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Everything posted by Corsiero

  1. Rolls 20 characters, complains about money issues. I think your biggest problem is your ignorance of the game after playing so long. You talk like someone who just joined this week, which I might have tolerated, even with the obnoxious typing, now I just treat you like I would SupaTroopa, contempt.
  2. Aww yes! Want that white/gold armour set and droid armour set. Hardest part is to decide which character gets them or to roll a new character.
  3. If you can't sell them at the posted price, sell them for a lower price. If you are unwilling to sell them at a lower price, then you're stuck with it or destroy it.
  4. Sniper Engineering/Lethality hybrid is the only viable hybrid in PvE. Sorcerer Lightning/Madness hybrid for PvP ( just don't expect good numbers against good players ). Powertech Advanced Prototype/Pyrotech hybrid for PvE ( just don't expect good number as you miss your hard hitting abilities ). These are the ones I've tried so far above. Powertech Shieldtech/Advance Prototype hybrid for PvP.
  5. Bounty Hunter reputation vendor for most of the set and Mandalore the Ultimate's helmet. That should be sufficient until an actual in game style Mandalorian set becomes available.
  6. Darth Nihilus mask Visa Marr chestpiece with black/black dye Visa Marr hands, legs, feet Darth Sion belt Carth Onasi bracers On body type 3 male. Just need a little imagination.
  7. Under 55 PvP vendor. Missions whilst levelling that require returning to those planets to report in. Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid pick up missions. Cause I'm lazy. I avoid using my ship to travel unless absolutely neccessary.
  8. I actually spend as little time on Fleet as possible, especially since the Life Day event. I tend to park my 55 characters on the daily planets. I only ever go to Fleet to hand in missions or go to vendors. I prefer the GTN on my ship. My lower level characters tend to stay close to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant for the PvP vendors. Otherwise, my levelling characters were on the planet they were last left on. Characters without ships have no choice but to be parked on Fleet. If I ever need to find groups I have guild and various voice chat programs. I have plenty of choices on what to do.
  9. Well last year I felt like I was somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of content being released, having to try and gain reputation not only from the Bounty Hunter event but also Czerka in a short space of time, then having Oricon released along with the Operations, the change in commendations, and then Starfighter, it was awesome having lots of choices about what to do. If they could continue with that kind of content release schedule, I may stay longer after I've completed my class stories on Rep side, but only if there's more story content to look forward to.
  10. Having recently looked into the forms, I have questioned whether the forms fit the different Warrior/Knight trees. For instance Ataru, which focuses heavily on attacking and acrobatic moves to quick wear down a foe, would suit the Rage/Focus tree in regards to Force Leap/Obliterate in terms of acrobatics but not in terms of physical attacks. Shii-cho is all basic techniques of wide simple swing attacks, which doesn't seem to suit the Rage/Focus tree, but then Rage/Focus doesn't seem to fit any of the forms really well anyways. Carnage/Combat tree in terms of it's heavy focus on repeated lightsabre attacks would suit Ataru but also Juyo. Annihilation/Kinect tree takes in bleed effects, which seem to go well somewhat with Makashi's precision attacks but the animations are heavily focused on powerful strikes which would suit Shien form's brute force focus. I'd be nice if the attacks and forms for each tree looked like they belonged to the actual forms but I highly doubt they are going to change the game now to be more lore focused.
  11. I'd have to agree with OP, because of the fact that certain bugs, like crashing at the end of Black Talon still haven't been resolved. I acknowledge that they have attempted to address the issue in the past but the bug still remains. I'm not saying bugs should be stamped out immediately, though it would be ideal, I just wish it didn't take such a long time to fix these persistent issues which have piled up over time.
  12. The reason it should stay is because they didn't earn it. I just got valour 60 on my Sorcerer and I'm happy with my Battlemaster Force-Mystic's set. I had the foresight to buy the schematics on my Marauder to craft them at a later date when it was announced that the gear was being removed. OP is lazy and chucking a hissy fit. You want it you earn it the way it was designed to be earnt. If he's really been playing this long, he had every opportunity to get the pieces or valour but was too stuck up to do so.
  13. I hope they remain exclusive. Too many entitled babies demanding to have everything. Those that have it, I don't have one by the way because I wasn't around, got it because they earnt it in some way. If you came into the game after it's no longer available, tough luck. Deal with it.
  14. I've done it 10 times this week without issue. I've never had a problem with it. Why don't you do a bug report in the bug report forum and tell them exactly how it's broken?
  15. So you want this game to be pay to win? It's easy enough already to get comms, you want them to buy comms from the Cartel Market? How about no.
  16. Complaining on New Years Eve? I wish I could kerb stomp customers that do that.
  17. I would really like it if lazy players like OP didn't exist but it's just something I have to put up with.
  18. My New Year's resolution is to quit this game, hopefully by finishing all the class quests... need to stop playing my Imp characters. >.< Happy New Year! They were letting off fireworks at a friend's place I was hanging out at two doors down. Sweet!
  19. More stuff like Oricon. A new daily area, leading from one place to another, that gives you purple gear, finishing with an Operation which gives more gear and titles. Also PvP based around the new daily area as an option, fighting for control of the area or objective, with control awarding achievements.
  20. DAT GOLD ARMOUR! BRB making a Pharoah Sorcerer or Sage. Those new white/red weapons are too much like Mass Effect. I like some of the clothing sets.
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