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Everything posted by Blackwater

  1. Wow looks like this thread got the wind taken out of its sails in a hurry
  2. I hope you whiners realize that the early access wasn't even supposed to start until tommorow and yet you're still whining at the fact that we get an additional 2 day head start.
  3. Is that a joke question? You can't seriously be that oblivious.
  4. Because Bioware needs to monitor how active they are. I like how you believe that BioWare didn't consider what you proposed Like BioWare is full of a bunch of bumbling idiots, and they're just waiting for you to guide them Yes, that's it. Bioware has been in the video game business for 20 years but appearantly, forum posters know how to do it better
  5. *Player who got in early" "Early access is the best idea ever! BIOWARE IS AWESOME!" *Player who didn't get in early* "Worst launch ever. #occupy Bioware"
  6. IS IT? Is it really? How do you know what's going on at Bioware? Do you work there? You DON'T know, so quit pretending like you have some inside source
  7. Reading is hard... Also. >skipping work for a video game AAAAAHAHHAHAHAHHA Enjoy your bankruptcy
  8. And complaining that not getting in before the game is released is NOT a legitimate grievance
  9. Go away. The only people who are complaining are the ones who haven't gotten in yet. They would be singing A LOT different tune if they were the ones who were in.
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