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Everything posted by eldefail

  1. I couldn't find a good star wars one.
  2. Simple question, what is your D&D alignment? Yours, not your character's. Mine's true neutral. What's yours?
  3. You have to scale up the large tooltip, the whole thing, in the interface editor. I just checked the layout xml and there's no option to scale just the font. Open the interface editor, click the tooltip anchor, and you can customize it a little.
  4. It will automagically re-subscribe by charging the card on file. If the card is no longer valid, obviously it won't go through and your account will lapse into preferred status. If you don't want to be charged again you need to actually cancel your subscription before it renews. But to answer your question, your account won't lapse and you won't miss out on any rewards. I believe as long as you are subscribed after a given date and up to and on the date the reward is promised it counts. For instance subscribers got the Party Jawa a while back when the game went F2P. I was subscribed when the promotion began, I think, I don't remember, but I had to unsubscribe/let my account lapse for reasons I don't even remember, then re-subbed before the promotion ended. I still got my Party Jawa even though my sub was not continuous through the entire promotion.
  5. You see this with the Sith Warrior companion Jaesa as well. I'm going to go ahead and say it because people usually don't, but a lot of this inconsistency and abrupt face-heel-turn boils down to bad writing. Sadly it then leaves those of us who enjoy Star Wars lore and the expanded universe/legends wondering how to make sense of this cluster you know what of inconsistent and often cartoonishly absurd personality changes. Yes, this is exactly right.
  6. Same here. I play primarily for the class and planetary story arcs. I also tend to approach swtor as a single player game, and the only complaint I have in that regard is the lack of class-specific content in the continuing story. To be fair it's probably unwieldy and expensive, and I do enjoy kotfe so far. The only extracurricular activities I engage in are occasional flashpoints or random pvp.
  7. Did you actually USE the item? I think it's a consumable, if you just leave it in your inventory that isn't how it works. Did you delete it with your character if you haven't used it? If so you'll have to ask customer support to restore the character or at least the item, they're generally pretty good about this, I've had a couple cartel unlocks I forgot were on an unused character that I deleted and they restored. Takes a while, though. If you did actually use the item and it didn't apply, that's a bug and you'll have to report it. If you can't make in-game tickets then you'll have to use the customer service forum.
  8. Make them "optional". I.E. the smuggler character won't show up if you haven't finished the Smuggler class story. It would be too much work and too much money to make them little more than easter eggs so you don't feel like all your other galaxy-shaping characters are just...dead or never heard from again. Either that or directly state somehow that of the 8 original heroes you're the only one who survived, the rest are confirmed dead. They don't even have to show up. The Agent never directly crosses paths with the Consular, for instance, but they both have NPC crossovers in their stories. If you're playing a Consular outlander but have also finished the Agent class story have somebody comment here or there on how some Imperial agent has been in contact or something with vague allusions to the Agent's alignment and some class story choices the player made. This could be done in just a few additional lines of dialogue but would give us the sense that whatever heroes we leveled were still relevant. Hell, they could show up in a brief holocommunication or something, with alignment and physical features pulled directly from one of your leveled characters. I don't know how such a system would handle multiple characters of the same class, though. Probably a checkbox in the legacy window about which of that class cameos in KOTFE. Add another checkbox if you don't want that character to show up at all.
  9. Yeah, it really does fit the typical Lucasarts narrative the best. I'm not saying Bioware has an official "canon". In typical Bioware fashion each of the 8 heroes can probably match any one of the other heroes. I'm just saying that the most classic Star Wars character experience probably matches the Knight best. That said, I have also found that for instance the Consular and the Warrior would probably also be top contenders, out of the stories I've played to completion, for the Knights spot as the "face of swtor". If we look at it from the traditional Lucasarts perspective, the hero is assumed to be a light side male human unless otherwise confirmed to be something different. Again, light side male human Knight fits this narrative to a T due to its history with the Emperor and such. Bioware won't likely ever declare a canon Swtor protagonist, though. I also really like the idea of my warrior being the "hero". He's certainly quite heroic in his own little dark side way.
  10. I think it's a number of things that, scientifically, have given the Empire a MILITARY advantage. Yes, the Republic has committed atrocities, largely in secret or had to jump through some serious legal and social hoops to justify it or at least downplay it. The Empire, culturally, is largely free to commit atrocities for the betterment of the Empire as a whole, brazenly in the open. The citizenry either looks the other way or outright condones it. Just because the Republic is CAPABLE of the same kind of atrocities doesn't mean they're necessarily in a position to commit them with any regularity compared to the Empire. They're heavily constrained by social expectations, bureaucratic red tape, and the law. Can you imagine how the general citizenry of the Republic might react to Belsavis? Probably a lot of talk of rights and cruel and unusual punishment. Imperials, meanwhile, are going "why didn't we think of that?" I think this is where the Empire definitely gets a lot of its militaristic edge, but loses out on the arts, conservation, even medicine. There are so many missions for Imp players to basically militarize what could be life-saving technology to cure the sick, heal disfiguring injuries, and improve quality of life for Imperial citizens. Eventually that tech probably will trickle down to the citizens, but any kind of dark side character is likely sending at least some of these to the military first. There's a quest-giver on Dromund Kaas, Ismar Brengle, who refers to herself as one of Lord Grathan's "indentured scientists." I wonder if this sentiment is common, to varying degrees. Again, they're also restricted by a number of societal and legal factors that typically prevent the Republic from committing these kinds of atrocities with anywhere near the same regularity or flippant disregard for sentient life as the Empire. The Empire only cares about Imperial citizens, and even they aren't entirely safe from the Empire's unethical R&D methods. If the Empire were to pit different species against one another in a survival of the fittest contest for the sake of research Imperial citizens probably wouldn't bat an eye. This is a culture that considers slaves to be disposable and easily replaceable. While there are undoubtedly many Imperials who do value sentient life, we'd probably find most of them still consider the Empire's methods a necessary evil. I can't really back this up with anything, it's just supposition based on impressions I got from several playthroughs of the game. There's a Bounty Hunter quest giver on Balmorra who talks about his daughter, a Sith, being a disgrace, which will bring ruin down upon not only her, but her entire family because that's Sith politics. The hunter can reply "that's a stupid way to run a planet" and he retorts with "you work for the empire you have, not the empire you WISH you had. Also, I've dug up an older post of mine that's tangentially related to this topic and might interest somebody. In order to keep the citizens looking the other way while the Sith commit so many acts of brutality and barbarism not only against mere slaves, but frequently even against Imperial citizens, especially their own military, I imagine the Sith not only have to maintain one hell of a cult of personality, but provide a truckload of kickbacks and benefits. Again, this is only tangentially related to the discussion here, I thought I'd bring it up because I think the biggest difference between each faction's approach to science depends very heavily on the type of society and culture they each foster.
  11. I really get the impression that the continuing story now is written largely with the Knight in mind. It kind of gives a "main character" impression to the character. With that in mind, while I generally consider the knight and warrior evenly matched, I think that typical Lucasarts conventions and plot armor would give the Knight the slight edge he needed to defeat the warrior. Honestly I think at best they're evenly matched, but the ongoing narrative arguably (and it's debatable and very subjective) favors the knight.
  12. If the mission in question is "Locate the Enemy", it's given by Lieutenant Kaid. I cannot find his exact location, and I'm not in game to hunt him down atm. Google tells me the mission "Strong Arm" auto-completing if you log out or disconnect while in the instance is a known issue. If that's the mission you're talking about you'll need to put in a ticket to fix it.
  13. If you're looking to start over on a new server or already play on Ebon Hawk I highly recommend Pax Dominus/Imperius. Great bunch of folks, very helpful and friendly.
  14. You can only "queue" for solo mode directly at the NPC that offers the mission associated with that flashpoint. For example, to queue for solo Esseles you have to talk to the NPC on the republic fleet outside the flashpoint.
  15. Do you remember the name of the mission or any specific details? Not sure which mission you're talking about.
  16. lol I love the helmet. Speak for yourselves.
  17. Since I'm skipping story for the time being I'm companionless. My contribution to this ongoing bug report can be found .
  18. I leveled 3 warriors, pragmatic, honorable, mostly dark side, the story was phenomenal.
  19. After researching class story order and worst to best I came up with the following order. It isn't necessarily worst to best, I prioritized other factors as well that seemed to indicate some sort of who-did-what-first, alternating republic and imperial playthroughs, and "best" is in the eye of the beholder. For example, I really enjoyed the consular story, even most people seem to dislike it due to poor dark side choices and lack of consistency or consequences of any kind for choices made. I've heard the bounty hunter story described as boring, but I also enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the ever popular Warrior story, and personally find the smuggler story (act 1 at least) a little boring. Anyway, here's my list in order: Smuggler Bounty Hunter Trooper Inquisitor Consular Knight Warrior Agent Another older list I actually still have on my hard drive IS based on searches of the forums for ranking class stories worst to best. Again, I've tweaked it to alternate republic/imperial classes and some other factors I can't remember, but it's a start. Bounty Hunter Consular Trooper Knight Warrior Inquisitor Smuggler Agent Like I said, though, "best" is in the eye of the beholder. I found the consular story sucked terribly if I tried to play dark side, and even a neutral attempt didn't pan out. If you play it as the expected archetype--that is, some sort of light side, I found it quite enjoyable. It isn't as front-stage action packed thrilling heroics as some of the other stories (knight and warrior come to mind) which is another reason it's unpopular, it felt more Qui-gon and Obi-wan than Luke and Vader.
  20. A race we might actually likely get one day: Nautolan. A race we will never have but I would sell everyone in this thread to have anyway: Rodian or Trandoshan.
  21. I'm leveling several alts this way, through heroics and flashpoints. The cons are no companions (unless you have HK, treek, or nico) and no starship, so you can only travel to other planets via the weekly heroic terminal. Seems to be working just fine.
  22. Because he wanted an answer, and people replied trying to give an answer? In fact, I would like to know the answer as well as to exactly how it works.
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