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Everything posted by Wulox

  1. As undead pointed out, who even likes gungans?? However I'd love to see another companion, a more "human" one that is shared by both sides, possibly one that could be romanced? I don't want this turning into a SGR thread, and I haven't really looked into SGR as its not my thing but couldn't that be implemented through a new companion? Possibly two companions one of each gender, and make it a baseline human, but then make the customizations change the species of the companion to one somebody else desires, just make a one customization per species or only a select few species. I don't know how hard this would be to place in game, but it is a good idea in theory I personally believe.
  2. I want more tattoos and scar options. Nuff said. But in all seriousness, I'd love to see some more tattoo and scar designs if possible. Some of the sith tattoos for warriors look superb, but then other ones are lacking. None of them cover the whole face like some tattoos we see in the lore etc, instead they just appear to be a small image above the eye on your forehead. I think there s about 3 or 4 which properly cover your face and I find that only one of them looks very nice. Thats the tattoos for only one class (when playing human) too. Zabrak also have this problem, especially the human skintoned ones (might I also add that the horns on the pale zabraks are terrible compared to the redskinned ones). I arent a fan of thier tattoos at all, whereas the redskinned zabrak have about three that I like the look of. Sith Twi'leks on the other hand have some fantastic designs that cover their face and lekku. I haven't played any other race to really comment on them however. Wouldn't it be possible to add a tattoo pack that could be shared between races, I mean the redskinned zabrak tattoos would fit right into a male sith marauder as those are the type of tattoos we see on a lot of sith in the EU. Obviously human tattoos might look out of place on the zabrak however, but I am sure there could be a way around it, maybe add a pack of shared "zabrak" tattoos and the one for other races which just has a set of more generic tattoos in it? I'd love to see tattoos for bodys as well, I don't know how well this could be implemented but tattoos on your arms would look fantastic, especially if combined with the minimalist gladiator chestpiece. Also I was disappointed that when making a human inquisitor we did not get the option of having sith tattoos like the warrior can, instead we get the tattoos from scarification on our characters faces, and then due to this we cant have real scars alongside them. Thank you for reading my wall of text and I hope I am not the only one who wants more tats!
  3. Ah yes, I remember now! Wasnt she a mix of Arca's DNA and her "parents" DNA who were the pale 5 digited arkananian offshoots? It's been a while since I read the comics.
  4. Just wondering if we could see some of the more recognizable armors from the KoToR comic series. The outfits would fit right into the game, and a pack could possibly be designed around them or something. Here are just a few I'd love to see! Jarael http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070321002440/starwars/images/d/dd/Jarael.jpg Chantique http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/67173/1824032-chantique_kotor__45.jpg Zayne Carrick (theres two I like ) http://www.gwiezdne-wojny.pl/grafika/2008/sty/kotor31_d.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070304134602/jedipedia/de/images/a/aa/Zaye_Carrick.jpg Rohlan Dyre http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071110174639/starwars/images/7/76/Rohlanfull.jpg Lucien Draay http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070116215759/starwars/images/d/dc/SWKOTOR9-FC.jpg Anyway, theres my suggestions for the CM
  5. I'd love to see this as well! However I do believe the blue markings you have mentioned have nothing to do with the arkanian race as a whole, but only with Jarael. KoToR Comic Spoilers Also, the actual Arkanian species, not the subspecies, had normal human skin tones, and normal human ears. The only thing different from normal humans I believe was there pupiless eyes and only 4 digits on each hand. The subspecies however, which there was many of are the ones that have more distinctive traits. One subspecies (the one Arca Jeth is) is the one with the pointed ears, but otherwise the same as the pure arkanians. Whilst the subspecies Jarael was part of were effectively only humans with pure white skin. Edit: Just realised Jarael actually seems to be a combination of the two subspecies I listed as she has the pointy ears but is then effectively the same as the second subspecies.
  6. I just wanted to know if I would be at a serious disadvantage if I was to wear a light chestpiece alongside the rest of my medium/adaptive gear? The reasoning is that I wanted my character to wear some robes similar to the adaptive investigator armor set from the Cartel Store, however Im not a fan of the huge collar thing going around its neck and its double hood. Revan's chest piece has the same problem with the collar. So If i were to perhaps just wear only the light chestpiece and have the rest as medium or adaptive would this be okay?
  7. I agree, i wish they could perhaps add it to collections but instead of getting a level 31 modded armor, you just get the shells that have been scaled down to level 1. I want to start a second inquisitor and want the investigators armor set, but I like to take my time with levelling and to look the same all the way to endgame, but due to the limit of bieng level 31 i cant
  8. We need this armor on the CM. There has been two threads on the first page for over a month now simultaneously basically asking for some mando armor love, the other was started back in february is still going. Does bioware not care what the people want? I think these two threads have been the ones that have the strongest following. I suggest people start posting in both perhaps just to show the developers how much we really want this!
  9. I'd love to see a simple jacket and plain top (not a shirt) similar to what solo wears in the Empire Strikes Back. It'd be all I'd wear. Currently wearing the gunslinger gear and I see myself wearing that all the way to end-game really. Not a fan of the all this fancy crap. I like my smuggler to look like a simple, rough scoundrel. Not an overdressed cowboy.
  10. It seems the developers are finally listening to what we want with including the eradicator gear and thana vesh armor etc so I thought I might add my own little suggestion. Ever since seeing Jewl'a Nightbringer after becoming the great hunt champion I wanted her armor. It looks very similar to the old level 50 gear that agents could get. http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/14310.jpg I feel the bounty hunters need more armor options like Jewl'as, not all of us want to look like mandalorians!
  11. Would love this! Many people have been wanting this from the start of the CM!
  12. I'd love to see the neo-crusader armor in-game, but in yellow like cassus fett, or red. We only see the blue guys around so having the armor in a different color could also symbolize that we are the mandalor's "chosen" therefore we'd be a higher rank. Would also love to see plain crusader gear, something Rohlan Dyre-esque.
  13. Just wondering if we were getting an update on tuesday seen as we missed one last week? Hopefully we will be getting the remaining Bounty Hunter and Trooper customization screen armors
  14. I would pay twice as much than the normal armor set prices in the cartel store for this!
  15. I see no reason why it shouldn't be added, the whole "it's impossible argument" has a flaw in the fact that there is already ready "race change" technology in the lore. If you have read the Tales from Mos Eisley book, one of the short stories in there features a device that swaps minds between bodies so it would be entirely plausible for this in-game. Maybe they could even add it as some fancy gree technology?
  16. I like this idea a lot, it just adds something to do if you're a little bored. I'd love to see Dejarik in-game too, maybe find a use for all those dejarik tables in our ships too. Play against our companions? I think these sort of mini-games would have a place in SWTOR and would be pretty popular.
  17. Hi all! Is it just me that is surprised at the small amount of saber hilts there is in-game? A lightsaber is supposed to be a jedi/sith's personal weapon, created by them single handedly, and yet all of the current jedi and sith are currently running around using the same lightsaber models, that also look hardly anything like their artwork on the small item image square thing ( I don't know what its called ). I'd love too see more hilt designs in-game, heck I'd love to see some "light/dark side" specific hilts to be used by both sides of the force. There are some hilts that look incredible, but are only locked to people that have dark side points, whilst us light side people are stuck with "anakin hilt" rip offs. I'd be happy to just see mash-ups of the current hilts, as there are quite a few that would look fantastic with parts from other hilts added! Whilst a true hilt designing system would be very much appreciated where you could design you're own hilt using different parts from different hilts already in the game, I can understand that it would just not be realistic to have it designed and implemented into the game. Please somebody tell me I'm not the only one that thinks of this?
  18. Did I really just read 24 pages of that. But on-topic, I wouldn't mind a male slave suit either. Nothing sounds more hardcore than my jedi knight defending the galaxy in nothing but some skimpy undies.
  19. I have to agree with those that have the CE even though I don't have it. Limited Edition should be just that, I know how annoyed I'd be if I had spent my hard earned cash on something, then being told that others could have it for free simply because they waited.
  20. This is entirely plausible in-universe too, as there is the tech to do it more or less. In one of the short stories from the book "Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina" there is a device that can transfer minds between bodies! With the upcoming Gree event, they could implement it via "special gree tech" possibly too?
  21. Hey all! I was just wondering if bioware had announced at all if they were planning on releasing other armors in the cartel market to do with classes that do not yet have armor. All we have so far is armor for a Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent and the smuggler. This leaves Sith Inquisitors, Bounty Hunters, Troopers and Jedi Consulars to have armor put into the market. Reason why I was asking was that I wish to level up my Bounty Hunter I made but never did anything with, but not look terrible! I hate the armor that is available to them before they reach the mid-level 30's!
  22. In your link it states that: "Lightsaber crystals of different hues could also be used in the same lightsaber to make a new blade color; for example, Galen Marek used Rahm Kota's green crystal along with his father's blue crystal to create an aqua blade." Therefore it is entirely plausible that you could use a pink crystal and a purple crystal to get a pink/purple crystal?
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