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Everything posted by Kazz_Devlin

  1. Your educated Idiot syndrome is acting up again! But, hey congrats you managed to not misspell anything while throwing the stone at the glass window. to your I don't like guardians answer this question: is Juggernaut a DPS Burst class?
  2. not spammable the hell its not you spam 3 attacks over and over and you keep TA up so yeah spammable
  3. Please don't with the Rolls in PVP just stop! Snave couldn't be more wrong on this. While I applaud the effort to defend the class by claiming that its the roll the class is suppose to have its clever, that said it's complete Bunk! When Bioware implements a merit base rewards system that is "Roll" dependent his argument might have some merit. Last I checked I didn't get extra credit for being highest DPSing assassin for the assassin roll in the match or top objectives hit for my "roll" There sure as heck isn't any differentiation from DOT specs and single focusing specs and there in lies the rub. The matches are generic who did top DPS most protection, most heals etc etc. It is also why most matches now-day's are dominated by those classes that are "I WIN CLASSES" Jug, merc, Sniper, because they can easily attain said achievements "Rolls" are kinda pointless if everyone is playing and "I WIN CLASS"! Besides even if it wasn't what it is now the feeling is op's elusiveness is OP and new peeps just get frustrated and say why do I bother. To be fair it ain't just ops either. Had an up and coming guildee doing PVP putting out decent DPS only to be out DPS'd by a god ^$^%$ immortal Jug. That was it dude quit and moved on and frankly I don't blame him. I always thought it an idiotic move to have tanks doing DPS because it just breaks everything. They should have been a support class that did guarding and buffs/de-buffs this keeps them out of the "DPS" metric and adds desire to have on team because they buff your team or de-buff your enemy's. (Jedi battle meditation/ Sith battle mediation)
  4. Yeah but its okay for Fury mara to have that much burst. <rolls Eyes>
  5. Breaks trinity is rather simple TANK: Absorbs dmg HEALS: They simply heal peeps but should have to manage resources so in cases of one on one with a DPS spec over time they simply run out of force/tech and thus sub-comb DPS: Dps Burst High dmg output but a glass cannon. Tanks should be able to absorb lots of dmg BUT DPS should never exceed that of a pure DPS burst other wise what is the point of playing glass cannon spec's? Currently Vigil break trinity because they violate the rule making pure DPS classes moot. Partly because Bioware's Dev team went ahead and nerfed tanks DPS "because they were over performing" and then they turn around and buff them by allowing shield to affect crit there-by putting them Right back where they were before the so called nerf because if you increase survival and don't touch DPS its a NET gain to DPS. Merc |Jugs|Sniper: All break trinity because they have uber burst PLUS uber up time. There Death to Damage is way to high. Another words they put out way to much DPS compared to other classes before they die.The heal on Dmg is partly to blame( though jugs isn't as effective as merc's it still grants basically a 2nd life. Merc is the worst there's more akin to 3 lives.) With Merc's and even Jugs the Visual cue that are suppose to aid a player when not to attack so you avoid "healing" your target or take reflect damage suffers from poor visibility example Jugs reflect red sparkly thing that is to short and too hard to see plus said ability can get drowned out altogether by other visual cues or other graphic effects such as sorc bubble, or Operatives heal globe and the Merc's very own Dmg reduction shield (blue) which drowns out the yellow. Then you throw in the fact that In certain cases AOE dmg still triggers the heal even though its an AOE. Example assassin's lacerate because you have a 50% chance you might proc a surging charge which is internal damage (Frankly this makes no sense what soever on how a "Shield" can stop internal damage.) If proc'd it will heal the merc. This of course means you just stop attacking and thus we have imposing a one sided armistice where you can't attack your opponent because you'll either heal'em or damage yourself yet, Your opponent is free to lambaste you into oblivion. If your going to have abilities that have negative effects on you because your attacking your opponent then those abilities visual cues need to be PRONOUNCED, PREDOMINANT, and lastly have PRECEDENCE so said abilities are always visible. Now sniper was actually fine pre 5.0 just needed a tweak instead they get INSANELY BUFFED The class has dam near 90% stun immunity which is utter crap. Insane dmg reduction/absorb the ability to roll and not be stunned, Spam giant Dot on floor which is a huge pain when more than one is in Que. Solution keep DPS high Nerf defenses or keep defenses' and reduce DPS. Operative break trinity with their insane amount of evasiveness coupled with the ability to heal themselves while on the move. Hands down it breaks trinity. You can think of the evasion as a different mechanic that keeps you alive. Allowing you to absorb insane damage or mitigate/Dodge it, then when you do get damaged you roll away heal and as long as you spam attacks that grant tactical advantage you can do this all day again nothing to manage... no cost. Its rather simple you want to do huge DPS your a glass cannon. You want uber survival and to do dmg then your a hybrid pseudo tank+pseudo DPS equals not a master of either you do half that of what a pure DPS spec does. You want to run around the map unhindered either your heals get neutered or your DPS is nixed.
  6. ranked should have peeps in all the time but do to the nature that is ranked NOBODY is doing it! Be one thing to que for ranked and regs and do which ever pops first but no i have to que for ranked sit around for 2 hrs just to get a pop.....I don't think so.
  7. Really genius more like ranked stupidity! Might work on some severs, but i'm lucky to even get rank to pop AS IT STANDS NOW! So tell me oh wise one how does this help with severs that have a low Ranked PVP population and how is it the "Right solution"? Oh wait it don't and it's not even remotely close to a solution. Removing mats from PVP balancing the classes these are steps in the right direction! Because the problem with ranked is it's utter Bantha poodoo ruled by the "I WIN CLASSES" because this dev team cannot grasp the simple premise that is the trinity system. Until they get a handle on it ranked players will abstain from playing because whats the mother $^%$ point. At this point it is something this dev team is incapable of doing. Another Epic failure brought to you by the ineptness that is this DEV team!
  8. Whats worse is the community has been telling the inept dev's this for oh what 2 years! Plus it wasn't like they need a whole lot pre-5.0 but in typical inept dev like fashion they go way overboard break trinity 6 ways to Sunday, which is real easy for this dev team as they have no grasp on Heals|Tank|DPS what so ever. At this point bud i'd just get of the ship while the getting is good cause this ship is on the way down. Save yourself it's not to late.
  9. Really cause i can't use my phantom stride on quesh huttball BECAUSE THEY TOOK IT AWAY! Yet operatives can roll through crap all day long, sorcs can pop bubble in acid no problem. If you neuter one you should neuter all
  10. fine i'm all for this when they neuter your mobility and take away your god bubble. lighting soc can be a beast if you actually know how to play it. You have decent dps and mobility use it you don't need a buff to DPS. But if you insist then your mobility and survival needs to get reduced. Oh i get it you want to be uber gods like mercs with 14 lives but we have enough unbalanced classes we don't need to add to them
  11. i beg to differ when you can't even get a ranked match to pop currently how will this help?
  12. You guys act surprised. This is hands down the worst space sim ever made. Xwing vs tie 20+ years old more fun than this utter garbage It was a sales gimmick, it plays like a sales gimmick hell even SWG's space sim was preferable to this crap. Just accept that the dev team is an utter joke and stop deluding yourselves this will never get better because they always intended this to be like crafting a half baked concoction that plays at being a space sim or a crafting aspect mere shadows of what other MMO's have designed to luring in unsuspecting MMO players.
  13. A map designed to benefit ranged classes or more to the point OP i win classes such as Merc, sniper and jug. (like any of them need the help) Dsync is insane don't bother phantom striding to peeps on catwalks you end up on ground. Typical bs of some classes able to roll through, mad dash through hazards with no ill effects still omnipresent.
  14. Well I disagree with you a bit while it is true they are paying customers they are handful. My thought is, if it is true it's utter stupidity on Bioware's part because all you end up doing is driving away the players that follow the rules and don't cheat. I know many who got fed up and bailed and went to Rift and a few that tried there hand at Guild wars all because they got tired of the lack of action by the dev team. So the monetary value you keep with the cheater you lose with those that bail is just bad business thus the reason I don't think its the reason little action is taken. The prime reason is more than likely the hemorrhaging player base as a key factor, a lack of resources and finally the most likely reason is the game engine that is the hero engine its old antiquated and probably why to costly to actually fix and with a declining population there's really no reason too. They'll milk it for as long as they can until the game is no longer earning enough money. When that happens they will become another Star Wars MMO to fade into obscurity and join star wars galaxy's in MMO oblivion. Though one could argue that SWTOR isn't really a MMO any more, more akin to an mmoRPG with an emphasis no longer being on MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLEPLAYING GAME. By adding content for solo players one could argue they have abandoned even trying to be a MMO any more.
  15. So true, though I would disagree with calling it skill. I mean if you have two equally skilled drivers ones in an every day car going up against a modified stock car there's no real skill here its just plain straight up out matched. I would go as far as to say that with every class of that type joining unbalances the match by degrees got enough and its a wash from the start. YET the DEV's still refuse to address this!
  16. ah been that way for a long time now.
  17. just another map that favors range classes. Which is to be expected seeing as most peeps playing are mercs and snipers
  18. He's absolutely correct, the only ones playing these op classes are sub-par players that need that crutch that I win button! Pretty much any of the classes that have heals on dmg break trinity and thus everyone is playing them. This includes jugs as well, though not as bad as merc or sniper its still op for a DPS burst class. All of these classes are suppose to be glass cannons yet none of them are Which is plainly evident by most Premade's on rebel side half of squad equals four jugs other half 4 sorcs or 3 mercs etc etc! Sniper is just ridiculous dam near 90% of the time immune from stun excellent damage reduction there needs to be a cost for all these uber abilities either reduced dmg or no stuns are a few that have been tossed about. Highly unlikely Bioware even cares they know the game is hemorrhaging its player base they have even gone so far as to start adding solo content which is huge because now it's basically given up trying to be a MMO.
  19. if you gave Lsorc more burst then there mobility would need to be curtailed There has to be a trade off otherwise you end up were we are now Merc, sniper, Jug/mara(fury) I win classes
  20. <face Palm> Sure why not lets have tanks out DPSing pure DPS builds I mean most PVP matches now a days are dominated by the hybrid classes as it is Merc, Sniper, Jug so why not ensure tanks get top DPS as well. The trinity system is simple Tank | Heals| Dps Tanks are suppose to absorb damage not do it! To do otherwise Breaks trinity! Heals should heal dmg DPS are your damage dealers high damage low survival I.e glass cannons Hybrids break trinity they should never have been a damaging class they should have been a support class that did buff/debuffs. If you have to have a hybrid it's damage needs to be half that of pure DPS spec otherwise whats the point of playing glass cannon specs!
  21. Hatred the chicken S%$%& spec no respect for this spec. super boring oooo look I dropped a bunch of dots and they hit multiple peeps <snore> Epic snooze fest. No sense of accomplishment I mean really and this goes for all dot spec's how hard is it to drop a dot on a group? Though I do love when I manage to out DPS a dot spec!
  22. dude he's right how can you whine about mercs when commandos are the EXACT SAME THING save for maybe the nomenclature! Granted "FURY" mara is a bit OP but it's also a glass cannon once its DCD's are gone and i see more peeps playing jugs than fury mara's I agree with merc's and snipers way to OP but these dev's are complete and utter idiots they either A.) don't play the game or B.) play the game and are keeping there favorite classes OP. 3.) They have so many playing I win classes that to "Nerf" them would be to cause a mass Exodus from the game. Take a real hard look at how many people are playing " I WIN CLASSES" and you'd realize its most peeps playing pvp. Seeing as the community has been complaining about this going on 2 years now. My god play the game for a whole day and you pretty much see the team make up is merc sniper jugs with sorc heals and the rest filler classes. The game dies and its the complete ineptitude to address the thing that's killing pvp Hybrids! As long as you allow hybrids in game and they can put out DPS equivalent to glass cannon specs what in the sam%$&% is the point in playing glass cannon specs? You just drive the player base to the " I WIN CLASSES"
  23. ROFL never in a billion years no common sense, no sense of humor and a grammar nazi.
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