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Everything posted by Myeh-Myeh

  1. Taris... especially on the Republic Side.....
  2. I think a slight glow to the skin with sparkly eyes would be a great idea. My Jedi's a Miralukan though, so I hope if the do a light "corruption" option it's not only in the eyes, lol. Also I think a dark side/light side corruption slider would be a nice option as well
  3. Thank you!! This is my exact thought right here! MMOs share similar qualities, it is up to you to choose which you like to play best. I for one am not a WoW type of person, it's just not the game I enjoy. DDO was a game that I enjoyed for a bit, but to me, SWTOR is my favorite MMO that I have played. Once again, MMOs are going to have similarities, it's the enjoyment of the game that makes it the right choice for you
  4. Don't worry Moonraker, you're not alone in loving this game and hating all the hate around it. SWTOR is tons of fun, and I enjoy it a lot. I am going to be playing it for a long time to come
  5. I enjoyed the event as well. At first I was a little overwhelmed by all the stuff you had to do, and yes there were a few problems with bugs and over-crowded areas, but soon it became a lot of fun and encouraged talking and helping each other between characters. This event was a lot of fun!! Plus my Jedi looks pretty snazzy in a few of those Sand People pieces
  6. Woop! Got all the available quests done. Can't wait for the next portion to start up My Jedi's in a brand new outfit from the Chevin Vendor too. Really enjoying this event!
  7. I can't wait for this event. The last one was really fun!!
  8. Yeah I noticed this issue too when I had my Jedi in a robe. It's kinda awkward to look at...
  9. I think things should bind to legacy instead of character too, even if we'd have to buy it as a perk. /signed
  10. At first I was skeptical about the choice that they were making a F2P option, but now I'm starting to think F2P will be a good thing for the game if it's well executed too. For example, I may be able to convince some friends to join me in playing now
  11. One of my favorite parts about this game is the voice-acting. Will we still get full voice-overs in future content?
  12. I sign as well. I have a female SW, so romance with her is not an option for me, but I believe that male characters should have this as a choice. After all, she left the Jedi and became a light side Sith. She deserves to be able to be romanced
  13. Oh please, please Togruta!! They have been my favorite species since I was a child!
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