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Everything posted by iprovoast

  1. Uhh, Abeloth..... Gah, she is one reason I only dragged myself halfway through FOTJ. I like the idea of linking TOR with future/past events though, has possibilities..
  2. I hope they finally announce who the main character actually is, I wonder who it could be? *cough*Boba Fett*cough*, but it's looking good so far.
  3. Issues with armor, I'm assuming. I'd like to play as one, interesting race.... But I love the Chiss too much to forsake my all-chiss roster.
  4. Zahn takes top spot for me as well, don't think anything else needs to be said, except that he's probably my favorite author of any genre. Allston is a solid second, I love his work, always a fun read, and I must say that Mercy Kill is another solid novel of his. For third, I'd have to say....Luceno, I really liked his YV work, and Millennium Falcon and Plagueis cemented that. Honorable mention would have to be a tie between Stackpole for his X-Wing novels, as well as his work on the comics, and the Perry/Reaves duo, I enjoyed the Medstar books, as well as Death Star and the Coruscant Nights(And yes, I know Nights ifs just Reaves, but it builds on their collaboration)
  5. Well... I've already almost made 2 million, and I'm selling for 10k per, but I think I'm at the high end of things, probably 5-6k per sells well I've heard.
  6. Wasn't parts of teh Rakhghoul event repeatable? I don't recall...
  7. Enjoying myself so far, nice to have something new to do, but I would have to second adding new weapons, something that other classes could use would be nice.
  8. I think this is a lead-up to 'Terror from Beyond', which involves the , but yeah, I want to see the as well, in all they're
  9. Which is about 2 weeks, depending on your interpretation, eh? I seem to remember it being 10, but I could be wrong.
  10. They're getting too old for this sh- Hmm, I guess not... Anyway, loved Mercy Kill, another great Allston book, liked how it explained what happened to Runt and some of the other Wraiths.
  11. Well, if it's about the same as the last one, probably around 2 weeks or so.
  12. Well, once you get to level 50 pve tiers you're going to want Combat Medic gear for the most part, but without any information we have no clue what your level is.
  13. Then go post it in the CS forum, this really isn't the place for it, you'll get a much better response there.
  14. Honestly, I completely agree with you. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, I recommend it to my friends and have gotten a few to sub. I am just so frustrated with always having to disbelieve every statement the team makes, you start to connect "a few weeks" to "3 months from now, if you're lucky". I know the realities of game development, I know that schedules can't always be kept, and If a month delay meant a near ZBR and polished content, It would be excusable, even commendable in my opinion, but when the content that IS released is as buggy as what we have, when patches are skipped (this last tuesday) when so many bugs are prevalent, I just don't have faith that a year, two years down the line my guild or I will be playing, it saddens me, as I so want this game to work, I want to be able to say several years down the road "Yeah, I've been around almost since the beginning, I remember back when the rolled out Legacy, and when HM Denova was considered tough", I want to be able to look back and say "Yeah, it had a rocky start, but when Bio got their stuff together it started to click beautifully, like you see today".
  15. I'd say much less than that, actually. I mean, what percentage of players are level 50? Half? Less then half? Figure half of those haven't even run a raid, so I'd say less than 5% have beaten HM EC.
  16. Hehe, I was going to respond with Specter of the Past. OT: Yeah, I don't know about this idea, does seem fairly cheesy .
  17. They were very clear in saying that they would be recieved on the 7th-8h.
  18. I'm assuming we'll get more details on Tuesday, to coincide with the maintenance patch, and the umpteen other things that are supposed to happen then.
  19. It appears like he has a custom body type, though it may be body type 2 combined with his robes to give the illusion of a thinner body.
  20. Yeah, they said there would be another event coming up here very soon.
  21. I agree something a bit more fitting with the universe would be better, bet eh, no biggie.
  22. It used to take less than 20 min for me before transfers at BH, now it's more like an hour during peak times...
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