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Everything posted by PavSalco

  1. Actually I liked the trooper's story and I find it the best out of the Republic but it's still inferior to any Imperial story.
  2. It's called a comic relief. In the old trilogy you had R2D2 and C3PO do stupid things. The point is not to overdone it like Lucas did with Jar Jar. I think KotFE was well balanced to comic reliefs.
  3. That's almost a perfect list but please consider to put a guaranteed drop of one decoration. People need multiple copies of almost every decoration and the market never has enough supplies. Or people list them for a ridiculous price because how rarely decorations drop. Reputation for the cartel packs was unfair to everyone else. Yeah it was fun but I see the reasons why Bioware gave up on the reputation gained by cash. Replace the rep tokens with decorations in that list and we are ready to go.
  4. I was hyped for 2 items per a pack but I thought the cost would be low. No more junk XP boosts and all armor pieces dropping in cases were a good change but that's it. You barely decreased the cost and thus the packs aren't that much popular. You ask too much for too little and the chance for getting gold drops is insane. I would fall for it only if you would sell these packs for 100cc considering their current drop amount and ratio. You can keep it at 200cc but you need to make them drop something else than just a random item and a gift. IMO what is reasonable at 200cc is the drop that consists of four guaranteed items: one case of armor pieces one decoration one additional item from the pool of emotes/toys/mounts/crystals/weapons jawa scraps Now that justifies 200cc.
  5. Those packs are a great addition to the shop. They resemble what other games have. The only problem with them is that they are too expensive when it comes to the gold tier. It's just too high cost to try my luck. The chance of getting my desired gear is perhaps at ratio 1:80. I don't know the exact number of all gold armors in the game but it's definitely high. This ratio becomes worse each time a new pack gets released, right? A potential customer is at much disadvantage. I would decrease their price OR divide them into separate packs that cost exactly 1200cc but drop armors affiliated to a particular shipment. Gold Armor Pack Shipment 1 Gold Armor Pack Shipment 2 Gold Armor Pack Shipment 3 etc. Only then the cost of 1200cc is worth the risk.
  6. No suspense, a minor plot twist and the worst part - Revan and his "bipolar disorder". This all could have been redeemed with a grand finale but nope. Revan just merged and disappeared. There was nothing nostalgic about that last meeting. There was barely any interaction between Revan and Satele. The family's bonds are a powerful tool to convey any part of the story, especially when it comes to the endings and goodbyes. In KotFE they were executed perfectly. Why SoR failed then at this? Another thing that disappointed me was that neither Bastila's spirit nor the Exile's appeared to convince the dark side Revan to give up and merge with his other part. It was a perfect opportunity to put them into the game for one last time. They were hardly used in SWTOR and that what hurts me. That would be a beautiful final tribute and goodbye to KotOR. In KotFE the nostalgia of the past was real when I saw a certain Jedi Master talking to a certain ghost... so what happened? The lead writer Charles Boyd was replaced with a clone for the time when SoR was being written or what? I know they have a whole team of writers contributing to the story but they must have had to take part in SoR as well. I know Bioware couldn't use their budget to improve the quality of cutscenes for SoR since they were already working for KotFE to some extent but the writing itself is not anything like KotFE. It was one of the biggest disappointments.
  7. Precisely. People don't listen anyway. They do the same mistakes over and over again. I don't touch HM Flashpoints at all. I'm only coming to tacticals now and the teams I play in usually wipe at least once. Not that bad. I usually can carry them through. People don't know the basics like they dont' go out of big red circles. What are they thinking? Perhaps "Hmmm a big red circle, I wonder what does it do to me?".
  8. I played the story myself yesterday. Just turn off the healing stance. Put companions to the dps form and enjoy a bit higher difficulty. That's what I did from the very beginning and I admit that i needed to use my defensive cooldowns in Chapter IV and VIII. That was at least two times where I had to watch out. The rest was a piece of cake but at least I wasn't topped to 99%/100% throughout the whole story and I didn't use kolto banks either
  9. So you spent hours pondering about whether to take Willpower or Cunning for your warrior for example? Give me a break. The 4 main stats were just unnecessary. You didn't have a choice between them, so having them in one mastery doesn't change a thing. You still need to optimize your crit/power/alacrity if you want to do HM/NiM operation content. Nothing has changed.
  10. 1. They are on a journey. You can summon them back outside the story. 2. You don't need to pvp to get your former companion. You only need to pvp for the optional companion and it's only one on each faction that requires pvp. 3. Corso gets his pistols back 4. Making Eric to use a rifle makes a perfect sense in that particular case. He is a sniper. His ability to use the cannon was one of the things from the core game that didn't make sense.
  11. Since when everyone following E3 play SWTOR? I didn't know that. What you said suggests that we have more players than WoW Coming back to E3 was a big part of the promotion. You don't need TV spots to make a game popular. Everyone who is a gamer heard at least once about SWTOR. Coach potatoes don't give a Hutt's arse about games.
  12. You lasted long enough CYA somewhere in 2016.
  13. Have you done all class stories? Have you done all the main planet stories? Have you done Ilum, Makeb, SoR? Have you played every flashpoint? Have you completed every operation? Have you finished Macrobinocular and Seeker droid missions? If the answer for all of these question is yes, then you have done almost everything. You can grind reputations and influence with your companions and with the Alliance but not everyone finds grinding enjoyable. If you don't, then there is really nothing else to do.
  14. The problem is that you complain about your assumptions about level sync, not about level sync itself. And as everyone is telling you in this thread, you are wrong in your assumptions. Mobs in Czerka/Oricon/Black Hole/Section X die as easily as they did before on your level 60 character. So if you found those dailies not difficult pre 4.0, they are certainly not challenging now either.
  15. So you keep ignoring what I'm saying. Lovely.Your attempt at suggesting that I didn't properly gear up companions totally failed. I was one of those that not only geared them up. I also optimized their stats and was crazy enough to parse their dps. How many actually did that? It's safely to assume that not many. I strongly believe only a bunch of players regularly optimized and parsed their companions to make their performance the best possible. Gearing up companions was my hobby and I knew more about their max potential than half people voicing their opinions about them in pre 4.0. I know the topic we are discussing about. Melee dps companions were the best and their top performance was not even near what now companions are capable of. Let me repeat the original question. How did you solo'ed faction bases with your companion in pre 4.0? Why you suddenly shift from the discussion about soloing faction bases and dps that kills any player to solo'ing elites? Of course companions solo'ed regular elites in the open world but they didn't stand a chance against elites from the faction bases. I optimized stats on my main's companions and Treek certainly didn't outperform my fellow healers from the progress team nor she healed me to full in the faction bases. Nor my Jaesa as dps couldn't kill a player in duel within a few seconds. Suggesting that pre 4.0 companions were as nearly powerful as post 4.0 is huge bantha poodoo. Companions should be somehwere in-between. Not as mediocre as they were in pre 4.0 since we want to allow every type of player to finish story content but they shouldn't be OP either.
  16. You sound like a troll and people took a bait. A human being cannot be so ignorant or can it? Hmm. I will assume for now that you are not a troll. You play MMO for over 10 years? I doubt it because you sound like a 10 year old mad at his toy because you don't understand how it works. How about you read instructions or play it yourself before you voice any ignorant opinion that has nothing to do with reality? The point of leveling is to access new stories. You also become more powerful and this is not taken from you. You keep most of your stats as they are. Only mastery, endurance and armor stats are scaled down. Critical and Power are unchanged. You are still OP to those low level mobs and now with OP companions that are better than players, the game became far more easy than it used to before 4.0. There is no challenge in the solo content, so I don't know where you see yourself being forced to challenge. Perhaps you play something else but it's definitely not SWTOR that you talk about. And no, heroics don't require a group. They are easily solo'ed with any companion. Of course you don't know that either because you don't play the game. Just making up things out of mind. You should write some fairytells. You are good at it.
  17. Ok. Tell me how you reached 100k hp on a companion before 4.0 that hits like a truck with 30k crits or heal you to full in any circumstances whether it's flashpoint or faction base. If only I could take companions to operations I would take them any day over our healers from the progress team.
  18. So far you are only repeating this nonsense without backing it up with any actual worthy argument. That's all you fans of overpowered companions can do. The proof of OP companions is there in the original post or in that other video wherein a guy solos the faction base.You only go from one extreme to another. No one wants to make the solo content hard. People only want to make it easy instead of a faceroll experience.
  19. How many times you respeced? I had to retrain the abilities after respecing to tank and after respecing back to dps. But since then I didn't need to.
  20. Guess you haven't read. This topic was made before the expansion dropped. The op couldn't know that Lana is not customizable.
  21. 0/10, troll. I have seen a lot of illogical assumptions but yours tops any that I have already read. So the core game including Makeb is noncanon but SoR that stems out of the core game story is canon. Hmm. You are an interesting creature. But I will be nice enough to "google" the info (actually I know where to find the official statement) about SWTOR's expansions. Here you are: Source: http://www.starwars.com/news/swca-one-big-story-star-wars-canon-panel-liveblog Have a nice day, mr troll.
  22. It's not retarded. It actually helped to bring people to ranked pvp.
  23. On GTN. It's from Slicing. When you mouse over a material you should see that information.
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