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Everything posted by Kazz_Devlin

  1. yeah and breaks trinity and makes pure DPS spec's moot. If your going for DPS man up and accept your suppose to be a glass cannon!
  2. Kazz_Devlin


    or having to load things into high mem just to get them to work but spoiled now i'll hop on a c-64 emulator and play SSI pool of radiance and be like man these graphics are horrible but game still fun as hell to play!
  3. Kazz_Devlin


    Why do peeps still play even though the things are broken or just plain half arsedly implemented such as crafting or space sim which to be honest are just gimmicks, sales pitches to entice other mmo players. Pvp that is so imbalanced I haven't really never seen it so bad yet dev's solution "oh don't like 15 min matches that are lopsided unbalanced bs matches no problem we can fix that will shorten the matches down so now your only miserable for 5 mins. <facepalm> So to answer the "WHY" for most of us is we have so much invested thus far we might as well stick it out till the end preaching to the inept dev team hey this is dumb or that is not a solution only to to be ignored there idea implemented and everything we told them would happen comes true and then they are either forced to fix because enough complain or they put blinders on and ignore it.
  4. tend to agree though wondering how much of a dps loss if sins run with shield instead of focus
  5. knock down on spike to pay back the plethora of jugs now infesting most maps only being out numbered by mercs. Oh but it was bad when we knocked peeps down but perfectly fine for jugs to throw halfway across the map and knock us down lame Dev's hypocrisy knows no bounds! Next I want a fricken heal not some lame ^$%^ percentage of health that is worse than a stim! So if heal on dmg is good for merc and jug sign me up! yeah if you did that though you take away merc and jugs I win button so not gone happen......BUT KNOCK DOWN ON SPIKE SHOULD BE BROUGHT or turn jugs throw into a stun fair is fair!
  6. Disagree, that is problem with this dam game there should be NO class that should win 1 vs 1 verses another simply because of the class. It is the whole reason why we have imbalanced classes to begin with. Jug, Merc, Sniper all have the fire power of a pure DPS class but none of the vulnerability each getting 3-4 lives maybe 1.5 for jug because of there defenses. This breaks trinity and makes playing glass cannon spec moot. Operative on the other end of the spectrum is op in it's ridiculous ability to stay mobile while taking no damage or very little and then being able to heal said damage whilst on the move and also dealing out dmg all with very little tech management
  7. Can't say I disagree. However Bioware suffers from "I'm an idiot dev" syndrome where the big wigs will turn to the dev and the devs will say no no our algorithm says everything is hunky dory and Bioware nods and regurgitates "our statics show everything is at it's targeted goal." Mean while you get matches with four ops and not a effin one of them can be slowed enough to kill before they cloak and run away only to wash rinse and repeat on the other 3 and effectively keeping anyone from grabbing a pylon ..... But no there's no issue here that algorithm says so. Mean while the next match consists of 4 mercs a jug, sniper and mara with sorc heals to keep them all alive. So when you finally do manage to work 1 merc close to death thanks to that sorc heals he's right back in the game. Can't focus the sorc heals cause what the heck is the point! They can kite you around the map healing themselves as they go never having to worry about actually managing their force power until one of the ridiculous over powered Mercs figures out their ace in the hole is under fire and brings the raw fire power of four "I win merc's down on your head" Not that I expect to survive and all out assault from four classes but hey wait if mercs can why shouldn't I be able? Bottom line is the Dev team is a joke either cause they don't play and have no clue or they do play and skew the favorite class to the point where you can't honesty say they're balance with a straight face. (yeah i'm talking about you merc!) There needs to be trade-offs and costs to having/using these abilities. These Dev's don't care they know the number one issue for those that PVP is class balance and what do they do to address PVP concerns short the length of the match. So take heart my friends you no longer have to suffer through a 15 min imbalanced joke of a match it'll only be a five min one instead! The game Dies and it's the DEV's that are killing it!
  8. exactly the point Sniper is pure DPS spec it's suppose to be a glass cannon spec ITS NOT! It breaks trinity just like Jug and Merc. Don't sit there and spew sunshine and say it ain't when every &%^$&$ match has at least 3 mercs 2 jugs and at least one sniper there's a reason for it they break trinity! Proverbial " I win Class"
  9. Yes so we end up right back were we're at with Jug\Merc\Sniper ability to dish out huge DPS and absorb crap loads of dmg making pure DPS (glass cannon specs moot) Way to solve that issue. STOP BREAKING TRINITY!
  10. You better have neuter their DPS otherwise what is the point of being pure DPS spec's peeps will simple play tanks along with the already OP Merc Sniper Jug super apparent to all who play save your dev team! Why because they Break trinity by having uber DPS in conjunction with tank like abilities. If your gonna have hybrids their DPS should be half of what pure DPS specs as far as DPS goes!
  11. Kazz_Devlin

    Eric Musco.

    Okay for the record I don't normally run with shroud on cloak just my preference I am totally fine with dying because of that. But cloaking out and healing is not a HEAL TO FULL is all I am saying. If he is so insant that it is then he needs to accept the fact he then has 2 H2f because when I cloak out and if luck is on my side it breaks combat allowing him/her to H2F.
  12. Kazz_Devlin

    Eric Musco.

    NOT always the case! If some popped a taunt you stay in combat, if your dotted you stay in combat and probably due to biowares buggy %$# system who knows what other reason why you STAY in combat cloaking does not always take one outa combat. This is especially true if you didn't take certain utilities. Regardless healing outside of combat doesn't constitute a H2F because it is OUTA COMBAT! Just accept your Class breaks trinity it's why you and everyone else plays it! Ez rotation huge DPS and dying far less than glass cannon specs! Just a minor comment on no ability to remove ones self from combat. Run far enough away you'll break combat! What sound ridiculous so is the idea of healing outa combat being a heal to full because one has to successfully cloak then find a hiding spot, hope to hell combat is broke and then heal up mean while your opponent lets say you for instances and no dots on you with standing and since combat was broken by me via cloak can now heal to full thereby gaining two heal to fulls!
  13. Your logic is baffling you want to punish all because a few exist that are disruptions. Here's a news flash there will always be those who choose to do want they want the consequences be damned. You don't destroy the entire system because of a few. Take your weird Nascar analogy does it not stand to reason if someone did as you claimed is it more than likely if said person did these things would they not be be held responsible both fiscally and criminally? There are consequences for going outside the rules so if you see peeps doing this take screen shots report it to Bioware and move on and leave the pvp alone.
  14. Agreed there should be costs for that much mobility. It's also why I don't think sorc getting a crit boost is the right way to go they have insane mobility now they'll be able to kite and kill at will.
  15. Kazz_Devlin

    Eric Musco.

    WHAT! that is just utter ridiculous! First off not everyone specs out the same so not everyone takes the force shroud on cloak which means that a fricken sneeze pops you out stealth. Dotted your popped, small gust of wind your popped! 2nd dam near every time I do manage it i'm still flagged for combat so no heal to full. Lastly healing outside of combat kinda tells you that's it not a heal to full because IT"S OUTSIDE OF COMBAT! (sorry not yelling at you just the absolute absurdity of the notion) But just to prove the point if you accept his ludicrous argument that means that merc's have not one but 2 heal to fulls because they can heal out side of combat too!
  16. Kazz_Devlin

    Eric Musco.

    Might want to check your fact there bud! Assassin's only heal is on overcharge saber and at best it a fricken stim pack which amounts to two hits! Even if you go the utility route and choose the legendary utility to heal when you cloak it sure as heck don't heal 2 full and it actually cost you everything you have proc'd when you cloak out if you want to get full effect of the ability because you have to stay cloaked for X number of seconds. Plus it pretty much requires you take other utilities to get the most benefit while its not a huge hindrance i.e it's a decent way to spec just not my type of play style.
  17. assassins don't have a real heal just a gimpy one (overcharge saber.) that's worse off than a heal stim and while yes you could spend a point and take the heal when cloak you then basically are locked into Avoidance, Fade, Obfuscation, Shroud of madness, could kinda pick what you want on Heroic utility tree but then legendary would be Dis junction and Renewing darkness. You give up alot just to get that heal.
  18. Using your same logic then there can be no skill based PVP between the classes. Mainly because Bioware/EA adopted a system where some class are weaker vs other classes currently Jug, Sniper and Merc are the winners mainly because of huge DPS and long up-time thereby breaking trinity. A lot of things also play in to this such as poorly designed visual cues that let the player know hey this person just did something for example when a lightning sorc cast his huge hitting blast you can see the giant circle and you know to basically interrupt it. With these classes their visual cues are hard to see or get drowned out such as the most egregious offender the merc with his shields. If a merc pops his yellow (heals) and has a sorc bubble the bubble color purple drowns out the visuals or operatives healing globe (green) drowns out the yellow and worst yet the mercs very own blue drowns out the yellow. Giving an advantage to classes that really at this point don't need it. If your gonna have these skills then the visual cues must be predominant over other visual cues, and be readily seen and recognized. but I digress the point i'm trying to make is that in order for you to have the PVP that you want which is based on player skill then the classes ALL OF THEM would have to under go a nascar revamp where every classes abilities where similar in nature just nomenclature was change to fit various classes I for one have been sorely awaiting the day when bioware's hypocrisy gets called out and jugs force push that knocks someone clear across the map and knocks them down get replaced with a stun just like they nerfed assassins spike which use to be a knock down but got changed into a stun) (yeah that right I STILL HOLD A GRUDGE LAME HYPOCRITICAL DEV'S) dang off on a tangent again sorry, so while this would be the ultimate in "Skill based" it would also be cookie cutter classes and as many have proclaimed not very fun. IMHO if Bioware would just follow the trinity they could minimize this. Heals shouldn't do dmg and be taxed with managing a pool to avoid what is currently be seen with SORC heals in that you have 3-4 que and 1 guards a node. Now this forces opposing team to send 2 or 3 DPS just to grab a node which may become difficult if you have say one healer.This could also be rectified by limiting number of heals aswell. Tanks shouldn't do DPS but if you gonna have them doing DPS then they better cap out at half what a PURE DPS spec does. Pure DPS specs do lots of DMG but are glass cannons Hybrids should be avoided but if insisting on implementation again DPS output slightly better than Tank .
  19. Kazz_Devlin


    Your deluded. PVP Was at all time low because population died MAINLY cause you now had to endlessly grind for gear to PVP! You will spend Month(S) grinding just to get a suite suitable for PVP instead of at best 4 weeks. Plus it made balancing a lot more difficult. Now PVP is a joke cause dam near everyone is either a Jug, Merc or sniper the trio of the I win classes toss in a sorc heals and 2 or 3 more of those classes and you got you typical PVP match rest being filled in by Mara's, sins or operatives. So instead of addressing the issue the wise and O insightful DEV's heard the PVP community's plea for balance and have decided that no longer will you have to suffer through 10 to 15 minutes of a slaughter fest of a match due to grossly imbalanced teams because the wise and O insightful DEV's have made the matches shorter! So you still have the slaughter fest only its shorter! <face palm>
  20. ROFLAMFAO FIX IT THATS RICH! JUST FYI Merc and sniper been OP for clsoe too dam years now so yeah not seeing this happen any time soon!
  21. REALLY so I can't get a ranked match as it is a now you want to take away the only incentive for doing the rank matches I do get when I have manage to actually find peeps who are actually doing it! How about Bioware balances the effin classes so there's no reason to choose one class over others!
  22. or tie it to open world pvp sense there's no incentive to draw peeps there! Really the only people going to iokath are peeps FARMING MATS!
  23. Kazz_Devlin


    Game won't be here that long
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