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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Patroller

  1. Thank you for that. It seems that once i leveled most of my toons to level 55, ppl start to get way more aggressive and pissed off more easily than levels 1-54. Is this just my opinion or do others agree?
  2. Tank you for that. It seems that once i lvl most of my toons to lvl 55, ppl start to get way more aggressive and pissed off more easily. Is this only my opinion or do others share it?
  3. Okay, thank you. Do you know when the next level cap will come and what will the new gear rating be? Also, I know how to get a full of WZ gear with minimal effort. Would i be okay having a gear rating of 158 for the new update? I would of coarse mod the gear over time, but encase i ran out of time, would i be okay?
  4. I said it was my first time and that i was just trying to get some new gear, and we didn't even make it past the first boss. I was with one of my guild mates and he explained the fight to me so i knew what i was doing.
  5. I had just got to 55 bout 2 weeks ago. Saved up classic comms and bought some gear. I then did the Oricon story and got some gear. My entire armor rating was above lvl 156, which is the basic lvl for DF SM. I got pretty excited and thought, ok, my gear is a high enough lvl, I can do it. I had been lvl 55 for less than a week. Well... apparently, my health was to low, even tho I'm a sniper. I had 28k health. I did more dmg than most ppl in the group and they insulted me the WHOLE time. They even blamed me for not completing the OP, even tho our tanks sucked and our heals had their heads up their asses. I was eventually kicked from the group.


    Has anyone else had the problems? And if so, plz, let me know, so we can group up in game and have a fun (if that is possible) operation. :D

  6. I have a lvl 40 almost lvl 41 Sith Warrior and was starting to prep my lvl 55 gear. I know what armor i want, but was curious,what is the easiest way to get mods/ench's/armoring with a rating of 180? I was also wondering if it is even worth spending time getting 180 mods with the new expansion coming out?



    Through passion, i gain strength; through strength, i gain power; through power i gain victory; through victory, my chains are broken. I am one with the force :sy_darkside:

  7. I know gear rating in this game has gone up substantially over the past year, which is GREAT! But would it kill the producers to change up the WZ and OP gear? It hasn't changed in such a long time. Also, I preferred the gear from update 1.2 over this stuff. And now they are trying to bring it back, but are failing so BAD :( They're making everything look so stupid. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
  8. One: 8010 health is not that bad for a level 35, but try mods, which you can buy with planet comms. Since you are a jugg, focus on strength which helps to improve every stat. Two: use your healing companion Quinn. Three: Don't use all your tanking abilities at once, space them out. I'm lvling a Jugg Tank and he never dies and i use Jeasa most of the time
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