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Everything posted by odonoghuet

  1. If, and it is a big if, but the Episode 7 goes big, they might put the money in for a rerelease of the gamewith new class stories and a third faction, but I wouldn't hold my breath. If they did I would hope for something like a cartel faction, with a force savage (non lightsabre weilding str force user), Force adept/Mystic (will and force), Fringer/Pirate (cunning tech), and Thug/Brute (aim tech). But really would need new 2nd class stories and expanded worlds with 2nd world stories, with new worlds.
  2. Since the screen shot back at that glass appartment overlook probably came from a character I am still hopeful we can wander around the grounds. If 'disputed worlds' get two strongholds, one for each faction, doesn't that mean thatour one freebe stronghold will have to be picked for which faction you unlock it?
  3. Sorry, I said it badly because I am a little tired, but my question was meant to be just clarifying is that whole estate the player housing or is it just the little appartment overlooking it? Maybe that is the opening room and everything below is then the unlocks.
  4. Is that an entire estate for one side of the legacy , or is the housing the little ring of windows appartment looking over someone elses homestead (where the second shot is looking out from)?
  5. Not getting my hopes up with all the stuff of the changes that have been made already behind the scenes in preproduction. TOR will no doubt get elements of the new reflected in future updates, but any cross marketing will be on the new products. We'd have heard if they were making anything huge for swtor based off the new movies. And a new star wars TV show would be nearly as big a news as BFSW by itself, not that defiance was that good.
  6. I want a hover tank companion, like the firebrand/stormcaller mount.
  7. Got to admit this is the weakest offering to date. Couldn't they have at least reused the casino quest from the Chevin (sp?) event. Why is Girrada and Deathmark even there without some kind of quest chain.
  8. If they ever rereleased as a SWTOR 2, I kind of hope they would just make a second path for each class to run with different companions and story to the original, and peppered with some new missions and story to the worlds to be explored in levelling, all beside the high quality original 8. Maybe even a few new worlds on their path, or even a new faction. Like a Hutt faction with some new unaffiliated non lightsaber wielding force users and thug/pirate/fringers for alternate non force uses. Maybe desired races like the Voss could be in the that faction with story that fits their presence without conflicting the original Voss line.
  9. Since he played through as Vader first then Anakin could do it under Heroic Moment from legacy
  10. Some treasure hunts for items could be fun, but making them more than Dailies and be content enough for a content update they cannot be too shallow as pure fetch quests. Can't be a traditional puzzel in this age of explinations on websites before anyone can even try any new mechanics. Finally the reward must payout with something worth purusing but not another must have gear grind. I really can't see an obvious way for such . Maybe a post Bountyhunter week thing where the kingpin bounties drop the first clue to a sequence of jobs unravelling the crimes they committed and recovering what was stolen. Each week after the bounty hunter week dops the next stage till the full story is unravelled. Nah wouldn't work with the limited quest logs we have...
  11. You shared for 'only a month' and got a 'geared 55' and another character, and want them to implement this feature to transfer those characters to another account, a feature that will undoubtedly take more than a month to implement and open the door to character trading/selling, and the backdoor bound mods, legacy abilities, and collection trading that goes with it. All because you didn't feel the need to make your own free login in the first place. If I levelled and geared that fast, I'd reroll before waiting for such an unlikely feature.
  12. I loved the matrix cubes but they have been left behind, the strongholds would seem to have an opertunity to put all those shard crystals together into something bigger. Perhaps an angle to make a device that morks akin to giving legacy datacrons to leveling toons, or a matrix cube bolster that increases the current third tier matrix cubes into compedative levels.
  13. Not that these aren't boring but the game theory science behind modern slot machines is specifically aimed to be engaging. There is none of that here. The very second that this became about running two machines or more at once this was obviously not of interest to me. Assuming there is not a quest sequence ala those from the Grand Acquisition race with the casino, then whoever approved such a minimalistic state has no place being a game producer because this is lazy.
  14. A variant of the Bountyhunter week concept, The character gets a Latter of Marque to hunt trade vessels of the enemy factions, one for each of the regions on the space map, targeting shipping of Republic in the core worlds, Hutt in Hutt space, Sith in Sith space, White maw or other pirate in the outer rim, etc. You travel to a world of that region and visit the bar to question locals for details or slice computers for shipping data. This unlocks a new location which can be reached by your ship which is 'X Trade route' for the target faction. This gives a space mission like the class ship space missions, very short which targets escort fighters and hitting location on a trade ship. Once weakened you leave your ship to board the enemy ship, taking you into a small dungeon that you go through fighting defenders (droids/cargo beasts/people) and collecting cargo, with a light/dark side choice to leave the crew life support/alive or to profit from destroying them. Depart and hand in cargo to end quest. Ideally the nature of the damage to the ship in the space sequence could determine the ease of working inside the ship, with life support hits weakening crew while leaving power conduits could mean locked doors or more turrets. Maps could be based on ships like the class vessels for base missions then up to Theoretica like vessels, or even up to black talon/esselles. Ideal world these could be run with GSF to do the space attack portion.
  15. The divide between Rep and Imp is frustrating when you lack the players to do an op or ranked or the like. Could we get an option where by players inside a guild can ping a character and if that player is on a legacy alt, they get a sound and can open the legacy relationship map to see who was pinged. If they are not busy they may then choose to swap to log out and into that alt to see if this is an opertunity they want to participate in. Right now having no such communication is frustrating as hell.
  16. Time travel is as bad as Wishes. Everyone thinks they can use them better, and generally they are right about use X being better than what is in the story that uses time travel. Removing the control of time travel tends to fix this issue somewhat. A Gree Hypergate could be used to justify visiting locations of the past which puts the control of the time travel itself out of the hands of the players who would want to use it 'better'. So for example a Gree FP where you travel through the Hypergate, and have to infiltrate the sacking of Coruscant to stop damage to the Gree infrastructure that would start a change reaction that would destroy the world, would allow the time travel, possibly with light side/dark side choice of trying to warn your faction of future history. Logically it should affect the present when you return but if I can repeat the same endgame stuff over and over, there is no real change needed. In the end, it is a lazy story telling element compared to actually justifying sacking Couruscant again.
  17. There is no way to code a difference between a router locking up and resetting and a router being turned off and on to cause a reset. There is no diagnostic that transmit after a communication failure, by definition of the lack of communication. You could make a pattern of recognition that player A had an abnormal amount of disconnects during fights that lost, but they didn't even make a tracker for players trading kills and wins in ranked warzones for comms and season 1 rewards which I'd argue is a more important issue.
  18. This made me think of a battle droid chess game, but allocate all the pets in the game to the piece equivalent to personalise your perfect set. So floaters like the jawa balloon or the interrogation droid become one type of piece, walking droids another, the rarer ones becoming king and queen, the commons like the freebie ones that came with early access or early access makeb, the r2d2 may the 4th give away one, etc etc, become pawns. Another idea might be a scouting minigame, where you stand still and a holographic display pops up, while this happens, the player drives the pet, allowing you to scout around areas from the perspective of the pet. Kind of like a starwars version of my smart phone app to drive a mini-copter and see through its camera. Still allow it to agro if not careful. Maybe a graphic to represent smell or sensors to detect hidden spots that could be then probed with the seeker droid. Or even combined to help the seeker droid pinpoint the target of buried something as a difference to probe after probe till find it. Punch arenas, we have the physical punches from legacy. Dance off mini-game, where you have a series of dance moves from the emotes you can string together to dance to the beat of various cantina songs.
  19. Any chance of having a series of icons that we can make to put on the quick bars, that let us put a small text message that can be triggered with a depress. This could activate emotes or be used to send messages to ops group to aid in teamwork. Just having a single button that triggers a 'Snow inc' or 'left door' would aid in PVP when under attack. 'Cleanse please' would help in many ops boss fights.
  20. And here in lies the issue, as those who DC can't be punished and so those who want to rage quit without risk of such a timer need only unplug the Ethernet cable or turn off the wifi, and fake a DC. No way to punish the guilty without punishing the innocent.
  21. If they can pug HM 55 FPs then it is a good gear bolster to speed up progression to higher gear tiers but this isn't a free pass because of mechanics. To use the most self serving example, I have reservations about trying to do the level 50 op SM Explosive Conflict with pug tanks in who need to bolster to have 156 gear? Sure KP and EV and even TFB and S&V aren't nearly as hard, but they do have mechanics that require some effort and teamwork that can be hard without good communication. I get the feeling this really needs clear concise details of the mechanics of each boss on a website with a character limit per paragraph so they can be cut and pasted, paragraph by paragraph in ops chat, so those who step up to lead are not typing it over and over and over.
  22. Sorry, I couldn't follow that. It read like Modders will abuse it by bragging to modder communities, and then get jobs deserving to go to writers?
  23. Assuming there will be a level 60 increase in 3.0, any chance of seeing a revamp of old ops and daily areas by having a 'Return to' series. Maybe a Return to the Eternity Vault involved in clearing things that moved in, replacing the puzzle trap with some kind of beacon, and the final boss being lured and defeated to trap them in the Vault. Return to the Black Hole and seeing how Corellia coped with the loss of Hypermater, etc. Variations in the old as minor content updates to give thicker end game content.
  24. While it would be worth it for a more explicit roleplay environment, I don't see the effort of making separate 18+ content just for one server. Not like they would go back and fill in each 'fade to black' naughty part of the story to show scenes like Quinn bending your Marauder over, nor add full jiggle physics, but even a 'Skilled hunter Torso 18+ ****** chain' version is hardly a good use of art design/programing time.
  25. Only seen one on Beregen colony so far. Know a guy on Harbringer who got one on the 6 hypercrates.
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