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Everything posted by DanteKardo

  1. Comes with the nature of the Sith. They do not love since they're all about power, and love's nothing else then an open-weak spot for others to exploit. Infact it's Sith habbit to kill off those you hold most dear in order to gain more power. Besides, Children raised under good circumstances, all cozy and loved would have no reason to turn to the darkside or even pursue it in any circumstance, nor would a Sith be interested in them. A Humanoid needs certain depths of depravity to function well as sith.
  2. It really depends on your playstyle. I've found Synthweaving to be very resourceful for Sorcerers considering Light armor drops aren't as frequent as the other ranges and what you craft in Synth usually keeps you geared for your current level range. on the other hand, I've found Synthweaving to be completely pointless on my Jug since every next-best drop of armor exceeds my currently crafted material, and I keep leveling the crafting stats constantly on the side.
  3. The fear of romance/Marriage etc. is as old as the republic in Star wars itself when it comes to the Jedi, and only the Jedi. Jedi, being very wary of their emotions and trying to remain in an impartial and just state that respects all life and plays no favorites. Now, Love wasn't exactly 'forbidden' by the Jedi as such, it's attachments that they're afraid of, things they're afraid of letting go. It's why Jedi Masters and other individuals that understood this where sometimes given special permission to pursue their love aslong they didn't allow it to create attachments they where afraid of letting go. Also, during Lukes Jedi Order love was permitted generally aslong the Jedi understood the importance of no-attachment. And yeah, most force user lineages are riddled with drama of having members on both light and darkside.
  4. Sub-par quality roleplay in progress, pretty much. There's an underlying issue with roleplays in mmo's. Not everyone plays in the same timeline / logistic and thus issues like this arise. Let me give you an example. Character A has a plot in which he owns the Cantina at the imperial fleet. A few days ago ,Character B also had a plot in which he owned the Cantina at the imperial fleet. So who owns it now? (actually, don't answer that, it's a rhetorical example) To avoid such conflicts it's always good to roll with a group of select roleplayers that all run an united 'RP-Continuity' ensuring that you do not run into such issues. Now, a few RP-etiquette things, regarding MMO's. Number one: You can't claim territory for yourself. Why? because it's a MMO and it's shared space, and the only space you have full, personal control over are your ship, and that's it. Any other territory is neutral territory and thus free game. Anyone else trying to 'force' their perception onto you, well personally I would've just laughed at them and remained standing there out of protest, but that's me, and I'm a lil bit of a troll in those regards. Number two: Keep IC (In-Character) Business In Character, and OOC business OOC. Which means. If they've tried to shoo you out ICly, playing it out, it means it was a direct reaction towards your character (being a gang member) Which however is considered metagame unless any of those figures knew you beforehand. If they've tried to get rid of you in OOC it's harrassment and probably a TOS violation, but since the nature of roleplaying is relatively illusive it's somewhat impossible to enforce the ToS as it's applied for the general population. (I.E swearing etc). Though I personally find this entire situation a bit..hilarious cause I can't picture 10 people shouting 'out' at someone just for showing up in proximity. There must be more to it. EDIT: And if not, then you've really just met some inept, stupid kids who have absolutely no Idea how roleplaying functions or looks alike, and who do it for ego-stroking instead of story-writing.
  5. If at all I considered SWTOR Already too normalized. Also, Normalizing PVP wont change the atmosphere at all. simply because PVP is dominated by the no-life-kings as I like to call them, figures that spend the majority of a 24 hour day in fixing themselves up with the most superior material ingame possible, and then get their panties in the bunch when winning on PVP streaks. Even if you even out the gear progression and differences, they'll simply choose the other next best thing that is maxed out. Also, mind you, no matter which MMO you start with, the moment you get into it at a later date ,you're officially screwed in comparison to those that started earlier, since they 'obviously' have a head-start in all fields, if they're playing competitively. All in all I don't find the idea of normalizing content to be worth taking notice of since removing content is actually the least people should do from a game that's bassed on vast content.
  6. You guys do realize that these comparisons rarely hold any merit? This theorizing 'who would win' business highly depends at which stage these two 'would've' fought, if both would've fought eachother at the peak of their abilities, I'd go with Revan simply as he was far more resourceful and had a broader horizon regarding the force and it's application. Obi Wans peak level can be considered to be when he fought Anakin, where, mind you, he was on the defensive for the 'vast' majority of the entire fight, and had near-death situations up to the end. If not for a saving grace, last moment idioticy stunt by anakin where that one decided to just 'screw it all', underestimate Obi Wan, overestimate himself, and make a stupid move, Obi Wan wouldn't have survived (and if you take a look at the fight, that ones actually obvious). Now, while Revan perhaps didn't have the sheer power-level of anakin at his peak, he 'was' far more catious and resourceful with his abilities. In the end I personally couldn't make a proper pass as to which one would've won, simply because it'd depend on far too many variables. Plus the only time they 'would have fought' is when Revan was still kicking it as a darth set out on conquering the galaxy, which wasn't the peak moment of his power.
  7. Yes, because I do not agree with you I'm directly bullying people into my opinion. Are you serious? If you can't take criticism do not post, period. I've simply stated that in my view, anyone who has problems staying focused for a few hours on a task should not do it, and there's nothing about genetical superiority in that. People do it daily at work, craftsmanship requires it constantly, artists do it for even longer then 4 hours. (Some even end up spending 10 hours straightout working on a single picture). If you're one of those people that can't muster the concentration for it, then it certainly doesn't mean the game must be changed to accomodate for your own shortcomings. And that has nothing to do with bullying or insensitivity. if it gives you a headache = don't do it.
  8. Star wars is a living cultural cross refference to about ANY fiction ever created. If you take a close look at the majority of Expanded Universe material it contains a massive plethora of material that enables or creates about every known fictional sub-group. any storyline, trope or what not has been tackled in SW in one form or another. You've got a borg equivalent, you've got starship troopers equivalents, you have zombies, you've got demigod beings, god-figures and chosen ones, you've got demons, a form of hell and heaven (present in the force itself, hell being called Chaos) and much much more. Also, throughout the years more and more was tackled onto SW's lore making it like the gathered compendium of all possible fiction. If you're really into it, you can create about anything in sw and reason it's existence with already prevalent EU material. They didn't even shy away from gates like in Stargate or ancestor races predating the Rakata (called Celestials and also a form of demigod beings). Then there's ofcourse the Eastern touch to the entire Jedi / Sith philosophies. Really, SW by now is but a mix-match of all possible fiction given a SW universe overhaul to fit. 'Everything' is possible in star wars as of now, expect perhaps Ewok Mauraders taking over the galaxy with their fluffy-ness
  9. I will say right now that I've just skimped through it at first and lost interest after I read the blood thinner argument. If participating in a 3-4 hour raid gives you a migraine and requires you to get on blood thinners you should consult a doctor and perhaps stop playing for extended periods of time altogether. That doesn't mean that, because some people have health issues during prolongued play the game should be specifically altered to cater to them. I'm sorry, but that is fact, games are meant to be enjoyable for the masses, not appealing to minorities. It 'can' be tedious to sit through several hours straight at such a raid, yes, but that is relatively common MMORPG styled gameplay and nothing outlandish by now. GIven that I have to admit I shy away from any content I consider too over the top like that. I don't need the most epic gear and conclude the hardest raids to enjoy this game, infact, I don't even bother with PVP given the fact there's no way to concur with individuals spending 16 hours a day online grinding since launch. Before you ask, yeah those individuals exists, usually unemployed people living off welfare or having found another method of being sustained without having to work. Or the typical 'I live in moms basement' tropes.
  10. Def not. We can respec our talent tree points, which means, no matter what class we pick, we're fully elidgible to customize it to our liking. if the CLASS you chose is not one you're satisfied with anymore, you roll a new character. It'd equal being able to switch from being a Sniper to being a maurader, considering the vast differences between classes. Long story short = no. I do not support this motion at all, and there's not a 'SINGLE' point or shred of argument that can reasonable argue in favor of advanced class changes except people being too whiney to re-roll a character. You don't get to play one character up to level 50 and then simply enjoy all the perks possible for every class under that. This isn't Champions Online.
  11. I don't really think there's any viable deduction one could make considering the game was specifically written in a way that allows all races to somewhat apply to the role you play. When it comes to personal 'most probable' guess' I'd have to go with this: Warrior = Human. Mostly because of the beginning and the favoritism, and darth baras' remark that your instructor considered you like his son. That kind of flows for me as if my character is a human. Plus, the voice strikes me like one with a slight 'english' accent, which in SW are considered Coruscanii I think. Or Corellian, don't remember. Inquisitor = Sith race. Again, the voice and background just flow naturally for the sith race, especially if you pick the darkside choices. The Sith race in itself was known to be 'very' tenacious and straight-cut evil when it came to their personalities, and the Inquisitor has some of the most 'jerk' like darkside choices after all. The Warrior on the other hand always has this 'touch of honor' to it, whereas the Inquisitor just seems straightout evil, sometimes even when you pick lightside choices. If you go with the darkside routine, Rattataki makes sense aswell. Zabrak not so much as they're known to be more like warriors. However, the lineage angle simply hints at either Human or Sith, as those two are the most renown to produce actual lineages of force users. Now, there's also alot of it depending whether you pick the lightside or darkside routine. Sith race characters are extremely rare to hit the lightside mark, i'd be even inclined to say that they're inept to be darksided creatures due to natural allignment and cultural background. So if you go with the lightside routine neither of these classes would fit the Sith race. So given both options (lightside/darkside), some plot aspects and overall probabilities, you'd really have to go with both classes being tailored for humans, with alot of margin force the sith race within the Inquisitor storyline. The others are pretty much open season for anyone, considering they're written in an open fashion that allow any race. When it comes to the Jedi, it's pretty much the same, Jedi could be about any race except borderline darkside figures like the rattataki or Sith. I exclude Chiss from this considering it's more then rare for a chiss to be one of the force user classes, as chiss FS are more then rare, and considering most Chiss hail from the chiss ascendancy (not sure if it applies during this timeline however) they dont have real ties to the Jedi/Sith cultures.
  12. About anything that HK muttered: "Statement: Indeed, I am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence. At your command of course, Master." "Mockery: Oh, Master, I love you, but I hate all you stand for! But I think we should go press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together in the cargo hold!" "Statement: Oh, yes, Master. Pain is really the only reliable means by which truth may be obtained... or so I choose to believe." HK-47: "Explanation: It's just that... you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea." "Statement: Oh, do shut up, you beeping little trash compactor!" "Aahhhh! What are you doing?! Remove the arc wrench, remove the arc wrench! Medic!" HK-47: "Objection: But... but that technical term does not accurately portray the vast amount of bulbous slushiness present in your bipedal form!"
  13. actually if an article on wookieepedia is on it 'long' enough, it probably is right, because there's a plethora of people that double if not triple check sources and information. Wookieepedia's general accuracy might not be 100 percent, but it's high enough to say that the margin of error is about 7-8 percent at most. Which is, when you consider the massive amount of facts and information gathered there, minimal. Besides, any article that has questionable information usually gets tagged on wookiee as being outdated or in dire need of a source-check, and almost all articles have references to sources that you can easily check up on yourself. Also, regarding the holy EU vs non-EU discussion. Unless it's been explicitly stated that material is not considered Canon by lucasarts or anything like it, then sorry, it 'is' legit. I don't agree with everything included in the EU material, I consider some if it even extremely dumb (I was very annoyed with the Vong race) but nonethenless, I dont snuff it out as 'non-canon' material just because we didn't see it in the movies.
  14. Nah, I don't hate. I just don't see it as an form of art or work to batch together a design that's largely unchanged beyond perhaps ordering of a few details and choice of font. Or call it art when I switch up a few images. FanArt for me is defined by something creating something for their chosen fandom that requires actual effort and in some way also is original. Doesn't need to be entirely original, but it can't be too bland of a copy either.
  15. Okay so, (Take it form somebody who knows his way around photoshop) The design in itself is not difficult. It is simply a rip from the SW-TOR design and anyone who has enough background knowledge about Photoshop and it's workings knows how to conjure something like that up within a few minutes. Okay that''s that. When it comes to the coding in itself I can't really comment since i'm not a coder, but long story short. Imho this isn't fanart, it's just a rip of Biowares work. Kinda like taking a picture of Vette and dyeing it red.
  16. Ironically we where asked about our opinions and not Canon-facts as claimed/declared by Lucas.
  17. Alright, here's my List. I'm going of 'raw' power here, not including intelligence and cunning (because that'd scramble the list in unimaginable ways). List goes from 1 to 5. Sith Side 1: Nihilus By far 'the' most powerful Sith ever to live in SW lore, pointblank due to his force-wound status. Considering how 'sketchy' the subject of that is, A wound in the force alone doesn't suffice to be 'that' dangerous, but the way it manifested in nihilus made him basically a living nuke waiting to detonate on what's reffered to as 'life' or the 'force' on Star wars. Seriously, If not for the Exile being able to cancel him out/defeat him, Nihilus might've well been the undoing you the entire galaxy. Besides, what other sith do you know that, by his sheer force prowess alone devoured the life-force of an entire planet? 2: Plagueis Even Sidious admitted that Plagueis force prowess far exceeded his own, and being the only Sith to ever master midichlorian manipulation, this guy held the direct key to life-manipulation of all kind. Not to mention that he was indirectly the sole cause for Anakin, basically 'the' strongest living embodient of the force known since Yoda in sheer terms of midichlorian saturation. The only reason he did is because he didn't take into account his students, Sidious, cunning. Sidious just sticked him while he was asleep, you may be as powerful as you want, but nothing can prepare you from not getting killed while you sleep if the assailant knows what he's doing. 3: Revan Thanks to all the Expanded Universe material Revan was made out to be one of the potentially strongest Force Users to ever walk the galaxy in terms of understanding and connection to the force. What also made him a cut above all others was his logical approach to the force and not the pragmatic, blind-cult following type of obedience to either light or dark. If you think about it, He's a kind of 'Mary Sue' individual, which simply in itself makes him relatively OP'd in terms of Raw power. 4: Sidious While inferior to his master Plagueis in the beginning, Sidious became a sole force to be reckoned with in terms of sheer force power later on in the expanded Universe, considering all the crazy **** he was able to pull (Spirit transferrence anyone?) He managed to render himself virtually immortal, if not for the side-effects of his cloned bodies going havoc on him. Not to mention that he had no issues to go with the Jedi's best. If it wasn't for his age screwing with him at later time, I could guess nothing would've stopped him. 5: Cade Skywalker Now that's a strange one, isn't it? Yeah, he doesn't really count as a Sith, more like in-between jedi and Sith stage mary sue style but, let's face it. He's passionate, badmouthing, tends to get angry more then once and just generally strikes people more as darkside material, so I included him here. Now, there's nothing too exceptional about him, except one thing. And that's his natural talent in the ability called shatterpoint. This guy is pretty much capable of breaking ANYTHING, and I seriously mean 'A-NY-THING' with the force, being able to see the weak points in the fabrics and structure of the force. If the character in itself wouldn't have been such a lazy ****, he could've become the single most powerful being to ever exist in Star wars, but alas, the writers kept him as a no-good criminal with some minor heroic moments. 6: Vader (honorary mention) Okay so many people believe Vader was this crazy strong super Sith, but, let's face it. This guy 'had' potential, but what was left of him was a joke compared to the all-time greats. He had the 'potential' to become one of the most powerful sith to ever exist, but, here's a few reasons why it didn't pan out. A: Sidious never let him in on the deeper secrets of the darkside, he kept those to himself. Vader was, in essence, nothing else then a Jedi gone dark in terms of force abilities. B: He was crippled beyond any doubt. If not for his originally gifted body. he may've been pretty powerful if not for the fact that he was broken goods, AND since he never really embraced the darkside as most sith did. Yeah he had th entire 'Power of the darkside' angle, but let's face it, in the end he was just an itsy bitsy whiny kid crying after his lost love. Now what you have to give him credit for is that he was a skilled warrior. The guy 'did' own the moniker of Jedi-Killer after all. Jedi side 1: Luke Skywalker Like, it's not even funny how much this guy can do at the end in the expanded universe. One of 'the' most overpowered jedi to EVER live, and pretty much 'the' face of the New Jedi Order, even post his death. Just about everyone looked for guidance to him, and it makes sense, given the fact that he 'was' one of the best Jedi to ever strut across the galaxy. Okay, that his family brought fourth a few mental-cases is a given, and that his father was a whiney kid aswell, but, in the end, he alone is the reason the 'Skywalker family' in the end is considered a Jedi, and not Sith lineage. 2: Yoda Complete No-brainer. Let's face it, this little midget was well over 750 years old at the time of Revenge of the Sith, and he was 'still' kicking it. Known as one of the most powerful Jedi ever to live, one of the wisest to boot, this little guy had it all in terms of Jedi prowess. He was smart, deep, wise, strong, and boy could he kick *** with his flying antics. Let's not forget that he went Toe-to-Toe with Sidious, although being that old. I still say that, if not for his far too advanced age, Yoda could've wrecked Sidious at a younger date. Alas, we'll keep remembering him as that 'old green midget that knows jedi kung fu' 3: Mace Windu Say what you want but this guy here, right here, did what Yoda couldn't do. He beat the living crap out of sidious and did it with a Pulp Fiction glare like only he could. Now, okay, some say it was all a plan of sidious to get beaten knowing any would rush to his rescue any minute, but I still say BS. Mace bested the dark lord of the sith, one even Yoda couldn't handle at the end of RotS, and if not for that punk-accident where Anakin just randomly decided to 'hey, let's save the gosh darned Sith Emperor", the entire reign of the Empire would've ended right there and then. 4: Obi Wan Kenobi Place 2 ,Without a doubt goes to Kenobi in my book. I mean, not only did he manage to get into a ******** of trouble during the Clone wars and prior to it, He defeated Maul being only a student of the force at the time, bested his very own student anakin when he turned dark (Mind you, Anakin being at the peak of his physical and force condition at that point) and overall just kicked some serious punani. 5: Skywalker Family: Kinda goes without saying that Luke's and Leias kids all ended up likewise kicking *** while chewing gum. About ever Skywalker brat ended up being one of it's strongest peers in their time. Some of them became Sith, others Jedi, but let's face it, if you where in the galaxy, and you stood against a Skywalker, you knew you where screwed. 6: Honorary Mention : The Dark Woman An'ya Kuro Mainly EU material. a Jedi turned grey Jedi, and if not for the fact that Vader simply had story advantage, this woman had the powers to literally destroy Vader. Now, she wasn't too powerful or anything. But this woman could Phase through solid objects, teleport (friggin teleport!), control plant matter at will And render herself completely invisible. Now you tell me how that is not a straightcut blueprint into kicking and killing about everything that comes at you. But alas, Vader killed her, (which i still kinda dont understand how that happened) and as such, she only deserves a honorary mention.
  18. The Sith are Evil, period. While the original idea or motivations for these characters 'may' not be evil in itself, It's the execution in itself, and the way they behave to achieve their goals that marks them as evil characters. The overall lack of respect for life, the abundant focus on the 'survival of the fittest' and basically hierarchical power oppression all serve as marking points for evil. Also, while the Sith believe that they handle the force like a tool, it is in the end the force handling them, more specifically, the darkside. it's influence is so deep on most characters that they commit negative acts without even being aware of the depths of their atrocities. In example Anakins delusions around the end of EP3. Or Palpatines general idea. He 'was' aiming for an orderly galaxy, and his reign 'did' bring prosperity and unity to the galaxy, simply at the cost of non-human oppression and general dictatorship. In the end, it's not the ideals or believes that make the sith essentially evil, not even the goals they might hold, but the way they attempt to reach them. Most times, Non-evil Sith are the result of cookie-cutter fanfiction creating Mary Sue stereotypes or the 'not so sith' type of Sith'.
  19. It's quite possible to ace the game in that time, If you really hit the Korean Grinder style. However, without workarounds such as giving yourself certain advantages like money and gear transfer from other toons, you'll definitely need more time. However I don't get how it's 'fun' to grind like that, I'd rather enjoy the content of the game rather then to wholly skip it.
  20. It all depends what they'll keep adding through new content patches. What I personally consider a must-have is expanded character creation. The given options are highly limited for our current day and age, and some of the available material is laughable best. I can fully understand that full facegen modifying or full body modifying was perhaps not possible to implement due to the long development streak, however, a good set of more customization options would've done this game a good deed (like more tattoos, hairstyles, complexion presets that actually look different and not near-identical except for like 10 of them from which 6 look like total carbage). Also, either fill the player worlds with more content, or shrink the player worlds (or if that's not possible, provide more fast-travel options). At times you spend far more time simply backtracking and jogging through the dunes instead of 'playing' in any form (Crafting/Farming/Dueling/Questing). Traveling routes and aspect really should've been given a bit more thought in this game. At last but not least, an implementation of better graphic processing and graphical customization such as the enbaling/disabling of volumetric fog, and other materials might give people the much needed performance boost they desire without having to trade it off entirely for mind-numbingly dull graphics. I mean, the difference between Very Low and Low shades is beyond immense, and often, it's it's only small details that keep the game from running at good visuals with good performance (I.E, as mentioned, volumetric shadows, implement sight distance etc)
  21. To be honest, Yodas race is one of the few mysteries SW lore kept for itself, and it's good that way. While the Expanded Universe is all nice and dandy, it also took many liberties which altered SW to a point that it created a heavy rift between what was in its original concept, and what is now. You just have to take a look at the first trilogy, and now at SWTOR to see just how much was altered, ammended and modified to hit with the new hipsters. There's not many things left for the oldschool sw fans, but I think that Yodas race is one of the few secrets we should be allowed to keep.
  22. Turning or rather twisting Jedi through torture is in itself a simple concept, simply because of the emotional spectrum involved. Since force alignment is partially bound to the emotional state and emotional range experienced and expressed, it's an actually easy concept. You simply have to make a person angry, fearful, in some sense, simply passionate in order to pave the groundwork for Sith teachings. Now, anyone apt at Torture is capable of bringing people into a state of fear, pain and disorientation that they will do about anything, and I mean 'anything' in Order for the Torturer to stop. Ofcourse, there are people specifically trained against torture, but that usually involves condition yourself to torture. Knowing what to expect, how to deal with it, etc etc.
  23. My favorite one comes from the conversation choices actually, not because it's overly epic, just because it kinda sets me off. It's a Sith quest on Korriban, flirting with the girl infrtont of the tomb entrance. Start's with <Flirt> You're Cute, <Flirt> something else, and then you get the options of "You've got legs" Suffice to say I was surprised he didn't mean it the way I thought he did. a let-down moment, but still most momerable for me lol. Other then that.. darth baras' raging antics during torture get me everytime.
  24. I chose Imp since day one. Why? I'm a darkside fanatic (and I mean that in every aspect, I have a knack for everything occult, in most fictions I come across.) Now, that's just me. When it comes to general populace, I can easily understand why the Empire would attract more players. Considering the get-up of the entire game, the story and what not, starting of on the Jedi side may feel like 'Great, i'm starting on the losing team, the guys that got their asses kicked majorly in the story.) Whereas starting on the Imp side gives you a direct notion of superiority, because, well, we sacked coruscant right? Other then that, I have game specific issues with Pubs (mainly because i play Forcers). There's an overall bad way in which force users where pictured in this game, and sorry, but a Jedi throwing rocks at people 'isn't' exactly the right picturing of a jedi class, no matter if the devs had to come up with a random equivalent for force lightning. Infact the entire Pub Sorcerer counterpart just seems like a lazy lightside rendition of lightning. they could've come up with more feasible alternatives. Then again they could've been a bit more original on the sorc side too, five different forms of lightning is kinda redundant and Star wars provides a plethora of force abilities, specially in the dark ranges. They could've easily added stuff like dark sight making it work like force scream or things like spear of midnight black, torture by chagrin, force combustion, etc etc. Including the most iconic abilities would've sufficed, but this over-abundant focus on them is kind of catering too much to the bland surface of SW, and not it's rich lore. Long story short, the groups ended up (in my opinion) being too much about style, too little about substance in Lore specifics, and when it comes to style, you got to hand it to the Imps, feels just better to run on Imp side. And as last point for Imp side and against Pubs,(like others mentioned). Starting on Tython is, thanks to the shoddy traveling layout so redundant that it really does take several hours, while Korriban really can be aced in like 2 hours, 3 if you're really thorough on all the quests, pick-ups and what not. It doesn't stop there either, it seems like an overall trend for the Imp side that it's laid out better in leveing purpose. In the end all these points aren't as magnificient as that they might ruin the game, because in the end I still enjoy both sides, but I do play Imps mostly, simply because it seems to be crafted in a more condensed and logistical fashion.
  25. You're overthinking it. It wasn't some grand-darkside turning point for luke. And again, you're also dramatizing the possible damage done by a slip-up moment in regards to force kharma (as in lightside-darkside balance). A single dark-willed act alone never sufficed to make a Jedi a Sith, or darksider. Take any of the Expanded Universe material for example, plenty of Jedi there that slipped up and yet managed to stay ontop. Also, Yoda didn't train Luke properly. a Jedi's training spans over decades, and most padawans aren't appointed knights up until their late tweens. Yoda had to compress those decades of training into a few puny months. It's also why he clearly stated that Luke was no Jedi yet and would not be until passing his final trial (Which you can actually read up on Wikipedia, Jedi trials, featuring several important key points that a Jedi had to go through in order to be recognized as one.) Either way, why is this so important to you? Perfect characters are boring and it was this exact thrill of near-tainting in Luke that made the moment memorable. Let's not forget, he didn't commit a darkside act in itself. He was 'fighting' a darksider, he won, and stopped before killing him. all in all that's positive, not negative on kharmic scale. Also, If you think that something like this makes him darksided, tainted or whatnot. Go read up on Mace Windu and his Lightsaber style Vapaad. He was constantly flirting with the darkside and still managed to remain a peon of light and head of the Jedi council for decades to come, until the fall of the republic.
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