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Everything posted by Drew_Braxton

  1. I've played a few MMO's and none are without the pay option of some sort. Even if it's not obvious to most some game leave open certain advantages to those spending a lot of real money (multiboxing, etc.). Some are low population games financed mostly by a few that spend a lot. I've seen people drop $10,000 on a game without blinking. As long as real money doesn't give a competitive advantage I don't mind since more $ = more resources and interest by a company to continuing to invest in, grow, or continue to support a game. As long as the CM continues to stay with cosmetic gear, toys, pets, and mounts more power to them.
  2. This has made me ponder the idea of leveling more toons, even though I told myself I would stop at 12. I can appreciate those who don't want to speed the process though and other games do have the option to disable experience gains. I wouldn't think that offering the option would be a huge programming task and it would make accommodate all players. The dreadful thought is the more 50s you have the more you have to lvl to 55 and gear them up. I already can only actively play a few....what do you do with all these besides have them craft while your playing your regulars? Does anyone actual have the time to do flashpoints, weeklies, and ops for more than 2 to 4 toons?
  3. I don't claim to know everything about the game, however in 2 more levels I will have 11 level 50's so I'm no stranger to leveling either. Here are tips from my point of view... 1. DO all the multi stage bonuses. Most payout after each stage and the nice big bonus after you complete the final step. All on top of the XP you get for killing stuff. 2. DO skip most, but not all heroics. Most waste time with assembling the group, getting to the heroic, wipes and repairs from the under geared or noobs. There are a few exceptions. Some of the 4 person heroics are very quick and payout really well in terms of XP. I won't list them here, but after a toon or two you will know, or ask someone in general if a particular heroic is worth it. The heroic 4 on Voss in the temple, for example, is quick and very nice XP payout. Do the ones where you see in general chat they are ready to go and just need another of your class/role. 3. DO flash points, but with the following in mind. Only do the ones where you are at the lower end of level requirements. Decline groupfinder if anyone is 2 levels above the mid range of the flash point. Do pick up the daily mission at fleet. I usually only do the daily flash point to get both the daily payout on top of the flashpoint XP. When you hit red reaper level just decline all group finder groups that have a level 50 in them. Just reque and keep doing your missions until que pops again. Flash points CANNOT be ignored. They offer some nice XP, with the above in mind, and help prepare you for working in a group and operations. Just doing your class missions alone will not prepare you for operations when you reach 50. Plus the majority of junk in the flash points is no different between low level and heroic level 50 so it's good practice. 4. Do skip the wasted motion missions. You won't know which ones until you are on your second or third toon, but I'd say 10% of the missions waste more time in travel and such than it's worth in XP. Skip those and just do some of the bonus series. I hate those missions where you could have done two other missions in the time it took to complete them. 5. Do pick up the datacrons that are quick and near a mission objective. They are easy XP and add some stats to help your abilities. Save the more involved ones *jawa balloon ride* until you hit 50 and are bored, or if a sage or sorc is offering to pull you up. 6. If your not completely sick of a planet by the time you get to them DO do the bonus series. They are pretty efficient XP givers and are usually all grouped in a tighter area than the regular missions. 7. Do travel to areas or missions in a way to explore all or most of the map. Exploration XP is free XP if your already going that way already. You can also discover new area missions with pay out nice XP. 8. DO PVP and space missions here and there to break up any monotony. 9. If your not in a hurry to get one toon to level 50 and are looking to get a large legacy of characters start several. Park them in a cantina and play one at a time until its no longer rested, then switch to another and do the same. Repeat until you get back to first toon which should be well rested again. Personally, I didn't see 100% XP boost from rested, but it was a noticable difference. Happy Leveling!
  4. I heard the new operation is a 7 boss one which hopefully will take some time to beat. I remember "the game that dare speak it's name" in the vanilla days and it got repetitive and boring as well. There were other achievements outside of dungeons and raids though that let's you work on other stuff to break the monotony, hopefully, some of that will be coming our way. The reputation thing seems a small step in that direction. Game is still new compared to it's older competitors though so I'm hopeful and still, even after over a year, like the game.
  5. I personally think that, except the Tatooine item, the quests are as they should be. I don't like pve being mixed with pvp. I've done the HK series 4 times now and sometimes finding the part is quick and sometimes it's not. Get a group together and you help your chances. HK is a good companion to level up with, aside from the occasional storyline bugs and finding gear at some levels is a challenge.
  6. There are some really cool things about this game and that video highlights some of them. If you make another one, include some scenery from operations, Belsavis, Corescant, Hutta, and sights near some of the datacrons. Nice work! http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1321508 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1253115 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1297541 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1321514 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1266449 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1266454 http://swtor.enjin.com/profile/1653198/pics/detail/album_id/218639#pid=1321515
  7. ...account wide ignore list would be nice too!
  8. Two of my favorites, one on corellia (Axial Park) and one on Ord Mantell. Ord Mantell: Ensign Peters: Alright, you know the score. There's a couple dozen empty mortar shells out in the mine field. You pick up enough and get back here sorta alive, you win a prize. Alternatively, if your not one for braving the minefield you can place a bet on a runner and see if you get lucky...triple your money on a win. Character: I'll place a bet. Ensign Peters: Alright, we have a big spender here. Here's our runners. Ensign Peters: Here's Brass, He's basically a couple of shells short of a full clip. Brass: Boom, hehe, boom. Ensign Peters: Grannen's our veteran...or what's left of him. Grannen: Don't listen to that twerp, I can still run with the best of them... wait...where did you go? Ensign Peters: And Meeshta, our resident charmer. Meeshta: I'll rip out your eyes and eat them with hard rations. Ensign Peters: Hehe, of course you will. Ensign Peters: OK, that's our group, Who are you betting on? Character: Meesha has a killer instinct. I like that. Ensign Peters: Alright, get ready runners. And you get the honors, just hit the starter button and we''ll get this race underway. Cutscene: Meesha doesn't make it. Ensign Peters: Ohhhh, what a mess. Sorry friend, guess you can't win them all huh? Corellia: Father: Everywhere I looked, there were beasts bursting out of cages! Child: We got to pet the animals, tell him dad. Soldier: Were in the middle of a war zone Sir. Father: The zoo's supposed to be safe, officer, this was traumatizing. Child: It was great! Soldier: Sir, for the safety of your girl, please evacuate axial park.
  9. You have any issues after you exceeded the 12 slots? I've been nervous to move past 12 cause I don't need anymore bugs than I already have to deal with.
  10. Anyone see any information on droid gear at lvl 51 - 55 from the pts? I use HK on all my toons except my tanks. Great companion, even with all the story line bugs/quirks you get with him as you level. I just haven't seen any discussion on his gearing at the new levels yet. Enough people know the current assassin droid gear patterns that I don't think getting some crafted for your level 50 HK will be a problem if the current patterns disappear.
  11. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r214/jargersi2/braaxton.jpg[/img]"]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r214/jargersi2/braaxton.jpg Go with what works for you. Personally, I went mostly with willpower since I tried it both ways and the difference to bonus healing was very small and I gained more crit and healing power from going with willpower.
  12. Will be nice to have something new to do...can't wait to see what bugs come with it though . I think either way there will be bugs, but some of the most annoying ones that I've seen would have been caught with a few day test server run. Either way, looking forward to see what they came up with.
  13. I'm on the shadowlands server and have one hydra chestpiece up for sale. There's 4 others up there currently. Interest seems to have dropped as of late. Wish it was for both trooper and bounty hunter like other similar orange. there are a few pieces in cartel marker that are similar now too which doesn't help. I still like the hydra and still have it on my bounty hunter. The Hydra was, and still is, one of the best looking gear pieces for bounty hunters in my opinion. The comm gear...blah. Not everyone likes that standard issue government look.
  14. I think most would support the better looking gear or options to tune gear appearance/color. Would be nice to have armor with the set bonus for level 63 gear as well. The columi, campaign, and dreadgaurd gear..blah. My sage went from looking like a xmas tree ornament to tarzan and finally a caveman in the standard issue gear. I'm happier with the count chocula look I have with the chest i got from cartel market, but I'd change that in a minute for something cooler looking. Currently, you can only change one piece or you lose your set bonus unless you are ok dropping to 61 armor. It's like they contracted Kmart to design all the gear.
  15. I don't like the pvp in swtor, but love the pve side. I'm on a pve server and wanna do pve. Obviously that puts me at a great disadvantage when I'm forced to enter a pvp area. I got HK the first night of release and the outlaws den was a gathering point of loser pvp players who had nothing better to do than camp the jawa dealer and gank pver's. Low level, no expertise, just there to get HK part. You have to wonder what kind of personality gets a kick out of killing defenseless low levels just trying to get their HK part. Don't mix worlds on pve servers, there's a reason we picked the pve server.
  16. There are benefits doing it either way: Taking one character to 50 first then working on others: 1. You will have more money, money is easy to make at level 50. 2. You can solo most low level flash points so you can run them over and over and just send gear, mats, and mods (using legacy gear) to your new lower levels so they are always geared to the teeth. All the good gear is BOP, but the moddable ones you can remove them mods and send to your lower levels. You will find that lower level mods are expensive on GTN. Leveling several characters at the same time: Seems to take longer, but actually takes less play time that running one straight thru. Start the ones you are interested in. Camp them in a cantina to max rested state. While rested, quest, do flashpoint daily mission, pvp and then camp back in cantina and switch to next character and repeat the above for each character. Obviously adding the cartel and legacy bonuses speed things up as well.
  17. Your question was already answered, but I did want to add that if you like the scoundrel as a class, but want imperial connections then start an operative. Same abilities, just named differently, and story is outstanding (after a slow start). Agent Chapter 3 ending (spoiler alert obviously)
  18. I went tank for my vanguard and I think it's a fun toon. It can seem like it takes forever to kill things while leveling...sometimes it does, but I didn't die until I reached Voss and can't say that about any of my other characters. Very tough they are. Story was ok (mid range of interesting compared to others). The only bummer part for me is that other tanks get knock back abilities and you have the opposite where you pull them to you. Can't throw an enemy over the cliff to their death like other tanks. It's workable and has it's pluses though. Quick flashpoint que times and I never have trouble finding a group for operations is the other benefit, though not exclusive to vanguard tanks.
  19. set up hot keys for your favorite talents on your keyboard number pad so you can just type them with your mouse hand thumb. Just need room on your computer to keep you mouse near your keyboard and after some practice will be manageable to do. Will give you a few talents one key press away.
  20. Put them on ignore and move on with life. Far from the biggest issue though. As most objectives are very close to the mob your fighting it would be an easy fix for Bioware to make that locks the close objective to you (like the first to attack something gets the credit even if someone else finishes the kill). I'd prefer them working on bug fixes and spending some money on better gear appearance/design.
  21. ...Always treat people how you would want to be treated. For those who abuse loot, vote to kick them and put them on ignore. If more people did that there would be less loot abusers. At worse, you won't ever see them in a random again.
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