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Everything posted by Ekas

  1. It's called Macarron Chacarron. Funny video by the way, Thekze!
  2. That suggestion isn't so bad. I don't oppose it, at least. I think that on higher levels Advanced Classes should be permanent though. Something I noticed today when I was choosing my smuggler's AC is that there was no "Are you sure? Y/N" confirmation box after hitting the select AC button. At least there wasn't for me. Could be useful to have, just throwing that out there.
  3. Saw that earlier today. Good thing I watched "A New Hope" again just a few days ago, or I wouldn't have gotten the reference, hehe. I wonder how many references to the movies and other Star Wars works Bioware put in TOR? I did notice when Andronikus Revel said "I've got a baaad feeling about this" during a space mission. That always has to be said at least once, right?
  4. On the server that I have my Imperial characters, my legacy name is Drecht. Which I find after googling is a Dutch place name or something? Anyway, I made it by mixing the names of two somewhat minor characters in Final Fantasy XII, Judge Drace and Judge Zecht. So main Imperial character's name (and title) is Lord Javus Drecht.
  5. I figure this thread might be as good as any to ask this. I'm making a Bounty Hunter, but I really can't find a good name for him, one that's suitable for a Star Wars character. So, I turn to the community for suggestions! The guy is gonna look something like this: http://i.imgur.com/6s85K.jpg So, uh, any suggestions then?
  6. I always assumed that people going LFG did have an intention of starting a group. That LFG is the thing you say when you're alone and LFM when you're in a group of 2 or more. Am I mistaken? Anyway, good post. Deserves a bump.
  7. Well, evil and albino go hand in hand. Here's my main dudes at the moment. Parthunir, light side Jedi Shadow. http://i.imgur.com/PLxqy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Lq8Pj.jpg Javus, very dark side Sith Sorcerer. http://i.imgur.com/Dfzmr.jpg
  8. That was funny! Now I wanna play Sith, hehe.
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