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Everything posted by Larkie

  1. RE itself isn't broken so it seems unlikely that this one recipe would be but I guess ya never know.
  2. Larkie

    Red Goo

    It happens. Zone into your ship, log in and out, or do a couple of missions you don't want. This should help recycle the missions. Bioanalysis missions aren't broken so it doesn't take long to get the missions you want.
  3. For stimulants & medpacks you need reengineer them from green (basic recipe purchased from skill trainer) to blue (slightly better recipe) to purple (reuseable item). For adrenals you need to reengineer from blue (basic recipe purchased from skill trainer) to purple (reuseable recipe). There's a sticky at the top of the forum abour RE'ing. This excludes the level 400 Rakata items, of course.
  4. I disagree on both points. I especially disagree on the second point because it just rewards the people who are only after one particular thing (ie ONE implant for level 49). We should be encouraging people to craft for various levels, not punishing them for doing so.
  5. No, the named schematics are the top tier. The purples that you can RE for a better schem are either overkill, redoubt or critical. Superior just means there is no augment slot - Mastercraft has the slot.
  6. I don't think medpacks will ever be a very good seller because they're too easy to loot and buy. And yet the resources to make the higher ones are quite difficult. I've looked at the prices on the medical droids, compared them to resources & resource prices and decided it was a waste of time. Make them for friends/guildies but not for actual profit.
  7. Did you really just call me a "non-articulate" liar because you don't like my opinion? Firstly, the word is inarticulate. Secondly, people that don't like something will always post more than people that don't have a problem with it. That's why the term "cry more" was invented. Lastly, people in general don't like difficult things. Some people take the challenge and run with it, others take their toys and go home. Which type you are is up to you. Everyone, no matter how much they do or do not like it, should be able to comprehend that the challenge IS the point. If you don't want things to be difficult go buy whatever it is you need from someone else.
  8. It's not bugged. You aren't unlucky, almost everyone has bad streaks - that's the nature of randomness. The % rates of getting schematics IS low, as intended.
  9. One, that was about being a 3x gatherer. Also, you don't HAVE to stop at every node, that was more of a joke about my own gathering obsession. You also don't need to gather at all, or were you not aware? Missions give you the same materials you can get from gathering. Missions that your companions can do for you every second that you are playing. Which, sure, it's annoying, but it doesn't keep you from killing things. As for bringing up other games..LOL you did it first, in this very thread, sweetheart. I won't bother repeating my main point, I'll just copy and paste it here for you to read yet again: The gist of the attitude of everyone who hates this message is this "I want the schem that I want more easily". What you need to try and understand is that if it's easier for you it will be easier for everyone and then who cares? Nobody cares about the green schems, do they? Why in the world do you think anyone will care about the purple schems when everyone has them all?
  10. I'm actually still not entirely certain what the grand scheme of your point is, but allow me to retort. SWTOR crafting keeps you from the social aspect of the game even more than usual? Wow, really? Having your companions do things for you somehow prevents you from playing? That does not in the least prevent me from playing. You should have tried SWG crafting - THAT kept you from playing. You were either trying to find a spot for harvesting (which would change in a few days), managing your factories or sitting around making schems because YOU had to do everything yourself. The crafting in this game is already simple enough. What exactly is the problem with this message? Would you rather they take it out and you think you went 100 tries without getting a single crit instead of at least knowing you had a crit once, it just wasn't the one you wanted? But, no, that's not what everyone wants right? What you ACTUALLY want is for it to be impossible for the RNG to pick the same schem you already had. In which case you are SIMPLIFYING a crafting system that is already too simple. The gist of the attitude of everyone who hates this message is this "I want the schem that I want more easily". What you need to try and understand is that if it's easier for you it will be easier for everyone and then who cares? Nobody cares about the green schems, do they? Why in the world do you think anyone will care about the purple schems when everyone has them all?
  11. I think actually it's just Underworld Trading that has the issue. The metals missions lately have been not just scarce but completely missing for long periods of time. Logging out, doing missions etc. doesn't seem to fix it as it should. Bug it, the more people that do the better. The only comforting thing is it's not just you and you're not crazy.
  12. I went with scavenging, archeology, bioanalysis. You can definitely make good money off the bio gathering, if that's the only reason you're on the fence. I will say this though - you'll find yourself spending as much time gathering as you do fighting because you'll see nodes everywhere. And you'll have to play alone when you're gathering a lot because it will just hold up whoever you're with.
  13. I appreciate the clarification. However, my point is - this has happened to me too, and plenty of other people that don't get so upset about it. It's part of the game. It's a quest to get something. You don't think I waste a lot of resources? My server prices for biochem resources are too high to craft anything from. Every second that I'm signed on I have 4 companions constantly running missions if they're not crafting. Some of these are for materials that are 5 minute missions which believe me is much more annoying than the hour long missions. And that's besides all the gathering. All so that I can make much less money than if I just skipped crafting all together. And yet, I still enjoy it. If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that. This is a game, not real life. You get to make those choices.
  14. Yes. And then you have to pay the mission price as well, and it could take 2 hours for those high-level ones. AND you can still fail it. My recommendation is to only do them when you can get them cheap or free from friends/guildies.
  15. Clueless about what exactly? I already said I've had this message myself quite a few times. I don't see why it seems to hurt everyone's feelings so much.
  16. No, IT HAS NOT BEEN BORKED. Every patch there are 10 people claiming this because they suddenly hit a bad streak. I got like 7 different blue/purple schems yesterday. Random, random, random.
  17. I don't think it affects it but I'm sure no one knows with absolute certainty. Efficiency should just affect how quickly the item is made.
  18. I would love this. But then I also think we should be able to communicate with the other side - not being able to is dumb.
  19. I've had this message at least half a dozen times REing various things. So what? What is the BFD people, seriously?
  20. Yes, all green bio go green to blue to purple. Adrenals are blue to begin with and only go to purple. Loot implant schems are blue so they have 2 purple tiers above.
  21. Larkie

    BoP Mats!

    So that you can't sell them.
  22. It will happen eventually anyways. But, yes, all the crying about RE'ing is annoying. If you have no patience, don't RE. And, for that matter, don't craft.
  23. I've only run across 1 bugged node in about a week and I do plenty of harvesting, not really sure why you would be seeing so much of this.
  24. Larkie

    RE question

    This is a question only you can answer, and it's pretty simple. Scenario 1: Stack of 20, RE the whole stack - it took 20 items to get your schem if you get it Scenario 2: Stack of 20, you split it and RE as many as it takes - might take 20 times, might take 1.
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