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Everything posted by xippo

  1. You obviously completely missed the point he was making, and for the record there will be no less than a handful of idiots running around doing and sayign anything just because they know it will not affect them negatively becasue they know they can turn around and make yet another account to come back and grief harass and be just in general a PITA. I've seen it first hand with several of the other games I played that went F2P. That is the quality of player you end up attracting with this model and is exactly why this model IS a bad idea, well at least if you are trying to give the appearance of trying to keep a more mature community.
  2. I've said it before and I will say it again, I was a looooong time player of DDO (from about a month after release until TOR's release), as I played LOTRO for some time as well. Yes the frequency of the updates increased, BUT the quality of the releases became rubbish. They would push out only partials of content and/or stuff that was not ready for release from a dev stand point so they could charge another 100, 150, 200, 500 Turbine points, whatever it may of been. Then to make it even worse the quality of the community started to resemble that of the ghetto of the south side of Chicago. It was so unbelievably piss poor between the entitlement kiddies and the WoWtard idiots that started turning general chat in the longest sting of Chuck Norris and your mama jokes known to man. SOrry but they are selling their soul out for this one here, and the sad part is a lot of people already know it.
  3. Your post is filled with nothing but exactly the contrary of what happened with both of Turbines games when they went F2P. The only thing they really did was add more heads to the head count. The quality of players and content diminished so greatly that I as well as many of the people I knew from those games refuse to ever step foot through those games proverbial doors ever again.
  4. That would appear to be the case, yes. As for the F2P change, well I will hold off on judgement with a tepid nervousness. Watching two games I loved playing greatly and did for many years go the same route left me with a very sour taste in my mouth. While the game content came out more frequently there were some good sized bug issues form time to time and the quality of the quests seemed to wane. With that I saw the community get bigger but with that also came a lower quality of person. And I'm not talking about the person ability to maneuver a keyboard and be a "leet" player, I am referring to the gimmie gimmie gimmie entitlement mentality and in general sheer laziness associated with that influx of people. Both of those ruined my game experience in both of those games (both owned by the same company). I really enjoy the game and most of the people in it, I would hate to have to consider this game another fore gone conclusion and have to walk away because I just can not deal with those kinds of people. Truth is, bugs I can understand, deal with, and accept. Poor community, I will not.
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