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Everything posted by TravelersWay

  1. You know, this made me think of all the times I'd head back to certain areas on low level planets just to force push mobs off the edges of cliffs and bridges and the like just for hits and shiggles. That's the crux of it right there. It's pretty much exactly like I thought it would play out as soon as I heard about the level syncing and the fact that they were not going to remove any of the side quests, yet still maintain a higher rate of leveling just through the class stories. The level syncing is their ultimate answer to people who will end up hitting max level by the time they reach Nar Shaddaa. Except of course, we no longer have the White Acute Module to allow us to opt out and continue to level at the pace that we choose.
  2. Again, how one gets enjoyment from one's form of entertainment is a deeply personal thing. If someone wants to pay $15 a month to roflstomp some lowbie NPCs now and again, and feel that level syncing ruins that for them, I have no problem with that and I do not judge them just because their idea of fun is different from mine. Problem is that BioWare has a horrendous communication problem with the playerbase. It is unlikely that any such questions would receive any type of cohesive response. Therefore, the playerbase can only make their feelings known on the systems that we have or know are coming to the game. The reasons for such are mostly never known.
  3. By not allowing someone the option of playing the game in a manner that they find enjoyable. If someone enjoys re-playing old heroics or flashpoints, or roflstomping a few Black Sun gang members now and again, or if someone finds visceral enjoyment by maintaining a character level near the recommended planetary levels, that's perfectly acceptable to me because they are playing the game and having fun doing it. The accelerated leveling pace and level syncing removes the ability for those players to do that.
  4. Why do people like romantic comedies? There's no car chases or hyper-big explosions, how can anyone like something so boring as ... dialogue? How can people re-read the same book or re-watch the same movie over and over and over and over and over again? How can someone still enjoy playing a game that they played over and over and over and over and over again 25 years ago? Heck, how can someone enjoy playing Monopoly? It's so old and doesn't have ultra-high graphics or hyper-big explosions. Enjoyment of one's entertainment is an intensely personal experience and there is no right nor wrong when it comes to how one enjoys something. How incredibly dense and idiotic can people be to not understand such a simple concept? We may. In fact I thought we had one or two try that already. However, like many other things, this will only be a niche design. Thanks to the nature of human psychology, those artificial things like levels will always be prevalent in games. As I do your posts.
  5. I'll think you'll find that very few people actually disagree with you. Each of those points is a very good reason to have a mentoring/scaling system in a game. You can also add the OPvP and WB arguments in with that. The thing with the PvP and WB is though that the scaling system as implemented does not necessarily eliminate any of the complaints about the PvP ganking that people have mentioned, and those who want to gank will easily find ways around the ganking. People who have played OPvP for a long time (I don't mean just in SWTOR) understand that it is the very nature of OPvP that makes it wild and exciting and ganking is a part of that. I always have had issues with World Bosses other than people soloing them (and I really don't care if people can or will solo them or not), not the least of which is the idiotic and artificial respawn timer on them. Scaling is not going to make them any relevant than the were before. There's a problem when, for the last couple of years really, attempting to find a PuG for a particular WB fails after hours of attempts - and it's not because a max level character can solo them - which, of course only affects a handful of WBs anyway. What mandatory scaling (along with the accelerated leveling pace) does do though, is affect one's ability to level and play at their own pace and in the manner that they most enjoy. Believe it or not, ROFLstomping NPCs is a valid method of playing an RPG, and has been for decades. While I do enjoy the occasional ROFL stomp now and again, my own preferred method of leveling is to be a couple of levels above the content I am doing, and if I run into something I quite can't handle - level up some more and come back to it. It's how I have the most fun playing games, and scaling completely eliminates that - hence why any game that has implemented a forced scaling system is one that I quickly discard. No one is asking to receive the same rewards for over-leveling content as those who would play it scaled. However, people do want the option to be able to play over-leveled content for whatever reason, and if that is how someone enjoys playing a game, then those reasons are just as valid as any other.
  6. Yes, I too am unsubbing on both my accounts. However, I don't think the system needs to be removed - it just needs to be optional. I will return if that ever comes to pass. I don't feel disrespected, nor have I been slapped in the face. I don't think the game is going to return to "Tortanic" status. However, the way I enjoy playing the game is being changed significantly enough to no longer receive enjoyment from playing it. The system in and of itself is a good idea, however, the implementation can be better. I hope to be able to return someday and renew the subs on both of my accounts, because this is an awesome game. However, until the current implementation of the accelerated leveling pace and the leveling syncing are changed, it is a game that I simply will not find an enjoyable experience while playing.
  7. You, sir, are incorrect. I will be in subbing both accounts today, and I will not be back until both the extra XP for core quests and leveling syncing are OPTIONAL features. I think they are good things to have, but only if a player has the choice to use them or not.
  8. And one more time - that's what friends, guildies, and Global chat are for!
  9. My goodness - something you can do without scaling in place! There may be hope for you yet!
  10. All this scaling will do will prevent one on one griefing. Now, those griefers will just get a couple of friends to spawn camp your butt. How do you want BW to hold your hand for you then?
  11. That's what Arenas, Warzones, et al. are for. You want a "fair" fight - you have more than enough opportunity to play those. Open World PvP is a free for all, and it should be - that's what makes it different and that's what makes it great.
  12. They never needed encouragement my friend. Hence why the greatest memories of PvP comes from helping out my guildies of days long past whenever they needed it. That was what being a guild is all about. You clearly have no understanding of what makes guilds and PvP the great systems they once were. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were nothing but one of those anti-social PvE carebears that the "Old Schoolers" constantly QQ about.
  13. And once again, then PvP really isn't for you, then is it? Those times of revenge are part of what makes PvP great. If you can't be bothered to help out guildies, then perhaps you don't belong in a guild.
  14. That's what friends are for. Back when I used to PvP in games, I had my fair share of being ganked. I didn't cry about it. I took names, got my friends and made life hell for that player until they quit the server. Once again, if you can't handle all aspects of PvP, then you shouldn't be on a PvP server.
  15. Sounds to me like someone shouldn't be on a PvP server then.
  16. Not everyone likes GW2. Not everyone likes a Forced scaling system. For some people there will be no reason to adapt, but there will be a reason to stop subbing and playing the game. That is never a good thing.
  17. Agreed. I like the the concept of the system, and the possibilities it opens up - both for open world and for the Flashpoints/Ops. However, having it forced it not something that appeals to me. I will be cancelling both subscriptions shortly and enjoying the content as is until 10/27. And no. No one is getting my stuff. I am deleting it all. Wrong my friend. I put a lot of time an effort into this game and it was one of the top 5 games I have ever played. I was looking for more reasons to play it, and it looked like KotFE was bringing them. FORCED Level syncing killed all that in one shot. I am cancelling my subs and quitting the game exactly because of FORCED level syncing, and the accelerated leveling pace. I think the system is a great idea - as long as its optional. As long as it is NOT optional, I will not be playing the game.
  18. Not really, because doing everything will put you at max level probably half-way through the classic content. So this in now way allows me to level at my own pace.
  19. I hope you're wrong. I'm afraid that you may be right, though.
  20. What's the logic in the only reason for playing this game is because it's Star Wars? Yet, that reason has been given countless times since launch. Why should people have to forgo playing a good game, or one that they would enjoy, simply because of its on-line status. I always said that if the original Guild Wars was made as a single-player game, I would have bought that and still be playing it. It was't and therefore I still have to play the only version we got. It seems like the industry has also realized this, hence the paradigm shifts in the MMO genre to make it more solo friendly. It's time to face the facts. The MMO genre would be dead if it were not for the changes in the last decade and a half. Be thankful for those filthy casuals and anti-social players - they are the only reason that we have so many great games to play now.
  21. Because BioWare hasn't given us anything else to discuss. The story is the story and we know more about that than most of the details of the changes to the mechanics to the game. Therefore, we have only speculation and datamined information to go on. Again, there's no reason to believe that many players will do without the scaling if it goes in and if it is optional - in fact many have stated that they will use it, but still want to retain the option to be able to play without it as well. I think a system like this would be very beneficial to the game, even more so than a simple mentoring-only system, but it needs to be done correctly. Part of that is ensuring that the system is optional, because there is merit and fun to be had with playing an RPG based game the way we have up to this point, and in fact that way that we have played them for decades.
  22. I just find it ironic that all this time they were hesitant about providing information because of story "spoilers" and yet the story (at least the early going) is pretty much the most we know about KotFE at this point. Maybe it's me, but I just don't get it. Absolutely nothing about the mechanical changes to the game require spoilers about the story, and that has been the most important information that the player base needs.
  23. There are much better uses of dev time and resources developing things for a PvE story driven theme park MMO.
  24. But is it really going to do that? If people are going to be inclined to group, then scaling isn't going to be any less of an issue if it was optional. People who are just running class stories are going to be fairly close to level, so a level disparity won't be aa problem. If someone is running all the content, they are not very likely to end up grouped with someone just running class stories. Why would high level characters be coming back to low level planets? New rewards for the repeatable content? Well then, an optional level scaling system isn't going to change that either. To help a low level buddy? Again, optional works just fine in the absence of a bonafide mentoring system. Should an over-leveled character get the same rewards as someone playing in scaled mode? Certainly not, but there's no reason why those over-leveled characters can't get the same rewards that are given out now for the content. I would say that especially now with the appearance tabs. Now people can go back and grab stuff that they liked from that old content and throw it in one of the tabs. I know I've been thinking about going back to the first couple of flashpoints for that very reason - to get all 5he drops specific to those FPs, but I would only be willing to do so via a non-scaled method.
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