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Everything posted by Torgru

  1. For a slinger, I would absolutely say mainstat. The reasoning behind this: 1 power = .23 bonus damage. 1 cunning = .2 bonus damage. However, you get 9% more cunning, then 5% more cunning from buff. Which means every point of cunning is actually worth 1.14 points of cunning. .2 * 1.14 = 2.28 bonus damage. In other words, the difference in damage bonus per point for power and cunning with a slinger will be .02 bonus damage, whereas going cunning will also give you a little bit of crit. Really, the only times someone should consider power over mainstat, in my opinion, are classes and builds where crit is largely negligible, and they do not receive a mainstat boost. In other words, marauder/sentinel and assassin/shadow are the only ones I would consider it on.
  2. Torgru


    You're looking under damage reduction. And sure, snipers might have a 0% damage reduction to force abilities, which means if it hits, it will do full damage. But, if you look under -defense- chance, there's a static bonus to negate force damage. When rolling accuracy, it will be against the enemy's defense, not their damage reduction. And even if they did have zero, you're looking at it the wrong way. I'll give you a couple scenarios. 1.) You have 105% Force Accuracy. Your enemy has 10% defense. 105-10=95% What that means, is in theory, 1 in 20 hits will be a miss. 2.) You have 110% Force Accuracy. Your enemy has 10% defense. 110-10=100%. What that means, is that your attacks will never miss, assuming nothing changes. 3.) You have 105% Force Accuracy. Your enemy has 10% defense, and you get hit with sniper accuracy debuff. 105-10-45=50%. What that means, is in theory, 1 in 2 hits will miss. 4.) You have 105% Force Accuracy. Your enemy sniper has 10% defense, you get hit with sniper accuracy debuff, and they use their roll. 105-10-45=50%. In addition, during their roll, they have +100% defense, so 105-110-45=-50%. What that means is, during the roll, you will miss -every- attack. After the roll, you will return to missing 1 in 5 attacks. 5.) You have 105% Force Accuracy. Your enemy sniper has 10% defense, and you get hit with a marauder accuracy debuff. 105-10-90=5%. What this means, is in theory, you will miss 19 in 20 hits. In other words, the sniper could have easily been playing legitimately, and you simply missed. Alternately, theory =! practice, and the random number generator wasn't in your favor. As for the other two, those have already been explained fairly well. Although I personally was not aware that a slow would affect the distance of the roll, as the ability itself says 12 (18 for sniper) meters, as opposed to "a moderate distance" or something of the like.
  3. Diminishing returns are only active for crit, surge, accuracy, alacrity, defense, shield, and absorb. In other words, power and mainstat receive no diminish at all. However, the crit bonus from your mainstat does diminish, but the bonus damage from it, and the stat itself, do not.
  4. Torgru

    Sorcerer stealthing

    I've seen similar glitches before, and all I can say that might help, is to go under preferences, graphics, and turn up "Maximum Visible Character Limit" Although as someone that plays at max settings, that's sometimes not enough :/
  5. I'm surely not the only person that gets bothered by this. But I really think some effort needs to put in to fix a few Quality of Life bugs. The two that get to me right now are when inspecting. First, why does the off hand have to disappear so much? I'm not sure what causes that, but it's been that way forever. Can we just try and get it repaired, please? Another that's been around forever, with tanks, can we get to where we can see shield and absorb in inspect? Pretty please?
  6. I RP a few non-combatants. Obvious, I'm constrained to the actual classes, but they don't actually fight. They're a lot more fun than they seem at first.
  7. This is what my mind went to when seeing that third screenshot... http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll299/jwc2200/CLOTHES/NEW062509/WhtPltwBlkTrim.jpg
  8. Am I seriously the only one wondering what PvP has to do with RP anyway? I RP all the time. And generally, if PvP comes into it, then I discount it. Sure, it can be fun, but it's not exactly a measure of character. Also, I can tell you for a fact you don't have to choose. I have a juggernaut that I RP on regularly. She's in a HM ops progression group, full 69 with a smattering of 72s so far, and I'm building her conqueror gear. And this is with a full time job, and only playing while I'm off work. If you feel the need to choose only one, then that's your choice. But don't complain that the others aren't available when they are.
  9. See the toons in my signature? Ellisish and Alexis are geaered for HM ops, and the rest are geared for at least SM ops. If ever you need someone, just flag me down. If I'm not too busy, I'm always happy to, because i'm in the same boat. In a heavy RP guild, would like to do some raiding.
  10. And ideally, that would be a good thing. Because it can be a sensitive topic, with people's differing views. Along with religion, politics, etc. It's why my guild has rules about discussing it to be kept in private, because there are people that fit into the categories, and offending members, inadvertently or otherwise, is just unnecessary.
  11. It's a glitch. Alternately, it could be something else. You need level 47, not 50, to pick up the crystal. If you aren't at least 47, you won't be able to. ALSO, it will still give that error, if you ALREADY have the datacron.
  12. Well, no. Not sorc pull. I mean more the ptech/vanguard and shadow/sin pull. Also, HI AMBIES! *glomps*
  13. Mine is more of a quick question, about what I've been noticing lately. Do immobilizes stack? Lately, it feels like five people charge to me simultaneously, and that makes me immobilized for a solid fifteen seconds. It's just painful. Second, do pull effects ignore resolve? Whenever I get maxed resolve, it still seems like people are pulling me left and right. I was under the impression you couldn't use a pull or push effect while maxed out resolve, but it happens all the time now.
  14. Well, my guild is LGBT friendly. It's not exclusively one, mind. Just friendly. I'm online right now, on my juggernaut, Alexïs. The alt code for the i is 139. Feel free to whipser me
  15. Hey there, everyone. I've been hearing about this tool lately. I'm not 100% sure of it's full capabilities, but it sounds like a pretty useful item, especially for newer members trying to get into the hang of the serious gaming stretches. However, I have a couple concerns. I know there's no modding/addons for SWTOR, and unless I'm mistaken, third party software isn't actually approved. As such, I've come here for two reasons: 1.) I just want a little confirmation that using this isn't going to get anyone in trouble. 2.) Perhaps some details about what exactly it can do. Any assistance would be appreciated!
  16. I meant 105% Force, which translates into 95% melee. And really, if you spec it, you only need 1% from stats, which is maybe one enhancement. Whereas for PvE, you actually want as close to 110% Force/100% Melee as possible
  17. It's worth noting that in HM Dread Guards in TFB, Kelserra puts the Force Leech on a tank. So for that fight, Ephemeral Mending is ill advised, as it's an uncontrollable heal. Otherwise, it's personal preference. The numbers have been crunched, and if boundless ages is used on cooldown, the overall healing for single target is approximately equal. Obviously, for aoe healing, the BA soars ahead, as EM only gets one buff per cooldown, though.
  18. I will agree that stealthers make excellent guards. As do powertechs/vanguards, due to the missile/cannon being usable during stun to interrupt caps. In addition, Shield + Overload makes you pretty invincible for a while. now, a Guardian/Jugg tank also makes an excellent guard. The trick is to call it out when you even see them coming, not when they're upon you. If they're a stealth, just stun then, and call it. I also advise pretypingt he message, for faster notice. As far as snipers guarding, they tend to be very poor. Yes, they have a couple good defensives, and can't be leaped to, but they are very squishy overall. They die much to quickly to be a reliable solo guard 90% of the time.
  19. 105% actually. against a tank, it'd need a lot higher. But your average non-tank will have 5% defense, and you need 5% accuracy to counter it.
  20. My line of thinking exactly. But the reason it struck me, as I'd mentioned, is it was a comment that stung at something in my personal life, that I would rather not speak of. And yes. It goes way beyond mere name calling.
  21. I did. I made sure to include that I have screenshots of the full chatlog. I just want something to be done. One person should not be able to ruin anyone else's enjoyment of the game as much as mine has been right now. EDIT: Also, thanks JPryde. i agree there shouldn't be a public avenue. Was mostly wanting some other way. I work in Customer Support myself, so I know if one agent looks at it, something might be glossed over. Send two, and you have a better chance of everything getting settled.
  22. I just had an incident in game. One that has left me bothered enough that I don't believe a simple in-game harassment ticket is sufficient. I tried searching the forums, but I couldn't find anything appropriate for what I'm looking for. Is there a forum I can call about reporting someone, including screenshots, or anything else? Maybe a button I can click somewhere? When I say bothered, I mean I am now sick to my stomach, feel like vomiting, and want to just go off. But I can't let this stand, and want to make sure everything possible is done about it.
  23. I know it doesn't break any of the records, but I have to share this for myself to everyone I see. I'm healing on my sage, in a mix of mostly recruit/battlemaster. http://s1.postimage.org/8ztj05ttb/Screenshot_2013_01_03_16_04_38_626334.jpg I am ecstatic
  24. 1.) It's the main reason I play this game. 2.) As for random, I'd say Sith. Yeah, you have to deal with overpowered godmodders a lot more, but it's more interesting that sipping drinks all the time. Structured, neither. They're both very good. 3.) A lot of player names are horrid. Same with guild. As a whole, it's pretty good. Particularly among the RP community. 4.) That is an incredibly long story, which will take forever to tell. Suffice it to say, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say it was a 13. 5.) Invincible bounter hunter. Saber proof, lightning proof, blaster proof, and insta kills.... 6.) A good community, and you should totally RP here.
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