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Everything posted by Brunner_Venda

  1. The problem is that sorcs are 'too much' rather than marauders/Sents being 'too little'. People play what wins, Sorcs appear to be at the top in the current meta.
  2. Unless you want to do PT tank, go jugg. The other two PT specs are not ranked viable. Jugg are good in regs, arenas, ranked, and what little open PVP there is. I run a guardian and while it's fun, the class probably has way too much self healing. It's still great fun leaping into the middle of any fight.
  3. The devs aren't going to fix their PVP game until nobody plays it anymore. The idiot designers aren't going to take player feedback seriously until they're reading all of it from the mountain of 'cancel sub' reasons.
  4. Juggs are all right offense wise. The only problem is that enraged defense is over the top, and the morons in the design team decided to add more charges and time to it. They can heal to full two or three times and it's just silly that a warrior can top the charts in healing. Other than that. Fine.
  5. Anyone who hasn't noticed that the tank+healer combo is a 1+1=3 (sometimes 4) situation really isn't paying attention. A guarded healer is going to take half damage, which he can easily out heal. A tank guarding the healer is going to taunt the attackers, so the healer takes even less. A tank is going to use defensive cooldowns that protect the healer, like riot gas, slows, and the reflect on sonic missile. Personally I think the problem is guarding (50% damage) is a little too good in PVP on healers, and healing sages don't face a single resource management issue. But those are design flaws that aren't easily fixed.
  6. Nope, there is a non stealth bracket. So snipers, maras, and mercs can actually play (no thanks to the turd designers at Biofail). The organizer is smart, I look forward to the YouTube of this.
  7. This has happened to me. One mistake some PT's make is that they pre-load the rockets at the beginning of the match. I did once, thinking I would be guarding the healer, not the pylon. Then nobody goes for the pylon, because they're terrible bad. So I picked it up, and messaged that I was a poor choice for the job. A concealment op and a tank sin watch until my rockets go down, and strike. The two of them did manage to sap, cap, and put me down. Of course no help arrives after two calls because team of **** players. The whole "guard off of the node" strategy assumes that there's only one stealth monkey, not two.
  8. PT can and should, because it can defend the node from multiple stun monkeys. Look! I'm stunned, and the stealth monkey is capping. Calmly reply, one rocket only. Stunned again! Reply in a few seconds. One rocket only. Keep it calm. Full resolve? Beat his *** until help gets here. Im a tank and it will take him a month to kill me.
  9. That or a 25-30 second CD. It's not hatred, it's deflection with the stun immunity, which all specs can get.
  10. Scorch does like, 200 damage per second over 30 seconds. It... Tickles.
  11. This here ^^^ New AP has all of the old AP abilities that take the rough edges off of the ****** PVP game. Stuns - you get a free 30% shield while stunned, which can be as much as half of the time. Stun locked deaths are fewer than most classes. Overrides - everyone gets these, but they make stuns, slows, throws, and knock backs useless. Energy rebounder gives you two shields in a match. Too bad it doesn't help with burst. AOE damage gets 30% DR, because specs still spam lightning. What it comes down to, is pyro is not a PVP spec. If you're having fun with it, that's good enough reason to run it, but you are far less effective and survivable.
  12. Brunner_Venda


    It works everywhere. Ilum is a bolster area where people with no expertise get bolstered into some.
  13. Why quit? Re roll a jugg and enjoy CC immunity on every spec, and two or three lives worth of free heals. You did get one thing right. Incompetent designers.
  14. As usual, the designers didn't think it through. It would help if John Jarynowski and Alex Modny could think to begin with - but they can't. The ability lets you keep someone immobile or mezzed for five seconds out of every fifteen in an arena. Before you could position yourself out of the assassin's range. Now? Stay out of a third of the fight. And like it. The CD needs another 5-10 seconds. There's no doubt assassins needed an anti kite skill, but this is stupid.
  15. Pyro is garbage in arenas and warzones. Scorch's 7k dot over 30 seconds is garbage. What's that, 220 damage per tick? Lol. Sorry, it's useless. Prototype flame thrower is decent, but it's a three second channel, the DPS is worse than a pair of magnetic blasts.. The AOE cleave is nice, but it's lacking punch. Flaming fist and immolate damage was nerfed, they used to be decent in 3.0.0, but not anymore. At best plasma/pyro is a glorified sub-par PVE spec. Bioware wrecked it. They won't acknowledge their terrible design. They won't fix it. I know some people do 'OK' in PVP with this spec, but let's be honest. You would do twice as well with AP.
  16. I'll be the first to apologize when the patch notes say: * Advanced Class and 2018 expertise PVP gear now required to queue solo ranked. Would that fix everything? No, but it would require a LOT more investment of time and effort for trolls to ruin other people's gameplay. It would at least cut the problems in half. Also, That would show everyone that they are serious about wanting to fix this. But that's fantasy land. It won't happen. Sorry if I offended your sensibilities as a Bioware employee or Bioware fanboy, but In the real world people get angry when you do a really ****** job and then make jokes about it.
  17. Wow, it's been awhile since I've seen one of these 'Nerf Operatives' threads. Used to be you could get blitzed taking a drink every time you saw one of these.
  18. And a lobotomized concealment op can beat any AP PT. well, not lobotomized, you have to really know your class abilities and if you do, you'll win easy.
  19. Despite all of their tough talk about cracking down on trolls, nothing will happen. If you're lucky, Alex Modny might come in and make a stupid comment, which is moronic and insulting given past promises to do something about ranked arena trolling.
  20. You don't even need efficient keybinds. I know people that do amazing with an MMO gaming mouse. 10 buttons plus shift and control, and then you only need the three movement keys.
  21. To be fair, the community managers hopped in to play. If I remember right, Musco played PT tank. It was sort of funny to watch, they were all backpedling and clicking with all of their hearts! My guess is the devs balanced around clicking and backpedling, then when good players step in the classes are insane (AP PT, hatred?)
  22. For most of season four, it worked like this. 1. Start with FOTM overpowered class: * hatred sin * PT Tank * Sorc * AP PT before the shoulder Cannon nerf 2. Learn to play at an average level, And let the OP class do the rest of the work. 3. ??? 4. Profit!
  23. Nerf dark stability, let it add 3-4 seconds of stun immunity at the START of deflection. Then start adding some of the 2.X damage back. Double duplicity, buff maul, etc.
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