTK: 04:27 DPS: 3744 http://i.imgur.com/S7vV8tU.png AMR Profile http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/08a310d7-d831-4fe1-aaa3-9097328ecb32 I have a higher one where my crits crit more but couldn't find the file. That said I need to get more 186 gear, especially an offhand
  7. You should give 5m creds to whomever holds the top spot for their class for over 3 months Though in all seriousnes, the changes seem nice and welcome. Only thing I'd add in addition is sort of an honorable mention section for each class with a spec that doesn't make the top list. Like for Commado, if the top 5 are all assault you can add an honorable mention for a Gunnery spec mando parse Sorta like they do here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao-urXta1qC8dEFNTlMzVnJHVVpDNDUwZ3lmVkVOcWc&usp=drive_web#gid=11
  8. This is true. However this is mostly due in part because the majority don't really see the need for it. I mean let's be honest, if you're a casual player that enjoys raiding, get your comms every week and is in full 180 comm gear and clear the raids you do every week easily, would you listen to someone you may or may not know tell you to join a channel to help you play better? The big thing is, people need to know why they should want to improve. A lot of the players that farm SM's have no HM achievements aside from the old classics, and with so many ppl being overgeared for the current SM's there's no real challenge in them, thus no incentive to improve or need really Pugging HM's is a good way to start, maybe show someone that HM Dread Fortress isn't as hard as they thought and they go back and try and get their own guild into progressing in it. That's an ideal situation. However usually if a PUG does well in such a raid and they have no real loyalty to their current guild they'll just quit it and join the guild that they ran with, which strengthens said guild but if the goal is more widespread progression on the server, it's sorta detrimental The channels I believe won't be very successful until post-3.0, when people don't outgear the raids by tiers of gear and will need to readjust their play to compensate not only for class changes but for the difficulty of doing new things at gear level. That will be a great opportunity to start getting people to work a little bit harder on their gameplay, as they'll tend to be forced to in order to get past the content
  9. I think this is a very important facet. To illustrate what I wanna get at, take a look at the current GUILDS posting HM/NIM kills in the BC progression thread (Excluding raid groups for this example) Intrepidation Kobra Kai's Organized Chaos Dark Hunters NiM-Ops To take it a step further I'll post the ones that have posted kills since the release of NiM Dread Palace (2.8) DWBI Dendarii Mercenary Fleet Tomb of Sorrows Order of Sixty-six Compare the names of the guilds above to the name's of the guilds that were leading progression prior to the release of 2.8. How many of the above were present pre-2.8 with NIM kills? Just 2: DWBI Tomb of Sorrows (Nefra) What's going on here is that guilds that are relatively new to progression/nim are beginning to do them, since we lost the former leaders of progression on the server either through server transfer or just leaving the game. Obviously, it's not as easy as just picking up where they left off because a lot of the players in these guilds weren't part of those older guilds. What we see of the server now isn't what will be of the server as these groups continue to gain more experience. Everyone starts somewhere, its a tall order to expect raiders just now progressing INTO NiM to be raiding at a competitive level to players that have been at it for years Also I'd like to add that with the new operations in 3.0, the majority of the players that only run SM's won't be able to just steamroll through the content by outgearing it by up to 4 tiers as they do now. It'll be done very close to the recommended gear level, which gives a lot less room for error even in SM's, thus leading to players needing to perform more than they'd be asked to otherwise. It could work to our benefit
  10. I'm just gonna say that you should edit that outta your post (Unless that's information already released by BW)
  11. /golfclap I'm glad I was able to get you to think
  12. I don't disagree with any of the gripes being made here. The server is in a very bad place, plain and simple. The top guilds have all gone, and while it's certainly understandable why they did, the doing itself just cripples the server overall. Remember the progression races between the top PVE Guilds? Doesn't exist anymore, hence the progression thread itself is relatively slow/dead. Competition causes people to rise up to the challenge but as it stands the server has been so depleted by guilds leaving and players leaving (Either to another server or just leaving the game) that there's just not much left However the fact that such players came from BC is evidence that players on BC aren't inherently bad, we can be good and we can succeed. We just need to rebuild what we've lost, which quite frankly was a hell of a lot. Being an RP server (and a relatively small one) we won't necessarily have the pool of talent that some of the other servers enjoy but that's just an excuse, we need a solution. Players have to want to do progression raiding, otherwise they won't or they won't put much work into it. So in that respect I agree with Thor that we need an established guild to lead the way, so other guilds/players will either want to be part of that or to be as good as them or better. DWBI is an excellent guild and indeed they have a lot of nice and helpful members, however they too have gone a bit inactive and we should not look solely to them to represent BC progression, thats part of the problem. There are quite a few guilds on BC that are doing Nightmare raiding aside from DWBI, but what's being overlooked here is that these guilds are NOT established NiM raiding guilds, so its a process that takes time. Those players/guilds left the server, so these new players/guilds are rising up to fill the void. We aren't competitive as far as raiding goes with other servers at the moment but it's not due to lack of trying, we just lost the top end of our playerbase and are working to replace them and move forward. Some of the players/guilds doing Nightmare now may not have even known what NiM was when Epic/Hit and Run were on BC, so just put that in perspective So heading into 3.0 I think we will see more guilds prepared for the next tier of NIM content as the current guilds continue to grow and improve, however in addition to that it'd be great to just work toward building a more interactive community as a whole. Anyone ever notice how dead our server forums are compared to others? Even other RP servers. In addition to that, bringing more people into doing HM/NIM raiding either by the idea's Madalene/Blue suggested or other methods No, BC won't ever compete with Harbinger or Shadowlands as far as how good our servers progression is, but we can be a lot better than we are now and be respected So count me in for this idea, and as I've tried to gather GM's pubside before for a summit I'm pretty sure there are many others who are as well, even if they don't check this thread
  13. Intrepidation with the NiM Kephess kill http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/2036999.jpg Yes, 1 person survived with 2k HP lol. I'd like to thank Gagoogin from DWBI for subbing in
  14. Noticed <Intrepidation> doesn't have the 8man HM Tyrans kill screenshot. I'll see if i can dig one up or we can go kill it again to post a confirmation screenie That said, we got down NiM Operator IX a few days ago http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/2027244.jpg As well as 16man HM C-0 http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/2027898.jpg Would like to thank Playful and Syr of Kobra Kai's for assisting
  15. Appreciate the congrats, Thor. Our raid team hasn't been around that long so we're quite late to the party for some of these achievements, but we do plan to clear as much as we can and gain more experience so we can be ready for post-3.0 raiding Our course of clearing the previous tiers NiMs before progressing to the NiM Dread Ops isn't popular and has been met with criticism by some (Mostly because of lolomg ur missing out on 186 gearz!)*, but we don't care, so expect to see more progression into said raids as we push on *on the 186 gear comment, we also have a no cheating/exploiting policy for our raid teams. Hence most of us are in mostly Dread Forged gear as not a single member partook in any exploiting of Nefra, despite how common that practice became. Another thing we've taken flak for
  16. I have a Gunslinger mirror all written up, just need to do the images and I can post it here. How exactly do you make those things and where do you get the icons?
  17. Intrepidation has the money to buy as well, though it seems kinda likely they'll even drop the price when it goes live given the reaction to whats on PTS. If they do that then we'd obviously have a lot more to spare and spend toward upgrades than we would at their current price Guess we'll just wait and see. Though I can already see new LF guild messages to be something like 'lf guild with xp bonusus/flagship"
  18. Posting a few screenshots for <Intrepidation> (Pub Guild) HM TFB 8-man Writhing Horror http://oi58.tinypic.com/2sb6drr.jpg Dread Guards http://oi58.tinypic.com/nwbk3q.jpg Operator 9 http://oi57.tinypic.com/2eb4k29.jpg Kephess http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1838501.jpg Terror From Beyond http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1839959.jpg HM TC 8-Man http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1845237.jpg Scum and Villainy HM 8-Man Dashroode http://oi60.tinypic.com/r2q4g7.jpg Titan 6 http://oi61.tinypic.com/2eydeld.jpg Thrasher Operations Chief http://oi61.tinypic.com/avkbvl.jpg Olok the Shadow http://oi60.tinypic.com/28upemo.jpg Cartel Warlords http://oi58.tinypic.com/2h3msrd.jpg Styrak http://oi57.tinypic.com/2dgrtk6.jpg Dread Fortress HM 8-Man Nefra Draxus http://oi59.tinypic.com/24y3cjk.jpg Grobthok http://oi61.tinypic.com/108cy6x.jpg Corruptor 0 http://oi59.tinypic.com/2ywg2l3.jpg Brontes http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1916133.jpg Dread Fortress HM 16-Man Nefra http://oi60.tinypic.com/4rfek4.jpg Draxus http://oi57.tinypic.com/2qdpdtg.jpg Grobthok http://oi59.tinypic.com/25ey88x.jpg Dread Fortress Nightmare 8-Man Nefra http://oi58.tinypic.com/x4ok9.jpg Dread Palace HM 8-Man Bestia http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1844069.jpg Tyrans Calphayus http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1872331.jpg Raptus http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/539716/module_gallery/original/1845237.jpg Unfortunately I can't find the screens for HM Nefra (8man), Tyrans (same diff) and Thrasher (Same) . I'll keep looking but if not I'll just post a kill screen for the next time we kill them. Council HM and a Dreadful Entity screen/vid coming soon, once they're uploaded
  19. Just gonna be blunt and tell you if you're looking for a superior or equal raiding community or a similar level of population/activity, then BC is not the server for you. That said, if you're looking to start over, then its a cool server to go to because the community tends to be more engaging than what you may find elsewhere, probs due to the smaller population? So if the criteria in the first sentence are what you're looking for I wouldn't waste money transferring, but if you're just looking for some place to start over new and don't mind taking steps back in those regards then you can make the move I would've suggested leveling an alt on BC first to get a feel for it, but the prime time to do that is now passed (Dbl Xp week)
  20. Cloake <Intrepidation> Dirty Fighting Gunslinger 1 million HP dummy http://www.torparse.com/a/701061/6/0/Overview TTK=4' 45" -> 3508DPS WTT for moar gear AMR Profile: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/566a3e69-0c8b-48f1-9e09-e124dcce02e3 PM me ingame if u craft Relics btw
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