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Everything posted by FBPL

  1. Fully upgraded RFL + maxed out frequency capacitor is kinda fun on my Alt's Blackbolt. Subtle as a chainsaw, but fun. Pew. Pew, pew. Pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew,pew...
  2. A Starfighter 's lounge, located on Nar Shaddaa, with gambling and dancers, open to pilots of both factions on the Red Eclipse server. You don't say...
  3. Rapids with Frequncy upgrade. Even I can't miss with that rate of fire, though my 'spray and pray' technique does leave accuracy levels at around 25-30%...
  4. It's funny when Gunsheep pilots act all butthurt when other players point out the obvious to them.
  5. J.J is a fanboy (hence the uproar when he got to do Star Trek and rebooted it on them. Hehehe.); I honestly think the new films are in safe hands. I never really got into the EU stuff set after RoTJ anyway, so discarding it in favor of the new films makes no difference to me. As long as we don't have another Jar Jar Binks moment then I think most fans will be happy enough.
  6. After a couple of false starts with guilds that either didn't do what they said on the tin or barely managed to keep guild numbers in double figures, I have decided to give this guildy experience one last chance. I play a slightly more than casually, several hours a day/night during the week (timings depend on when I'm working) and some weekends as well when RL commitments don't get in the way. I run a lvl 55 GS as my main and a lvl 50 JK as an alt. I've only solo queued for GSF in the past, but if its a serious guild requirement then I've been known to hold my own against reputed 'Aces'... If its not a serious requirement then just having a couple of folk to wingman up with would be nice. I never have and probably never will bother with ground based, ranked, PvP. I've seen the griefing and the rage that occurs there, I get enough of that jazz from my editor, I don't desire it in-game. Guild wise I'm hoping that there is a moderately sized group of mature players who enjoy story content, helping new players, casual raiding, and assisting each other in exploring what the game has to offer. Feel free to message me here or in-game.
  7. Ditto. So , like myself, you have already heard every known word of abuse used in at least a dozen sentences. Anyway, as for the name calling, folk ain't going to change. Not the ones dishing it out, or the ones who reputedly deserve a quiet word about how to be an effective team member. Personally I think a Luger would be the kindest way to deal with some of them judging by their ability and attitude. Now, did I see someone mention tacos...
  8. Nope, not at all. I just think that instead of quitting you should use it as experience. Don't forget that even the Red Baron himself was shot down by a 'newbie' pilot... I play GSF on the Red Eclipse server, Rep side, most evenings. Feel free to give me a nudge if you need a wingman. (I also fly Imp, but I'm not giving THAT call sign out on here. I like to fly incognito sometimes.)
  9. You spammed chat posing as a fake gold selling spambot? Boy are you a special kind of stupid.
  10. That is quite possibly the funniest thing I've read all week. Still, I can understand the sense of frustration that you are suffering from. There are plenty of times where I've watched as either teammates, or opposition, have turned what is supposed to be a fun PvP experience into scenes remminiesnt of the Fokker scourge. In contrast I also know of a few players who will have ships that they haven't mastered in their hangers for the times when the other side is a PuG of greenhorns and they'd rather have a fun match than mudhole stomp them. As for quiting and refusing to play whenever you're losing... ...you dont happen to be French by any chance?
  11. Pushbacks happen and if this one has occured simply to allow them to roll out more features, I'll not mutter. Very interested to see how this planet conquest develops...
  12. I'll be giving any and all new GSF players on the R.E server a shove in the direction of this video.
  13. I'll give the Guildleader one more week to return then maybe, just maybe, I'll switch to the darkside instead...
  14. Scavi I've only flown in the same team as a few times, so I can't comment with any accuracy. I do fly with Tigrah most nights though, and I'll vouch that they certainly deserve to be nominated here. As for Heylan... well if I see that name in the flight roster on my side then I know the battle is half won already. Quite possibly the best Rep pilot on the R.E server.
  15. I can fully endorse this method of using your game time as a reward. I'd never get anything done if I didn't use SWTOR as the carrot in front of my nose to get stuff completed. As much as I despise having to work and earn money instead of playing video games, I know I'd despise living in the street with no money even more. No money or home means no game time after all...
  16. Now I dont normally go in for all this teamwork and guild nonsense, being quite happy to quest cantankerously on my own. Just recently though I had a little wave of nostalgia to a time when I played another MMORPG and helped run a guild. At about the same time as the rose tinted spectacles had been donned I was asked if I would like to help someone found a new guild on the R.E server. The name they proposed seemed acceptable and they appreciated the fact that I don't get on enough to be anything more than a casual player (which to me means only playing for 2-3 hours of an evening), so in a pique of unusual sociability I accepted their offer to help form a guild. This was two weeks ago... since then two founders have vanished and I've not seen the other two online once. Now I don't have the time to go recruiting and vetting new members to help build this fledgling guild up, but if anyone does fancy joining in at the very grass roots of what may yet end up being the shortest lived guild in SWTOR history, let me know. Now, excuse me, I have an absent Guild Leader to find...
  17. The mesas themselves make it obvious which way is up and down to be fair. Doesn't stop me ploughing into them, but at least I know which way I'm orientated when I do.
  18. Laughed so hard at this I squirted coffee out my nose.
  19. Kill screen could be very interesting. Would give an indication of what ships/pilots/tactics you are weakest against. No need for an artificial horizon in a starfighter as space doesn't have an up or down. Voice commands just seem like more stuff for me to try not to forget to do whilst in the middle of not getting my ship turned into an exploding bloom of space-slag, though I can see how others may find them useful.
  20. I'm a casual player, I use a strike, I solo queue, I die lots somedays, I die little somedays, and I'm still having cartloads of fun. Pew, pew, pew...
  21. I love the smell of necro in the morning. Balance seems pretty good over here on the R.E server. Sure there are the pre-made guild flights on both sides who often dominate games. There are even a few pilots who can alter a match single handedly. (They are the ones who enjoy making me eat vacuum and explode into pretty colours.) New players do get tossed in the deep end, but at the end of the day we all went through the same thing. I spent the first 50 or so matches learning how not to get killed a dozen times each game, and while I'm still not topping any leaderboards I know how to contribute to a team because GSF is, ultimately, a team game. Those wanting to simply leap in and go Leroy Jenkins are going to spend a lot of time re-spawning. So no, I don't think there needs to be a two tier system, a more robust tutorial perhaps, and more input from the Vets out there towards the greener pilots but leave the balance of play as it stands. Now, time for me to explode in a variety of hilarious ways again...
  22. Not that far removed from my set up with the Strike. Nothing beats using Ion to strip shields, slow them down, and then shoving a Conc missile up their tail pipe. I
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