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Everything posted by Wulox

  1. I for one love my pink-purple saber, makes them much easier to attain at lower levels as before there was literally no purple colored sabers for lower levels. Whilst some may not like it, others do and the game caters to a large audience all with different tastes. If you don't like them, don't use them, that's why there is a choice in what color crystal you can use.
  2. My level 41 Guardian, meditating on his ship . http://oi47.tinypic.com/22gmrq.jpg
  3. I didn't know whether we're allowed these sort of threads here, if not I apologize! But I am in desperate need of this lightsaber: http://www.torhead.com/item/4aQ3Fqg/prophets-neophyte-lightsaber I love the hilt design and as far as I am aware is the only one of this design that does not require dark side points, as im light 3. Im willing to pay a fair few credits for it if anybody has one just lying around!
  4. Thank you! I dont think i ever actually did that heroic, time to go see if its my lucky day!
  5. Hi all, I wasn't entirely sure where to put this so I apologize if this is in the wrong section! I'm trying to find a custom lightsaber hilt that looks like this one: http://www.torhead.com/item/aNPmEXo/stygian-rumination-lightsaber However, all the ones I have seen so far require a dark level, and im already light 3 so I can't really go back and change to dark quickly. If anybody knows of one that is obtainable between levels 1 and 40 it would be greatly appreciated as I just love how it looks! Thanks, Wulox
  6. I really don't know if that was too harsh on Quinn or not!
  7. I'm still waiting on the Slaveboy outfit haha. Sooo want to tank in it just because I could.
  8. I have a Windows Phone and as far as I know its not yet supported
  9. Hi all, I finally want a security key so I can use the vendor! However, I can not find it anywhere on the list in the "Buy Now" section of the site. On the US version you can buy them in the Optional Game Add-ons, but there isnt the option to buy one at all in the english version. Is there a reason why or is it just a bug?
  10. Just read them all and I couldn't stop laughing throughout! You have done a fantastic job and I eagerly await the next one!
  11. Balmorra. I don't even know why, I just couldn't stand it. It was such a depressing planet haha. I couldn't wait to get off of it.... and then I realised I had to return for the bonus series quests as I couldn't do Hoth at such a low level!
  12. The two sets I'd love to have on the Cartel Market would probably be: The Mercenary elite prototype, or at least a variation of it, not to bothered about the color: and the High Sorcerer Adept robes: They are both in the early 30's level wise, much like the gear that is already on the cartel market so balance-wise I guess it could work, and you also don't get people moaning about how cool somebody looks at a lower level than them either! Also, just because the worst that can be said by you is no, I'd love to see Revan's robes and mask too!
  13. I'm interested in how they are going to carry the story of the films on. I always saw them as the rise and fall of anakin skywalker/darth vadar, and with him out of the picture I really don't get what they are going to do for the films.
  14. Pretty much the title! I seriously can't wait for 1.5 and the cartel store, so many outfits I want to buy so me and my companions can match.
  15. Oh god no. They better keep to the EU, or they are going to have a lot of unhappy fans, A LOT.
  16. I was just wondering if people think we are likely to see a species change option implemented into the game at all, via the cartel store or any other viable way. Before people say it is impossible "in-lore", I would like to point people to a short story called "Doctor Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba" in the Tales of Mos Eisley Cantina book. Without giving too much away if you intend on reading it sometime, you know the ugly guys from episode 4 who fight with luke in the cantina? Well one of them creates a machine that can transfer minds between bodies, so it is technically entirely plausible to swap species "in-lore". What are peoples thoughts about species change within the game?
  17. Indeed it is. I also must agree on the fact about the species that arent near-human. Implementing those into the game would be extremely difficult, due to body sizes and shape, like my comment about the Shistavanen and its canine style legs. Armor would have to be completely re-designed to accommodate certain species and that would be a hell of a lot of work for bioware to commit too as they would get little profit in return.
  18. I see where you are coming from, but I was always under the pretense that the Cather spoke basic with rolled r's, v's and w's, and were quite "lispy" and yet they are releasing them. What we should do is try to compile a list of known species that speak basic as normal as possible, and maybe go from there. Star Wars to me is all about the diversity in species, scenes such as the mos eisley cantina are well-known throughout the world and nearly everybody in that scene is from a different species. Whilst I understand the game mechanics and how difficult it would be to try to add new species, I still feel it a shame that people who are fans of certain species can not play them just because that species speaks basic slightly different to the others.
  19. I'd love to play as a Shistavanen, and as far as i am aware they do speak basic. However, their beast-like legs will probably prevent them from being a playable species :/
  20. Sorry if this has been covered before, but I only really just noticed it. Why is there two different species of zabrak for the different factions. I understand you can unlock them via legacy to use them on either faction, but I was just wondering why it had been done in the first place. I realise that the imperial's zabraks tend to be have more "red" skin tones whilst the republics tend to have more of a peachy sort of tone to them. Is there some in-universe explanation for the skin tones on either side, or has it been done for other reasons? While I am content with how it is, it just struck me as odd was all and any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
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