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Everything posted by DenariusJay

  1. DenariusJay


    We are currently in the process of making Powertechs worst before updating Leaderboards. We will definitely keep you guys posted though! Keep the feedback coming! -eric
  2. DenariusJay


    This is it. It's been said over and over since 5.0, PT's DPS is fine, it's the 1 DCD and how easy it is to tunnel the class that sucks. It's just too easy to sick 4 dogs on PT for an insta kill. And to think they removed the 30% dmg reduction when stunned a few months back, because BW Is genius. Haven't given 2 f**ks about this class since they did that asinine move.
  3. I agree with this post alot. DPS PT in raids are beast modes in the parse charts. They are the best DPS in FP's and alot of other content. The problem is they fall way down to trash tier in PvP because of the lack of DCD's - the only time PT's become redeemable and viable are in Group ranked situations, with team speak and carefully coordinated mezzes + hardswaps. It annoys me to great end that BW has consistently body slammed my favorite PvP classes over the years with unbuffs after unbuffs and even nerfs (taking away 30% dmg reduction on stun, shame on you BW).
  4. Congrats man, I have respect for DPS Juggs that can hit silver in solo ranked. I play on SS and have banged my head against the wall with my Jugg all season. The highest I got was 1489 and was nearly on the cusp of that silver rating in solo rating (got silver in group ranked) but then went on a 4 game losing streak and each loss was big rating losses, and that was it for me, couldn't be bothered anymore to try and hit silver in solo ranked. You are right though, my best games where I was able to fully beast out was when I had a good healer and some guards, but the 4 DPS meme games are the ones that Jugg just isn't up to par with merc/mara/sin/sniper. It's in those games where you hope you have the good players to finish everyone off after you inevitably get 4 man tunneled.
  5. Self heals and God bubbles is what keeps the subs in this game. How else are us bads able to compete?
  6. DenariusJay


    I just read this so called "post" and got nauseated.. why do you so called "posters" do this?
  7. Yea no. tried SF for 5 min and didn't care for it. SS is having issues, me and 2 other guildies can't load into Yavin for a raid. SS is definitely having issues. Update: Taking a summon got us on Yavin. But still, loading into yavin through galaxy map and solo transfer was causing me and multiple guildies to crash. So something is up (along with pvp ques)
  8. I'm pretty convinced there is no true "new player" in pvp anymore. I mean a real new, fresh off the boat, never been here before player. The vast majority of regs and ranked players are just the same clusters of people playing different toons.
  9. Snipers in ranked 4s are easy global material. Like the previous poster said, in good hands, they can maximize knockbacks and stuns, but even then if the other 4 players really focus on them, they will die. The healing for 700k is total non sense. Atleast in ranked I've never seen that. Ever. MAYBE pre-ballistic utility nerf you may have a rare case, but I've never seen it personally. Snipers are one of the easiest classes to take down, not sure how people still struggle vs them in 4 dps matches. In Regs with healers and tank guards, yes they and MANY other classes are ridiculous. But in just straight 4v4 dps matches, in ranked, very easy global material.
  10. You know they won't be good but maybe BW will surprise us? Either way, gotta spend these useless comms on something.
  11. Ranked is dead. Game is dead. Play what you like and have fun. When game shuts down, no one will give a passing thought what you played. Zoom out and look at the big picture... no one really cares. Stop caring and have fun, enjoy whats left and have fun. Its game after all.
  12. Been hearing this exact same excuse since game launch. Not valid anymore. The lack of updates and the trickle content has put the nail in the coffin for this game. Just enjoy whats left and have fun. Stop making excuses.
  13. Regardless of the flood of excuses and 4ever whites knights of this game. One fact cannot be denied: Servers are dying. Even with only 2 east and 1 "full" Europe server, its still not ideal pop. You can can huff and puff and pound your chest all you want: the truth speaks for itself. Game is not very active. It is what is. Enjoy it while its around. I know I am.
  14. Cyberpunk 2077 has got me pumped. I LOVE the Deus EX series and that fact its a FPS doesn't bother me at all. I'm sure the game will have plenty of cut scenes to be able to see your character customization. I love blade runner / noir vibe future worlds, so to see game really focusing on that and making it a huge giant open world is awesome. Can't wait.
  15. Can a Reflect count as a biggest hit? I remember recalling many moons ago juggs having biggest hit but it was only because they reflected an Ambush. n.
  16. It's pretty much this. PT and SIN tank took a bigger hit in the dps nerf then the jugg tank, so ex-PT/SIN tank players have mostly migrated over to jugg tank with dps gear. Having more Juggs in a match is in no way conclusive to the idea that they are somehow OP or in a good state now. Far from it. Jugg DPS is still number 1 focus and still have alot of deaths in WZ right behind PT dps. The recent buff for the self-heal is being grossly exaggerated imo.
  17. Maybe I'm miss understanding you, but you can still form 2 groups of 4 and que at the same time to get in the same match. If your lucky, you could all land on the same team still. Cross faction may hinder the odds alot more though. 2 groups of 4 with 1 healer and 1 tank would give the entire team 2 healer 2 tank, 4 dps. Assuming they all land on the same team...
  18. You can still double premade. A guild with 8 can still que sync and get lucky (like how it is now)
  19. Against competent groups in regs, medicine op is probably the most brutal to play out of the 3 healers. Def need the 6% dmg reduction utility and always have 2 koltos on you at all times. Sadly, without any team help (like a guard) you will be globaled way easier then the other 2 healer classes. Also like you said, no real defense vs chain stuns (atleast mercs and sorcs can spec into 30% dmg reduction during stun) makes OP the easiest healer class to global through. Its still a good class, just not as good as the other 2 IMO.
  20. The only reason lowbies and midbies popped before was because you got warzone comms pre-70 - which made the progression to 70 actually worth it since you could have alot of pvp gear ready to go by the time you hit 70. Since comms were removed lowbies and midbies have completely fallen off. They just need reintroduce some type of incentive to make it worthwhile again. Adding UCs to each match, dailies and weeklys could be a small incentive to get people playing pre-70 WZ again. Not enough real new players to keep them popping in any sustainable way, only vets that wanna troll is all thats left and they are losing interest, hence the complete death of pre-70 pvp.
  21. Been borked for years, I guess working as intended.
  22. Looks good. BTW how will match making work for premades? If 2 or 3 healers que together will it stall them out or what? Just curious how that will work because you know damn well if MM goes into regs, people are gonna try and somehow cheese it with premades.
  23. Not only that but in the Rebels series Obi finishes the job. So we already know his fate ultimately - why they keep bringing back characters that we already know what happens to them is so annoying.
  24. I thought the droid was hilarious and I typically despise/can't stand all the SJW garbage. I guess when you don't take life serious and recognize this is just a movie, you can enjoy it for what it is and don't have to try and find any hidden social meaning or w/e. Solo was a great popcorn flick. I was entertained - but ultimately this is a very much a "one-and-done" type of film for me. Unlike TFA and even TLJ I have no desire to see it again. It felt shallow as an actual movie and definitely had the "this is just a summer flick" feel - instead of a proper installment to deepen the lore of star wars.
  25. Aww babydoll ;( another great player and human being leaves the game. This is actually a huge loss to those that have had the pleasure to play alongside you over the years - you were a great player and great leader, and single handley held together the biggest guild on harb for many months/years durings its height of conquest. Stinks to see you go but I totally understand. Unfortunately I'm one of those "gone this far no turning back now" type of players so I'll be sticking around, but I actually really agree with your decision and wish you best of luck wherever you go. Maybe you'll come back here and don't be afraid too - you have respect around here and the door is always open. Ignore the "i thought you quit?" and other troll post - we know the real players when we see em' - and you were one of them. /bow Take care.
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