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Everything posted by Ekas

  1. Gotta keep this thread on the first page! http://i.imgur.com/fn6FH.jpg
  2. Hehe, yeah! That's why I chose that avatar. Thank you!
  3. Yeah, Ithorian would be cool. Perhaps an Ithorian jedi?
  4. Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it.
  5. That's an option I did not think of. Thanks.
  6. I thought it would be cool to have an eyepatch-like item for my sentinel. I've seen these items around, and when I went searching for the item name on torhead, I found this: the RD-07A Viper Helmet... which turned out to be smuggler only when I searched the GTN for it. The only other eyepatch I found on torhead seems to have been removed since beta. So what I'm wondering is if there's any items in the game that looks like the Viper Helmet and is available to sentinels? Probably not, but I figure it can't hurt to ask.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/sCDTq.jpg Wow, there really is a pig star. Pig Vader, too.
  8. Thanks. I saw that picture, but had to be sure that it was the one we were talking about, because that looks to me more like dark brown and light brown than black and grey. But anyway, that gear is definitely in the game, as "mariner" gear, level 15 light armor greens. Would be good to see the Jedi Knight character creation armor available in the actual game, though.
  9. I want to add a character as a padawan or an apprentice to another character in the legacy family tree. Pretty please, Bioware? Also, please make the legacy trees inspectable. Of course, there should be an option to hide your legacy tree if you for some reason want to keep your other characters a secret.
  10. Where is this picture? I can't find any consular pictures where the character is wearing black and gray robes. Do you have the link?
  11. Yeah, so I made this before summer and forgot to post it here. UNTIL NOW. This clay statuette/figurine/thing is supposed to depict my Jedi Guardian in SWTOR. http://i.imgur.com/U5DKt.jpg?1 And here's what my Guardian looks like in game: Stunning likeness, right? I might make something else SWTOR related next time I decide to play with clay. Maybe I'll remember to post it, too!
  12. "Great minds think alike", eh? I've kind of wanted to remake that character... but my last character slot is reserved for my future Chiss Shadow - just have to get around a million more credits to unlock Chiss first (and since I hardly ever play my high level characters, that is going to be tricky). On that note, I love seeing characters that are of a class/species combination that's not available without unlocking it - so thanks for posting those pictures of your Chiss smuggler and Sith Jedi, AthanMullonis!
  13. I guess that tactic doesn't really work in this game though, as everyone you meet goes "oh hey, master jedi, I'm honored, now help me with this thing over here". Everyone recognizes you, even on backwater planets like Tatooine!
  14. I felt a great disturbance in the force... http://www.gamespot.com/news/angry-birds-star-wars-teased-6397737 So that's going to be a thing.
  15. Ortolans! What an adorable name! And it's good to see that I'm not the only one who loves these guys.
  16. Did they? Does anyone happen to have a link to that statement?
  17. You can already unlock a species for all classes by leveling a character of that species to 50, or buying it with credits. I propose adding an option to unlock a species for cartel coins when F2P launches. What do you think of that. Yay or nay?
  18. Excluding the ones that are already available as companions, such as Twi'lek. Having just finished reading "Blood of the Empire", I would like to see... well, whatever Maggot is. One of those green, one-eyed dudes. An expy of Maggot would be an excellent companion for my inquisitor. Also, one of the adorable tiny blue elephant people (I'm not good with species names) would get along well with my Jedi Knight, I think. What species would you like to see as a companion, and for which class?
  19. Here's a screenshot of an old consular of mine. (I deleted that character long ago.) http://i.imgur.com/VgTde.jpg Looking at the last two posts here, I'm thinking that look is really popular. Here's my new sage - I created him so my mains could get a father in the legacy tree. http://i.imgur.com/GSy4z.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EUw3C.jpg And here's my BH on Dromund Kaas. Spoiler for a mission there.
  20. 1 force user per faction vs. 2 force users per faction, and William Wallace facts! Does anyone remember those? Ah, yes. That's when I fell in love with this game... I still love it, but nothing will beat those first hours on Tython!
  21. My reaction to the thread title: ಠ_ಠ "Seriously dude? A slave for a pet? That's just wro-" Then I realized that warriors get Vette. There's your twi'lek slave. Hooray.
  22. In beta, I played a human Jedi Guardian first. I don't know what I played first after release, but I recreated that Guardian and now he's my first and only level 50!
  23. My newest and favorite character, a Sith Marauder. http://i.imgur.com/L9i5m.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Qcs06.jpg Loving the story so far, I'm now on Dromund Kaas.
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