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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Patroller

  1. I currently have 5 dps full 168 aug or greater and 2 heals full 168 or greater. Now i want to create a tank, and was wondering which class is the best overall. I have heard in is a hybrid where the damage it very good, but is not a main tank. I know juggs have insane CDs on their abilities and a very hard to kill while they deal a reasonable amount of damage. Then there's pts which i just dont know about. Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. I would like to start doing PvE again and was wondering, which class. I think I would like to be either a sniper, jugg dps, or merc dps and/or healer. Which one should I go with? Any help is appreciated :D
  3. I havent done much pve in a while, just mostly pvp. I was wondering, who i shoudl use for both pve and pvp? Sniper, sorc dps, op dps, or sin dps? Any heal would be much appreciated :D
  4. I havent focused on pve in a long time, mainly pvp. I want to create another toon to both pve and pvp with. Should i do sorc dps, sniper, op dps, or sin dps? Any help would be much appreciated :D
  5. I have played the game since a few months after launch and have been a sub since i started playing. I can recall this ever happening like this. I know they have shut down servers before but at least I could change servers. I have been on the loading screen for an hour and 37 min. :(
  6. I have played as almost all classes and so far, I am liking my assassin the most. I am almost at level 60 and once I get to level 60, I want to do pve and pvp on my assassin. Now, my question is, which discipline do I go with? Hatred or deception. I want the one that is both good in pvp and pve. Any help would be much appreciated.


    Thank you.

  7. But don't get me wrong, I love leveling super fast, I can't take the side quests any more, especially since I have done each of them 3 times on either side. Also, I feel BW and EA have lost sight of pubs vs. imps. Rise of the Hutt Cartel had nothing to do with imp vs. pub, and with SoR, they team up. Like ***!!!
  8. The thing is, experienced players will not want to tell newbies how to do operations, which will deter a lot of experienced players from playing the game.


    The main reason why BW and EA are doing this is to get back old players, have lots of new players come, and from this, they will make a **** TON of money.

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