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Everything posted by Kaos_KidSWTOR

  1. Jugg Tanks got the **** buffed out of them, and Powertech Tanks got a really annoying and un-needed gimp. Seriously 11% reduction to Firestorm? That's like, nothing... Sure, Sin tanks got a big gimp, but that was because Shock was doing 17k Supercrits as a Tank...
  2. Ok, I just remembered something that I had completely forgotten for awhile. Jugg/Guardian Tanks have a bit of dispairty between Sweeping Slash, and it's Single Target companion, Slash/Vicious Slash Sweeping Slash has a 30% Crit Chance over Slash/VS Originally though, it had more IIRC in 2.0 it also had the advantage of costing 1 less focus, but that was changed in 3.0. AND it also had 3x Threat (it had another Threat booster in the 2.0 Tree that was an extra 100%) But again, that was changed in 3.0 Bioware please change the Level 12 Talent for Jugg/Guard tanks to include Slash and Vicious Slash
  3. Outside of our defensives though, we are a gimped Juggernaut.
  4. What we need is to swap Firestorm and Flaming Fist. Change Flaming Fist to Ion Fist, and keep Shockstrike the same. Then, make Firestorm/Ion Storm be buffed by SHFT. Make SHFT increase the width of the radius of Firestorm (I think it's like 45 degrees right now? someone please check.) or increase the distance to like 12m from 8m or, Snare targets instead of simply slowing by 90%. Increase Scorch and Incend Missile by about 5% damage, and increase Rail Shot by 10%. Also, the new Passive 10% Crit Increase on Immolate is complete crap, If we have an Auto Crit on it, then it's kinda a waste to give us 10% Crit Chance on it... If it was 10% Critical Chance on Burning Targets, then we could start talking.
  5. On The Harbinger? It's the fudging Pubs that beat the Imps to a pulp! I mean, it's getting better now that i'm not running Yolo Regs anymore, and i'm doing Group Regs on my Merc Heals and PT Hybrid Tank (and soon my Sniper)
  6. Which spec did it tell you to roll off the bat? Was it Sharpshooter or Sabotuer? If it was Sharpshooter, send 200k over to that toon, and get Legacy Field Respec, and respec to Sabotuer and play Stand-Up Gunslinger. You can do 90% of the attacks while moving in Sab spec, the only exceptions are Freighter Flyby and Speed Shots. Flyby requires Cover, and Speed Shots is a Channel.
  7. It does generate Threat, but less than Force Pull does.
  8. I main Hybrid Tank PT. Aka, Tank Spec, Tank SB, and DPS Mods, Enhancements, Ear, Implants, and Relics. Oh, and Shield OH, DPS MH.
  9. I don't understand why we don't just have one large server for each aspect of the game, 3 US servers, and 3 EU servers. 1 RP-PvP server, 1 PvE server, and 1 PvP server (there's no need for RP only, because PvP in an RP server should be contextual.)
  10. Well, this would give Vanguards/Powertechs 3 Gap Closers sorta. IMO, Transpose is useless. Now, I have not tried it in PvP, because I haven't gotten the chance to get even a full ranked DPS set for my PT yet because of all the morons in PvP... If we got one of these three things. Multi-Grapple New DCD New Attack We would be golden. Now as for the new DCD? Shield Overcharge CD: 120s Channel Time 3.5s Overloads your Shield Generator to create a nearly impenetrable defensive field around you, reducing all damage taken by 75%. You can move while this skill is channeling. THAT would be useful for Tanking! New Attack? Passive - Flammable Oil/Ionized Gas When Firestorm/Ion Storm is used inside Oil Slick/Riot Gas you ignite/ionize the area dealing 10k over the duration of Oil Slick/Riot Gas, In addition Oil Slick/Riot Gas is now off the global cooldown. We have wanted this for years, and it would make so much sense, just add it!
  11. Ok, If you want the definition of easy, here's the Marksmanship Sniper rotation Snipe > Snipe > FT > Ambush > FT > Pen Blast > FT > CD (If Sniper Volley is up SV > Pen Blast > FT) Use Takedown after a FT. Always Laze Target when you can, and use Target Acquired when you can on Ambush and Pen Blast.
  12. I play Pyro a little. But only when I have a pocket healer. One tip for in general Pyro now, you can use Scorch, on an infinite number of targets at once. There's no more limiter to how many Scorches you can have out. I don't know if it's a bug, or intended, the Tooltip was also changed to reflect this, so it makes me think this was an intentional (and awesome) change.
  13. I'm pretty sure Lightning and Deception are the lowest parsing BURST DPS specs in the game. Mainly due to the fact that Recklesness does NOT grant 60% Supercrit Surge. Which should be fixed. Or, Recklessness should be changed to make the next two Force attacks Auto-Crits.
  14. Assassin's Shelter was changed to make it work like the other AOE Taunt/De-taunt abilities. It now grants a buff that increases Damage Reduction, and gives a minor HoT to all allies in range of the AOE Taunt. While, I agree it was lame, it make Sin Tanks slightly worse than Powertechs or Juggernauts in the Support category.
  15. They are theoretically making a Yavin 4 PvP map, but we have no specifics on it.
  16. Yea, I would have liked to get instead of Mag Shot be a replacement for Rail Shot, it would have been a replacement for Power Shot. That would have probably done more for IO by making our filler have an Elemental damage portion.
  17. The MVP Vote literally does nothing. It's 1 Comm and like 40 Valor. If it was say, 10 Comms and 1k Credits, it would be a bigger incentive to give MVP votes to lower on the totem pole people, to help them get comms.
  18. Tanks typically run DPS Mods and Enhancements, with Endurance Augments and the Tank SB. You can also take the DPS Mainhand. Of the three Tanks, Sin tanks are the deadliest, they can pull 17k Shock Crits out of a hat because of how Electrify works. While Juggernaut/Guardian tanks are able to stay alive the longest. PT tanks are kinda meh. AP DPS is, awesome to say the least. You can pull 24k Energy Burst Supercrits at the drop of a hat, and if you get lucky, you can pull 10k Rocket Punches and Magnetic Blasts. Pyro is kinda lacking, but if you have a Healer in your pocket, you can pull some crazy DoT Spread.
  19. That's debatable. Engineering is good for bosses that don't move often, and that don't have Target Swapping often. Past that, MM all the way.
  20. To fix Pyro/Plasma, we need our Surge back. We only have 1 consistent Auto-Crit, and it doesn't even hit that hard. Give us back our 30% Surge, and we will be golden. Also, give us a Stacking DR buff that procs when we DoT tick, stack it up to 5 times for 5s. That will make us much less paper thin compared to AP/Tactics in PvP. Or, make it so that when you have a 2 Stack of SFT we can use Flamethrower on the Move. Also, adding Immolate to Bracer Propellant would be a nice QOL. Edit: Also, a hint for any lingering Pyro Players, you can now use Scorch on an infinite number of targets. There's no more Max Limit of Scorches that can be out.
  21. That's some **** Utility choice. The ONLY Utility Setup you need for Marauder in general is this. Skillful: Unextorable, Brazen, Overwhelm Masterful: Relentless, Defensive Roll Heroic: Unbound, Undying That gives you the most PvP utility, and defense. No need to slow your targets, because 99% of the time they are slowed by your allies.
  22. For my Marksman Sniper I run these utilities. Skillful: Ballistic Dampers, Cover Screen, Vital Regulators Masterful: Augmented Shields, Pillbox Sniper Heroic: Over-Prepared and either Hold Your Ground OR Siege Bunker, depends on what kind of fight it is.
  23. I personally don't see the problem with Auto-Roll. It puts you in a place where you gain your extra Defend Roll. Essentially, when your target has a Green Shield Icon above their model, you gain an extra layer of defense, your Cover can then protect you from incoming Force, Tech, and Ranged attacks. I'm not sure what the % chance it is, but it's pretty bloody high, cause I see it nearly 1/3 of the time i'm hit. It's one of our biggest hidden Defensives EVER. And not many people know about it.
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