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Posts posted by Patroller

  1. Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.
  2. Man, that is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. In 4.0, it took 3 hours of pvp to get the min 204 set. If you then aug'd it, you were competitive. PvE, do some ops, get token, buy gear. Easy. I don't know what you mean by "maintain each set on gear"? Once you min/max stats, the most you have to do is change an aug, enhancement, or mod. Wow, that's a lot of maintaining to do. Oh, wait, but you had an entire year to do it, which meant that near the end of 4.0 for example, almost everyone in the game was equally geared which therefore meant is was more skilled based pvp than rn. Am I wrong?
  3. I have a pretty good idea in my honest opinion. I'm letting my sub run out this month, something I've never done for the last 5 years. When I pvp, it's just so boring no matter what spec or class I play. Either my team is garbage, the enemy team is garbage, it's mostly mandos/ mercs who cant actually pvp to save their life, and it takes way to long to gear, etc. What I propose is BW reestablishes gear with EXPERTISE, that way people can't grind ops then go into pvp and wreck with very little skill. (ie, most of the population of this game, because most people are so bad they NEED to play sniper or merc). Anyway, pretty much, just give us what we had in 4.0 and **** this RNG **** because you (BW) take way to long to come out with a very little amount of content. (5.2) And manage to **** everything up when you release less than 10 hours of content in am MMO that took over 3 months to create. BW is mad cuz bad.
  4. I am currently on Harbinger, but I just find the community on it way to toxic and stupid. I was wondering which server is better for pvp, pve, community, and activity. Ebon Hawk or Shadowlands?
  5. I was doing some "open world" PvP today. The amount of lag I got was ridiculous! And I have a great computer, wifi, and graphics card to boot! So it's not on my end. The question I have is, how are the Devs going to deal with the lag experienced in large group battles? It has happened since 1.0. Remember the battles on Ilum? Spam buttons, pray your attack goes through and that you are getting healed while the stop motion picture plays out.
  6. There are PvE impacts to Faction selection (I will go into that in a separate post). Yes you can get that currency from all over the planet in addition to players.




    Eric, I think you might have missed the first reply to your post. Might want to answer the class balance question ;)

  7. I used the term, "worthless" because I do a lot of pvp and that's how I find enjoyment in this game. With the return of gear dropping from operations, I don't really care because I've done them all so many times it's just boring. That is why I said "worthless", because from a pvper's perspective, I need all the stats I can get when I'm fighting 2-3 min/max 242 mercs or snipers on a melee class. (P.s. mercs weren't bad in 4.0, people just sucked at using them. It was easy to pull above 3k dps in pvp and I finished high silver rating before I got bored of merc).
  8. Hi,

    I have played this game religiously for 5 years. It has been a "large" part of my life. I was a little on edge during KOTFE, but was still having fun. When KOTET dropped, I was excited and played a fair amount. But with the announcement of 5.2 and how they are increasing the gear rating to 248, I just cannot find the enjoyment anymore. I stopped playing because what was the point of grinding 242's when next month, its going to be "worthless"? There is no fun in it. Maybe if there was a crap ton of new content, but uprisings? Are you *********** kidding me? They are boring and a waste of time. Doing it once is boring. I remember grinding cxp last month. I literally felt like I was losing brain cells. This game used to be a challenge. Now its just a joke, because they catered to all the whiners. This was a good game until SoR. That was when the game started to go downhill and now its ****. I honestly get emotional about it, because I love this game. I've met so many great people and had a blast! But unfortunately, this has come to an end like all good things. I will keep my sub for a while, but I doubt I will be logging in much. I bid all of you adieu and live long and prosper (oops, wrong series :rolleyes:)

  9. Hey guys! Lately, I've seen a lot of players who could be better at their class in pvp. Both ranked and regs. Therefore, I was curious if anyone would be interested in me teaching them a thing or two about assassin and/ or pvp in general. I do both regs and ranked on Harbinger. My toons name is Ravàk. If interested, message or mail me in game and I can help you! :)
  10. I think the problem here is you and your friend need to learn how to play your classes better. I've killed many mercs in 1v1s on my operative and a few on my assassin. The fact that the two of you couldn't is sad. They are a little op, but its nothing spectacular. You need make them waste their dcd's. It's a long fight but nothing impossible. You need to know when to stop attacking them and just cc them.
  11. I don't know as to why, but over the past 3 days, I've noticed a massive increase of healers in pvp imp side. I recently started to play my merc healer about 3 weeks ago, and in the last 3 days, there have been 3-4 healers in every wz match I play. I find that many of them are a waste of space, because they never seem to do over 2k hps while I average 3.6k hps on my merc. I mean, is there a way to prevent so many bad healers from queuing or making sure they aren't on my team besides premades? I'm okay with one other healer on my team, but once it gets to 3+, we start to suffer because we lose dps and I have to start to waste my heals on them, because they cant keep themselves alive. I've also been playing dps spec on other classes and there are lots of healers in the matches. The problem is, I don't know we have heals because I never get healed. Neither do other people I talk to. I look at the score board at the end of the match and see that there are 3 sorc healers who haven't done over 1.5k hps. Mean while, if I had been on my merc, (I want to play my merc but cant because of the amount of healers) I would have done over 3k hps. I don't understand how people cant do over a min of 2k hps??? Can someone please answer my question :)
  12. Honestly, all specs for guardian/ jugg are great at the moment. I only know jugg specs. Rage has some insane burst. Vengeance hits hard and has dots which are good. Immortal spec in dps gear (skank tanking) is currently the best, because you have insane survivability and can hit as hard as rage. I enjoy all specs.
  13. I play imp side on harbinger and over the course of the past week, I've noticed a substantial increase in people without pvp gear. It's not just one person without pvp gear, its 2-4 people. Since it's regs, I don't really care, because that's how you get comms. The part that is bothering me is how none of them understand how to play their class. We have started to get steam rolled by pubs. I can guard a node on my decep sin and only fight 4 people the entire game, but at the end, I still have more dmg than anyone else on my team. Or my friend and I group up, I heal on my merc doing at least 3.6k hps and my friend doing at least 2.5k dps. He gets top dps, I get top heals, but then for dmg dealt, after my friend, it's the enemies entire team and then my team. I try to keep everyone on my team alive, but people don't seem to understand when to use dcd's or understand not to los your healer. Have others noticed this?
  14. BW, you guys have officially lost many subs with these rewards you announced. They are disgraceful and you should be disgusted with the quality of these rewards. As well, you have treated your customers like garbage for the past year leaving us in the dark and not asking what WE wanted or even teased what the rewards are. I am done with this game now, and will not renew my sub when it runs out. Pvp was all I had left in this game and you have now killed that for me as well. I hope the players of this game wake and release the ******** BW is feeding them. I'm out...:mad:
  15. If there's one thing the debbie downer gang is sorely lacking, it's organizational skills. Maybe at your next hate rally convention you guys can agree on just a handful of threads on the exact same topic instead the hundred or so the same gang members keep making up.


    By debbie downer gang, do you mean over 80% of the games populations? Because that's why you mainly see posts about KotFE and everyone hating it/ wanting something different.

  16. Just kidding :p


    If you enjoyed KOTFE then you are going to love KOTET, stay tuned for more information early October. All of us cant wait to talk about the new expansion and start sharing information with you all!


    Looks like I'm going to hate KotET :D

  17. I have zero interest in replaying KotFE. It was just farming skytroopers mixed in with cut scenes. I've been here since the start, but I'm done with this no content drought. I miss operations and good warzones, but since BW doesn't want to invest in what most players want (for those of you enjoyed KotFE and want more "content" like, go play mass effect or something, because THIS GAME IS AN MMO) I'm out of here. This game has become a single player experience which I don't want. I want to have fun with my friends, but we can't do that anymore because there isn't any MMO content. I'm out, peace.
  18. No offence, but this is an MMO and I do not understand how you people are able to enjoy KotFE with so little content. There is ZERO replay value, because it's all the same. I used to love this game. Like LOVED it! I spent dozens if not hundreds of hours playing this game since it was released. I would looked forward to the new experiences a waiting me whenever I logged in and the people I would meet doing the GROUP content. But KotFE killed this game for. I tried, tried so hard to like KotFE, but by the time I did the story the 3-4th heck, even on the second time, I was so bored and didn't even want to play. I say this because the chapters are comprised of 2 things. 15 minutes of cinematics and 15 minutes +/- farming skytroopers. When they did the monthly releases, as soon as I started getting into the story, it ended and I had to wait a month to do the next chapter. By that time, I forgot everything from the last chapter. It wasn't any fun and felt like a chore to complete. I want to enjoy this game, but I can't. No new Ops, horrible pvp rewards and maps makes the game no fun. I was hoping for an expansion like all of the others. There were plenty of opportunities for BW to create ops and fun pvp maps such as the scions or the snake people. I have much more to say but I know this response will get lost in the forums so what's the point? I summarized most of the reasons I dislike KotFE and why it has caused me to leave the game.


    Short answer: No, I am dreading KotET

  19. I am curious as to why BW is doing KotET? After talking to dozens of people in game and everyone saying the same thing "I hate KotFE and everything associated with it", why is BW continuing to do content (shouldn't even call it that) that no one wants or likes? I hated every chapter of KotFE and found much of the story tp be meaningless and dragged out. Why can't BW go back to the days of imperial vs. republic?
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