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Everything posted by Raynezazki

  1. Actually deception does feel a little too strong now. And deception is my main so it's not a hurr durr I hate sins thing. Deception has too much control to be hitting that hard.
  2. Yep. So tired of shroud being nullified. Nothing's more fun than being stunned through the full duration too. GG.
  3. Sniper had no issues with this fight. My shadow though. Good grief. I died to her twice and that healing orb pretty much was my salvation. I had to run to it on sight and hope she didn't stunlock me long enough to kill me. Horrible fight on any class that doesn't have decent uptime on stun immunity.
  4. Huh...I killed her with my sniper fairly well. But now my stupid self realizes she wasn't taking damage from outside the circle I could've killed her in half the time. >_<
  5. I can't believe I was railroaded into that. I just. SMH. Is it gonna be like this for Quinn and the others too?
  6. I've been in 1v4 matches (sometimes with me on the four. And sometimes with me as the 1) it's facepalm inducing either way.
  7. Slap in the face is a bit much don't you think? It's a week. Just save your money for other products. =/
  8. True I'm using the expression wrong. It's not there fault. Don't worry BioWare doesn't need you to defend them from me. My little 15 bucks isn't worth much to them, I'm not going to insult the developers via twitter or any such nonsense.
  9. Yeah I didn't get early access either and I rushed. I didn't read and I got burned. Fool me once and all that *shrug* There's nothing to get angry about however I misread, learned a lesson and will not repeat this mistake. I admit I'm disappointed because I believed it worked like the other expacs I purchased but it didn't so c'est la vie. Thankfully Fallout 4 is coming out so by the time the next chapter comes out I will have no reason whatsoever to care about any early access. So live and learn.
  10. Same. Also I lol'd hard when my Pureblood Sith started looking like nasty chewed up bubble gum. No thank you DS corruption.
  11. Raynezazki

    Lowbie PVP

    Aww I like lowbie though yeah it can be a bit...yeah. I can see telling someone who's wearing lvl 11 greens at lvl 29 they can trade their WZ comms for planetary but the verbal abuse you sometimes get is ugh. And yes I do love the person screaming that everyone sucks and they get some of the lowest damage and ra forbid they try to cap a node.
  12. You can just buy him unlocks. (I had the per account ones when I went preferred).
  13. I just...use really basic ones like Q and such. I have some basic shift and control ones (mostly shift and control on the extra mouse buttons my crappy mouse has). But I do still constantly screw up on the shift hitting. Edit: BAH it took away my post responding thanks to everyone with something constructive to say. Anyway thanks to everyone for the tips
  14. Ah I see. That is a improvement over what I was doing. Feels smoother too. Thanks.
  15. Raynezazki

    Mouse turning

    Question...how exactly do you mouse turn? Noob question I know but I tried the right click + left click and it feels so awkward and uncomfortable. What was I doing wrong?
  16. Eh I left a few matches about a minute before I ended because I couldn't take it anymore.
  17. Ah well suppose I'm a terrible player then *shrugs* I just don't see why you're comparing how someone plays with ignorance of how abilities work.
  18. Is this supposed to be some way of calling clickers and keyboard turners bad players?
  19. I for one do rebuff if I notice someone's missing one (I have all four buffs). Generally speaking though just ASK someone will do it.
  20. Meh I keyboard turn and I can still deal with them. But I usually blow a slow XD
  21. JK - Guardian JC - Sage (you run around healing people...) Smuggler - Scondrel. (You fight dirty XD) SW - Marauder (whirling whirlwind of death ) SI - Either really works. Agent - Either really works though I prefer sniper. Bounty Hunter - Powertech.
  22. The sad thing is why can't the gear wait til significant content hits? I don't get it
  23. We're still keeping the HK/entrench for the full duration and not just ending when we leave cover though right? That's really the only thing I gave a damn about. Edit: Oh good we're keeping it. So can we get the nomral non lobotimized version of OS and ops kept the craptastic version? I mean since Ops get the 5 people fb...
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