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Everything posted by TechTheHic

  1. Well; its because you are on a PvE server TBH. Sure; PvP servers have these types of individuals but more sheep attracts more wolves.
  2. They have pretty much said there will be no more major changes until after the console launch, so small scale will not be in until July at least and even then; doubtful. I think their main focus for PvP is going to be reducing the lag that happens in large fights these days, which by all that I saw did not happen in beta nearly as bad. Part of that, they have mentioned making objectives outside of keeps to try to encourage some smaller scale battles and to spread people out. They did indeed pilot an XvXvX arena at some demos but so far not plans have been announced to launch those to live. To be 100% honest, i do not think you go to ESO looking for small scale battles but if they cannot iron out Cyrodiils performance issues...Well; we are posting in a SWTOR forum and all of us should know how that can go. FWIW; I will take the zerging over the constant whining about premades and classes getting focused in ranked as easy kills, or the trolling or hammering people for just showing up trying to learn. You have that in the larger scale stuff, but it gets very diluted.
  3. Hoping for maybe some Battlefront and some Camelot Unchained.
  4. I didn't get time to try to get in and get a screenshot until just now and I was almost 2000 in the Q. lol I don't really have time for that right now either, nor I guess really any MMO for a while. Too bad to, cause I was thinking about resubbing here after playing around with the open beta since my son has been playing on POT5. He's terrible at PvP still but has gotten a little better but maybe around the end of summer I will and try to help him out.
  5. LOL It's funny because I was thinking the quick embargo was due to how poorly the pack was received. Seeing that it was planned tells me that they hoped to make it more urgent for people to dump money on these packs as quickly as they could in order to get what they want before it ends. It's a money grab and all signs point to it. The only thing Bioware is doing is basically saying they didn't trick people as much as they hope and will go to their old ways of grabbing money.
  6. I didn't realize they didn't have it on the site. Its in the game with a description though. I know cause I already created a Technohic. Maybe I should log in when I get home and screenshot it.
  7. I had just read somewhere that the CEO of EA wants to change EAs image. Maybe he is not a micro-manager to see this announcement coming from their Bioware division. it certainly will make the struggle to turn reputations around more of an uphill battle but I'm not sure how much that matters when you're already at the bottom of the hill to begin with.
  8. Yeah, I don't want to pay for beta testing really so I am kind of resisting what I am hearing from some people I know about Archeage. Think I can just wait until its live and free, just will not know the systems ahead of time. Thats why I'm checking this out with the full open beta for Black Gold. Don't have to pay for it. EDIT: Also; they have gunslingers....
  9. Definitely some neat ideas with the kind of sci-fi vs fantasy and vehicle vs mount combat. I will say that I had not been following this one nor had I heard of it and I do not expect it to be flawless but the ideas are at least different. For the life of me, I do not know how they have made 2 different Star Wars MMOs and not only ignored the lores great vehicle combat but also have segregated space from ground combat completely. Cant imagine how awesome it would be to have AT-ATs and AT-STs and A-wings and other mounted combat, even on veractyls in a siege warfare Star Wars game. Or invading a space station on any of the numerous spaceships, fighting in space and then continuing with your ground character once boarding the station. I know its stuff the engine can't handle here, but this is the sort of stuff I feel a Star Wars game should have been built with that in mind. Not just give people a lightsaber, blaster and force lightning and call it a day.
  10. Just about all the things that would get me back in the game myself they have said no to. That said; my son loves the game so I assume there are plenty like him that enjoy it for what it is rather than what they hope will be added. Its actually not a bad game; its just limited by its engines and apparently a small dev team I would assume since most things cannot be done due to too much lag or requiring too many resources.
  11. Anyone else going to check out the open beta. I'm not to interested in paying for a game before trying it right now after ESO which I did try and still didn't turn out as well as Id like (maybe they get there eventually) and WS where I tried in beta and knew right away it wasn't for me. So, since I get to for free starting Friday figured Id check it out.
  12. Sucks man. Didn't like Wildstar myself but liked ESO and so far it has been just as disappointing if not more. Going to try Black Gold when it hits open beta June 20th and probably will try Archeage when it hits beta.
  13. ESO is going to flop faster than SWTOR. This is coming from someone who left this game for ESO. They just do not execute on any of their positives and turn it into negatives. Tons of build options, but some are so much more valuable than others, why bother? (magicka vs stamina builds and staves vs melee weapons) And they show no progress of addressing it Half as manual target twitch combat, yet heals are auto target the lowest healt giving you little control who you heal. AOE damage is dominant and that twitch combat suffers from some serious issues of responsiveness. PvP is great for RvR but their focus seems to be more on adding VR levels to grind through PvE. Nice crafting, but with increases of VR levels, no one cares to buy more and they can loot better sets while grinding anyway. There are some things they had which could have been great, but they will never follow through and get them across the goalline to be well executed because they cannot figure out of they want a grindy online Elder Scrolls game or an MMO. Fails to capture the best of either and seems to get the worst of both.
  14. Working as intended. Has been this way since like 1.4
  15. LMAO! I also swim the English Channel twice a week.
  16. Doesn't look like the highest pop server is much higher TBH. EDIT: Or at least if you take away the top 2. Apparently this really is a role playing game.
  17. I have been playing another MMO but I am going to tell you that SWTOR is not bad at what it is. A casual, mainly PvE, Star Wars MMO. The problem, if any, might be that they spent too much developing it for all it to be is this in a market that I feel is over-saturated and the customers are rarely satisfied. It's a plight of all MMOs who dream big but then the reality of it is that they do not hold the sub count of the game they hope they can match in WoW so they should stop developing MMOs with delusions of grandeur and a budget to match. Games need to focus on their niche and I think SWTOR is probably doing a decent job of that. Maybe they sometimes try a little too hard to add some extras in there if anything; slowing their progress for that PvE and Star Wars immersion.
  18. At least at McDonalds, when you say the server went down, its a lot more fun and inappropriate than it is here.
  19. Oh, I am sure they don't. I'm sure they have the mentality of people here. That's what I am getting at. The business cares whether the peons do or not.
  20. But don't you think that McDonalds might want to figure out what else they could have to keep that customer, not bored? You think McDonalds wants that guy to take a breather and eat something elsewhere?
  21. Would be back on my slinger in a heart beat if they had Star Wars style siege warfare. Oh man; that would be a blast! Oh well. Maybe the next Star Wars MMO will have wars and space actually integrated in stead of their own seperate mini-games. Someday.
  22. LOL Yeah. All you really have to do is get one side going and it can just take care of itself as the other side will soon be in on it. Just look at the OP. Just a small statement, one side objects, another side (me in this case) comes in and the OP doesn't have to do anything else.
  23. You missed the entire point. Sure, you are responsible for your own choices, but someone who is looking for your business better be all about keeping it to where you don't choose to take your business elsewhere. Games are meant to cure boredom. Not cause it. If you fail at that, then well; maybe you have an issue with your product.
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