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Everything posted by TravelersWay

  1. I have no reason to lie, nor is there any benefit for me to do so. If KotFE does not offer the gameplay experience I want, why would I want to play through it?
  2. Not really. They can have an alternative method for unlocking him like they do with HK and Treek. People who want to play through the story line can do so and unlock him that way. Others can simply unlock him for free via Legacy and thus enabling his use whenever the player is ready to use him - KotFE or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpDVWUkpYZc At this point, I absolutely have no intention of playing KotFE until I know more about the expansion and the changes coming forthwith. In fact, I may not be playing the game at all when it launches depending on the changes made to the leveling game. But that aside, I have no problem keeping my subscription regardless of whether I ever play new content or not. I subscribe because I am enjoying the game now. I don't subscribe for what may or may not be coming down the pike. Once I stop enjoying the game, I will stop subscribing. If that's when I finish the vanilla storyline with all of my alts two or three years from now, because KotFE is not something I will enjoy or be interested in, then so be it. I still play the original Guild Wars - if that had a subscription, I most certainly would still be subscribed to that, despite lack of new content for 8 years or so.
  3. What, you mean MORE SPOILERS!!!! How dare they! Hypocrites. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=832294
  4. You would need to re-activate and redecorate any Strongholds on the new server that you have previously unlocked. As far as I remember, storage does carry over, however mail and GTN listings do not, so you need to collect all that stuff into storage first.
  5. That being said, you can always check out Judgement Gaming. We have a SWTOR specific guild on each side: http://www.judgement-gaming.com/
  6. So what you are saying is that we can't use Niko as a companion unless we start playing KotFE. I find that disappointing as it would be nice to have a subscriber perk that we can use even if we do not plan on playing the expansion. Here's what I presume to be part of his story in the intervening years: http://www.swtor.com/blog/vacation
  7. Indeed. It's clear that conquests were poorly thought out to begin with when the only apparent option for small guilds to compete is one thing - which in this case happens to be crafting. The fact that people here are complaining that they can no longer compete in conquests if crafting gets nerfed is the exact reason why crafting should be nerfed. However, as many people also pointed out, crafting stills needs to remain a viable option along with all other options, and additional changes should have been implemented to ensure this instead of just the nerf to individual points and crafting. What BioWare should do is change the system so that if people prefer certain elements of the game over the others, they can do those elements and still reach their personal goals. However, in order for guilds to win their goals, all activities should need to be performed, with diminishing returns to prevent one activity from being performed more than others (i.e. continual crafting rewards less and less points the more it is done, while doing a bit of each activity rewards maximum points). A better implementation would have been to allow for a variety of activities to be included in every conquest event, and not have the size of the guild dependent upon the successful completion of those events.
  8. I am glad this is being looked at and these initial changes are being made. However, would the team consider that the types of content required to reach the conquest goals are part of the reason that players aren't getting there? It's good that there is a variety of content that counts for them, but ultimately how can you include crafting and ignore the space PvE content? You have GSF and Warzones count, so why not space as well for those players who still enjoy doing them?
  9. Now this is something worth talking about, and stated without asinine hyperbole and outright falsehoods. I give this a +2 considering who it is coming from.
  10. You see, that's where you and all your kin are wrong. I guarantee that no fanboi on these forums are crying. We are laughing. In fact, we are laughing quite loudly at the weaksauce troll attempts we bear witness to. We laugh because we have no reason to continually QQ, unlike the obsessions of some others ...
  11. Shoot them. Shoot them both.
  12. You got quite a few years before that happens, so don't sweat it. I know I'm taking my sweet time with my 20 alts and I'll still have plenty of time to spare. Because when you can't be in game, it's always good to enjoy some nice forum PvP action. I wish the competition was a little better though. The current group of "haters" are extremely poor in that regard and its only out of sheer boredom and nothing else to do until I can get back in game that I end up posting in these types of threads.
  13. Beat me to it. Last time I checked, there are plenty of side quests, Flashpoints, Space Missions, and GSF/PvP to be had to make up for any supposed lack of XP while leveling.
  14. Oh heck yeah - unless you are a Wookie. SMH. Just goes to show you how worn out that Get Out of Jail Free deus ex is. To me that is just a sign of poor writing ability - that and the "alternate universe" ploy.
  15. And you my fine sir, need a lesson in reading between the lines comprehension.
  16. Sure they could have. There are a lot of things they could have done, but the ROI for doing so just doesn't make sense. The APAC servers were in deep, deep poo doo - even more so than the US PvP servers right now. While not ideal, BW made the correct decision in this case by shutting them down completely. It would make no sense whatsoever to open one back up again, especially since those aforementioned PvP servers need to be shut down now at this point.
  17. Actually, the population has increased since the second month of release. It's current state is in-line with all other current MMOs, and it still remains within the top 3 of populated MMOs (WoW and Eve being the other two), and has consistently remained in the top 10 most profitable MMOs since going F2P. The only thing that fails around here are you and posts like yours. Try again though, it is amusing (and only strengthens the support stance of the game) to watch the continual hate-fail of the game. Oh, and of course, thank you for continuing to support the game with your subscription.
  18. They did mention in the stream at some point that (without spoilers of course), cross faction companions is a possibility. nudge nudge wink wink Another good and much needed change.
  19. I thought about that too, but when you think about it, Valkorian faking his own death doesn't really make sense. Obviously the guy is pretty powerful in order to lead an Empire, along with his sons, to pretty much destroy two major powers in the galaxy, so he really has nothing to fear from one "Outlander", even if we are the "chosen one" that saves the galaxy. Framing us for his own murder wouldn't make much sense either since we are from the enemy faction anyway, so there is no need to frame us (and we get frozen up regardless), and then he would have to remain hidden for a fairly long time. It also doesn't make sense if they are hunting us down for killing Vitiate (the ?Immortal Emporer?) as he would be an enemy to Zakuul anyway. The only other thing that makes sense is Arcann killing his father and then framing us for the murder to cover up his own act. Either way, logically speaking based on what we know at the moment, it seems Valkorian is killed off pretty quick. Most likely during that throne room scene we saw in the gameplay trailer.
  20. Musco already confirmed that Presence isn't going away. In terms of DR, it's BioWare making the assumption. I have seen the system used most often with loot and stat upgrades. In the former, the more you farm an area in a session, the less loot that drops over time. In terms of stats it's getting less and less of a significant numbers bump the higher you go in the stat (a la what we see with Presence).
  21. Yeah, I don't forsee any of the changes affecting the nonsense that goes on with loot rolls now as it is. Like you said, you PuG and you get what you get. When I PuG I do it to complete the content and not for the loot.To be honest, if there is loot I need or want in a particular group outing, then I go with guildies and don't worry about it. Regardless, didn't BW say they are also changing loot rolls or drops anyway come 4.0 to allievate these issues? Well, truth be told, the first group content I participated in, I kept rolling Need, because I didn't want people to think I was just being Greedy all the time, until someone explained to me what each one actually did. I guess you missed Guild Wars 2. It didn't go over so well. That's what ActionRPG games are. That's not limited to MMOs.
  22. Incorrect. Since they are adding the option to change the base roll of a companion, that means you can leave any companion in the base roll they originally had and therefore continue to play as "normal". No immersion taken away on that front! Bing Bong Bye Bye Sir. You mean the one he "cancelled" at least a half dozen times over the last couple of years?
  23. No, that is actually an example of "Diminishing Returns" which is a standard mechanic for some systems in games, and working as intended (for realsies). Regardless, it sounds a little like how Heroes work in the original Guild Wars. The Heroes would level up along with your character and their armor stats would increase as their level increases. Coupled with Appearance Designer, the change makes perfect sense as players can now throw on anything on their companions that they want to customize their look, which was the purpose of the AD for our own characters.
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