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Everything posted by gabigool

  1. Generally i notice this when exiting a cutscene or phase change i.e. porting into TFB phase 2 from phase 1. I use right mouse to look and if I have right mouse depressed when the phase change/cutscene begins i have this issue. If I am mindful to release rightclick in advance i do not have the issue. Hope this helps.
  2. Just IMO, but these three sentences very clearly represent the mindset of the studio. Fundamental assumptions of how their game ought to be played. Core beliefs they create content around. I consider this mindset to be delusional in an MMO. Without question it is radically out of sync with the majority of players who have installed this game. That is inarguable. This is why you do not take a studio with zero MMO experience and hand them the most valuable IP of all time. That there are people who do indeed play this way in no way invalidates the truth - this mindset pushes away a lot more people than it attracts.
  3. I would say PT is clearly the easiest to both learn and play. That said, Assassin has a few more tools in the box, and are really fun to play right now. They are certainly more complex to play properly, but being honest, you could literally go through 95% (If not 99) of solo/group content using nothing but Wither/Discharge and spamming Lacerate and no one would notice. I have to admit, I mained Shieldtech for a long, long time and I personally don't enjoy playing the class anymore with the 5.0 changes.YMMV but I am enjoying playing a Sin very much, and it can be played pretty effectively without getting too complicated.
  4. Really? As, in, seriously? That's funny. Not true. IF all other things are equal (they are nearly always not so), you could argue you would be at a disadvantage 1v1. And you could theoretically lose a fight and even a match as a result. Aside from being disappointed (which, if you use that as an argument, puts you dangerously close to the special snowflake place) do you amass repair bills? Do you get exactly zero credit towards your weekly? Zero CXP? Zero Tokens? You poor thing. Listen, I'm not saying it might not be a problem. But as it seems to me gear will be obtained much, much faster via PvP than PvE, the advantage goes to the player with the most time. So what's next, throttling people's login time? At some point it gets ridiculous. PvE tokens on bosses will not affect you in the slightest. The bulk of the T3 gear smashing you won't be coming from NM Brontes. I think this is a pretty stupid argument for anyone to make. They are different animals. Arguing either way is pointless. And your particular argument is ignorant. That said, I will happily argue that obtaining gear in this "new" system is easier in PvP than PvE. So while you can complain that the very small number of players that do gear via PvE are at an advantage, reality is nearly all T3 gear is going to come from PvP. As such I see no problem. This is flawed at such a low, basic, fundamental level that it's scary if you're not actually trolling.
  5. Still looking. Apologies for not clearly pointing out we're imp side.
  6. Update - my son actually loved it. As did I. I was a bit worried he wouldn't be able to keep some of the characters straight - given how often they were talked about when not on screen early in the movie - but he sorted it out. Jumped the shark a bit towards the end but all in all I had a blast watching it.
  7. This fix is a *********** joke. Anyone thinking otherwise simply hasn't thought enough about it. The fact that it is a 5% improvement on something that was made 500% worse is meaningless. I do not understand why a simple pre-4.0 gear mechanism (No HHM, No EV/KP gearing) is such a bad thing. All this current system does is waste time. In a game with literally zero new content that requires the gear, gating it is just *********** idiotic. There's no other word for it. Wake up.
  8. It's a reasonable, fair, effective solution. It would take the "suck" out of the game for me, and most players I know. This is a perfectly elegant solution I would love. I don't even mind if each chapter dropped a token. Or other stuff. The problem is simply that it doesn't involve the anchor that is GC. We all need to understand that given the choice between two solutions: A) A perfect one, that would make everyone happy, but does not involve GC; B) A convoluted circus that most players are not happy with, but involves GC; We will get B. Fully behind this. A shame Ben will not be.
  9. I like your signature. I'd play this game with a bag over my head if I could.
  10. I'm going tomorrow at 10:00am. I'm bringing my (almost) 10 year-old son. He loved the original trilogy and TFA. I mean, loved them. But he really struggled with the prequels, in that they didn't really hold his interest. I'm curious how you suspect RO will resonate with kids.
  11. IMO this is the problem with the studio. Brilliantly distilled into one sentence. They have great metrics and crap analysis. Their fundamental thought process on how to manage this type of game is so far from reality we're doomed to be stuck with the crap we get. Devs: When you don't support something, people stop playing it. Its not the other way around. I swear I doubt any of them ever played an MMO, let alone worked on one. But hey, put 'em in charge. The point is, if it's in the game, you support it. Period. Not optional. The devs had a choice on how to handle Operations in this game. They chose the lazy path. People quit. their metrics show less people raiding. Hmmm. Seriously - in total *********** seriousness - do the devs honestly think that sometime between 2012 and 2015 the population of the world decided they didn't like raiding? Ar they really that unwilling to accept that, perhaps, the studio actually has some sort of accountability for the decline? Why is it that everyone I used to raid with in this game is raiding somewhere else right now? Ben - until you get this fundamental concept through the heads of the higher ups there, we're all ****ed. I know your consultant told you that an asian grind would work but they forgot to notice that we're already paying a sub and there's no *********** content. We need content. People will pay to play it if it's of high quality, of all types, and at a reasonable cadence. Content bro. That's your cash grab. You guys have been wasting an opportunity that comes around so rarely it's honestly sad. Support your damn game. Stop mucking around breaking it like you just did. Your playerbase, for the most part, hates this. It's a sick joke. Are you proud of that? You guys need to find the reset button. Put your heads down. Create a plan. Communicate it to the community. We'll buy into it. Then sell it to upper management. Show them they can keep treading water or they can hit the jackpot. Bring in some MMO talent to help you. Make this game great again. Because right now, it pretty much sucks.
  12. I can't even think of a good reason to level an alt to 70, let alone grind CXP. I think the entire system is garbage.
  13. I agree with the above poster that this is a fantastic post and as such, the major themes will be ignored on the stream, Sadly, reality is GC is just a cash grab. Their philosophy is to take more of our money. The solutions we see today will be PTW. Legacy unlocks, etc. The sad thing is this system is proving to be an abject disaster and has already cost them subs and will cost them many, many more. If there even is a 6.0 the system will certainly change back to something less ridiculous. As much as it would bruise their ego, the single best thing the could do for both retention and community respect would be to announce they are completely trashing it or including enough workarounds that it can essentially be 100% ignored. Raiders are ignoring it now except for people that didn't have old set bonuses. It's garbage and it needs to go. Frankly, even new content couldn't save this system.
  14. Thank you for writing this. I really hope the entire BW team reads this post slowly and carefully.
  15. Speaking of narrative, I read your post. No one is disputing BW has produced things that are, by strict definition, content. The point you are missing is they are not producing content (and have not now for years) that is in and of itself a retention mechanism. Ergo we have these lame cash-grabby bolt-on mini treadmills. If you truly think this is the best possible swtor that could have been, you need your head examined. This is a *********** train wreck.
  16. I can't wait to see how much CC these changes will cost
  17. I am seeing this as well, additionally sometimes after you complete, click the thing to come back to fleet, and then leave group, you get a lockout
  18. Dude it's like three year old content. The game has areas of the game that actually could use the devs attention. Yes, there is group content in the game. No, you can't solo it. And as I posted above - the entirety of what you are missing is simply that you kill the rest of them. There is no magical story continuation. You kill them. The end. You're not missing anything. You can choose to do so or not do so. You seem to want something more and I don't get why. Personally, I would advise using your time a bit more effectively. In the amount of time it took you to post here, you could have looked at Dulfy's SM guides to DF and DP for a quick and dirty (but completely sufficient) rundown on how the fights go. They are very easy to find groups for via groupfinder once a week or so. Go do them. With a group. They are fun, and in story mode, quite easy. I think you would be far more entertained doing that than engaging in a debate around allocating resources to making three year old content soloable.
  19. I hope this patch fixes Shieldtech PT's. Flame Engine is broken. You were told this during PTS. sigh
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