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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Patroller

  1. Recently, I have heard a lot of talk about season 2 of the KotFE. What are people talking about when they mention this? I thought we were going to be finished with these crappy monthly expansions and crappy story. I know I as well as many others hate what BW is doing and have mentioned it in the forums. If I understand "season 2" correctly, does it mean the devs are going to continue with these expansions and story?
  2. Why not just make this the way to level in this game now and add something new for old players... like.... hmmm.... i dont know.... NEW CONTENT!!! Ops (they aren't hard to make), fps (even easier), better warzones (not hard), CROSS SERVER QUEUES FOR EVERYTHING!!! <-- i like this last idea... continuing on... better story, get rid of the month to month 30 minute crappy story expansion and do one massive expansion every 3-6 months which contain actual multi player content...


    BW, don't mess with the community anymore. If there was a better star wars game, I would be there right now, but guess what, EA ****ed over the other one so this is all I have for star wars....

  3. As the title says, the legendary level is way too much of a grind and requires people to complete stuff in 2-3 months (how ever long the event lasts) that it has taken most people a year or 2 to complete. Those who complete legendary level are going no life mode for a solid 2 months... BW, i ask you, divide this level into 2 levels so some of the stuff is achievable. I know I can complete half of the requirements, but over the course of a few months. I someone is able to meet half of the requirements of legendary level, then they should get a 1/3 or 1/2 of the rewards someone with full requirements would get.
  4. Well, there is probably a small chance it will end Tuesday with the 4.6. I say this because no one found out when the season was starting until the day of, which would mean I wouldn't be too surprised if the season ended with no notice. The reward teaser MIGHT be announced when the items in the cartel pack coming in 4.6 are announced. This is just speculation though.
  5. When will season 7 end? It better be next pack because it has been 3 months and I do not feel like waiting and extra month for some ****** rewards.
  6. If the rewards are related to KotFE or HK, I am going to leave the game, because PvP is the only thing keeping me here....
  7. I am sure people have already said what I am about to say but here we go anyway :rolleyes:


    -Class Balance

    -Better looking ranked rewards

    -3 tiered queues for ranked based on rating (tier 3: 1349 and lower, tier 2: 1350-1599, tier 3: 1600+)

    -Better looking PvP gear from vendors

    -Better PvP maps

    -Let us choose what warzones we want

    -16v16 maps

    -Team Balance (not having a team with 3 healers vs a team with no heals)

    -Cross server queues

    -8v8 ranked like in season 1 (the good old days)


    I can go on but this would be a good start ;):rolleyes::):p:D:o

  8. I have a quick question. Does one need to complete 10 ranked matches before they can get rewards or can one complete 5 and still get rewards? I have only done 5 matches matches on my merc and am 5-0. I checked my rating and its over 1350. I am of course going to do more ranked, but am just curious.
  9. Killing commanders was just an idea. It doesn't have to be what commanders are today. It could be a short operation that's new every week and changes drastically depending on the planet. What it would do would be to invade a command outpost and kill the commanding officer of that planet.
  10. I want an expansion, but one that has nothing to do with KotFE or at least make it so all of the chapters aren't so repetitive. Next expansions should be about the war between the republic and imperials. For example, say an imperial agent has assassinated a high ranking republic official like a senator. The republic retaliates by launching an attack on an important imperial controlled world. Then both republic and imperials fight for control on this world. Lets say the imperials have to redraw to regroup and the republic takes another three worlds. This could then start a new concept where decisions actually matter and conquest can tie in where the republic and empire fight over a world each week. Who ever pushes the enemy back to their base and captures it and still holds it by the last day wins that world and the losing faction has to withdraw. This would make it so decisions actually matter the players can have an impact on the game. This would also allow for story and pvp to mix which would allow both types of players to become involved. It wouldn't just have to be pvp, because there would be story driven elements each week that requires players to kill commanders or something. That would bring people back to this game and would be a great expansion.
  11. I might be the connection to the server you are on or it might be a bug in the patch that is causing you to DC. If switching servers isn't an option, you might want to reinstall the game. I honestly don't know, it's just and idea.
  12. I have been playing this game from 1.2, but have taken a few small breaks. Every time a new expansion is released I come back to playing this game like many others. From 1.2 to 4.0, this game has had its ups and downs. 1.2 and the expansion about dread masters were wonderful expansions. On the other hand, the hutt cartel, GSF, shadow of revan, and KotFE had been... well.... trash. I miss the republic vs. imperial conflict from the original 3 chapters (4 if you count illum). I am tired of this lets unite to kill a common enemy for not one, but two different expansions... I want this game to go back to the conflict that IS star wars. I want operations that are part of the story and not just thrown in there (Ravagers is a good example), I want war zones that aren't republic and imperials on the same team, and I want a good story... (Something else to do with the dread masters or powerful sith would be nice). I know many people have said KotFE was make or break for swtor and from what I am seeing, it's not going very good. But I believe what ever comes after KotFE in 5.0 will be make or break for this game.
  13. I have been playing jugg for the past few months and decided to change it up. I asked around and wanted to play a class that was challenging in PvP. I decided to go with merc, because I heard they have a hard time in PvP. People informed me they have terrible defenses, but after playing for a little over a week on my 65 merc, I do not understand why they say this? I have not done much ranked yet but have done a few matches. I am 4-1 rn. I am still trying to learn the class better but I am able to easily win 1v2's on my merc, I even once won a 1v3.


    With utilities that grant an extra 5% dmg reduction, reduces the CD of energy shield by 3secs every 1.5secs (if I'm not mistaken), another 2 utilities which can make you immune to interrupts, and more. Plus the class abilities such as energy shield which reduces dmg reduction by 25%, or chaff flare with can stop 5 yellow attacks (if I'm not mistaken again ::rolleyes:), hydrolic override, and more, why do people say merc/mando sucks in pvp?


    Btw, i have played for arsenal and innovative ordnance merc and find both to be good.

  14. I have been looking forward to ranked for the past few months as season 7 is my first true season of ranked. I practiced during the preseason to get better and now... everything seems pointless. I play in Harbinger, because that's where pops occur most often. Well, tonight alone (Friday night) I had 5 people leave in 5 different ranked matches, people are throwing matches, and over all, a large portion of people do not know *** they are doing. Now, I don't get mad easily, but this is just ********. My rank is dropping so fast and I can't do anything about it. I get paired with these people I just described and I want to leave, but I don't because it's not the right thing to do. BW needs to make it so you cannot leave during a ranked match or if you do, you are not allowed to queue on any toon account wide for 15-30min. I just felt like ranting a bit.
  15. With the two brand new way over do warzones coming out this week, I was wondering if there will be a new PvP system or even small changes? Maybe selecting what warzones you want and don't want, or seeing how many people are in queue so you know whether or not to waste your time queuing.
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