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Everything posted by Trimethicon

  1. This bug has existed for a while now - what happens is I will spawn into the game and my Operative is holding an invisible rifle, while his rifle is holstered on his back. I can fix it by holstering/un-holstering his weapon continuously usually. Also, on my Sniper when I am in a WZ it happens quite a bit as well, and there isn't an easy fix for it, holstering/un-holstering the weapon does not fix it.
  2. I think you should remove Arena's from the Warzone queue, every time I'm in the queue and an Arena pops I allow myself to enter, then I immediately leave. I think you should provide players the option to select Warzone or Arena.
  3. I agree. That, or place Arena's on their own Queue. I'm tired of queueing for a Warzone, getting placed into an Arena, having to exit, and re-queueing again.
  4. Pretty self explanatory, but what I find myself doing the most, is the most boring and unnecessary thing; spamming spacebar to get thru the WZ cutscenes.
  5. Please provide a separate queue for Arena and Warzones, I'm not sure what the reasoning is behind forcing players to Arena. Some classes are just not built for Arena, and forcing players to have to play them when I just want to do a WZ is a pita and a time waster. Plus, it puts the other players at a disadvantage; because as soon as I enter into an Arena, I leave.
  6. You do realize, and I'm in the middle of this, that by the time you hit Valor 60, you're going to be level 53/54, which means after spending the credits to buy/make the armor, you're really only going to enjoy it for a level or two, since Partisan is considered the armor to acquire at 55. This is a bad design decision and needs to be reversed. I wish I hadn't gone through all of the trouble to get it now. Its not even PVP armor, its a shell, reduce or remove the Valor requirement entirely. Someone was asleep at the wheel on that one. /sigh
  7. I think if you join late, or with little time left before the match starts, that it doesn't switch over. But it is most definitely determined by Valor rank. I also know that there is an issue if a person with the highest Valor rank joins a WZ and they're in a group, they won't be selected.
  8. I experience this on all of my Empire characters. And what I think it comes down to is the players playing Empire and Republic. Empire is comprised of younger adults/children, that are attracted to Empire for the coolness and the darker aspect of the classes, versus Republic which are typically comprised of mature adults. On Empire you have a bunch of solo leet cowboys that rarely listen, follow strategies, and never look to achieve the objectives, they approach WZs like Call of Duty, its all about wracking up kills and talking smack. Republic on the other hand are the opposite, which is why they always have more healers then Empire and typically win most matches. Any MMO that has a dark/sinister faction and the other faction is considered "good" will almost always attract the same people to each side. This backs up my opinion on why Republic regularly beats Empire. During the day its kids against kids, at night the Republic faction is home from work, and they roll the evil goth kids.
  9. I agree, the player yelling for someone to guard the pylon is usually the person furthest from the pylon with the least amount of willingness to guard it themselves. If you want it guarded; then do it yourself. End of story.
  10. It does mean something, when you enter a WZ and you have the highest Valor level you're the Ops Leader? Seriously, they should do something with it, but unless it can be monetized in some way I don't see EA doing anything about it.
  11. I have not PVP'd at 55 yet, but I have PVP'd quite a bit between 10-29/30-54. And I love bolster. Before in a WZ if you got attacked by someone higher level then you, most of the time, you were going to come up on the short end. I'm not a fan of gear based PVP games. I have enjoyed PVP'ing in Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR because gear is less important, and now I can equip gear based on looks/appearance, rather then constantly chasing the next tier, etc. I feel bad for people that may have spent weeks, months, getting their PVP gear, to only see that gear get marginalized by bolster. But Bioware must have some type of internal metric that is showing them that people are PVP'ing more now then before, because I don't see it going anywhere, anytime soon, and for that I am glad.
  12. The 50 PVP gear is/was some of the most desired looking armor in the game, please place those sets on the DK (Republic equivalent) vendors that are currently holding the 20/40.
  13. Ahhh, okay, I have some CC as I'm a subscriber, maybe I can buy it for him. Thank you!
  14. Thank you, I thought so, but before he patched up I wanted to make sure.
  15. I'm a subscriber, my friend isn't, we like to PVP together. Is there a way for him to buy the WZ pass on the GTN with in-game credits? I'm not going to be back in the game till this weekend so I wanted to check before I told him yes. And if so - what is the cost in credits? Thank you!
  16. Thank you friend. Yeah, I don't mind getting knocked around, if I want some easy PVP I can just jump on my Sorc =). The issue that I'm trying to get use to is not having any type of heal available. On my BH, Sorc and Operative they all had a base heal. Now, in PVP, as a Warrior, I have to get out of combat to heal (Channel Hatred), there's just too much downtime with the Juggernaut atm imho. So, what stance should I use? It probably doesn't matter much at this level, but again, I want to help my team.
  17. Well, I'm only level 14, but I love to PVP. I have a high level Operative, BH and Sorc. So, I just recently rolled a Juggernaut. I've started putting a few points into the Vengeance tree. But wow, I have never felt so useless in PVP before with any other class, at this point. At level 12 on my Sorc I was able to get up near the top in kills, damage, medals, etc. On the Juggernaut - I am just getting vaporized. I understand that as a melee tank my role in PVP will be different. Any pointers out there for a new Juggernaut in Warzones?
  18. 1. Reduce WZ lag. 2. Reduce ability lag. 3. Allow off-line guild invites, and/or account wide guild invites. 4. More body types.
  19. No one has said, nor has it been implied, that we have to play an MMO for 1, 2, 3, 7+ years. Play until it is no longer enjoyable for you. I'm sure EA would love us to send them our life savings, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it. I, for one, am still enjoying the game. Its not perfect, it still needs work, but I'm having fun.
  20. If there was one thing you could remove from SWTOR....? EA.
  21. Per the title; can I take the mods out of BM PVP gear and place them into Rakata while still keeping the bonus of Rakata (2-piece bonus)?
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