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Everything posted by ISTrick

  1. Cheers bro! (or bro-ess) - and may I add, that grilled chicken sandwich talk sent me straight to my kitchen to make one I hope for communities sake and our game's expansion that 1.3 & 1.4 deliver the LFG/Ranked Warzones/Dual Spec/Legacy treats as BW have previously stated.. and obviously 'consolidating' the population onto less servers is a no-brainer. The Doctors at Bioware are smart fellows, they made Baldur's Gate 2 (favourite game ever.) so they have my backing Now regarding SW fiction: I totally endorse going back to watch the Prequels (wait.. before anyone freaks hear me out) POST playing SWTOR and watching both Clone Wars series (2003/2008-Current) - they are actually good movies when you have spent a bit more time with the pre-IV/V/VI time and characters in the universe.. The expectations laid upon the Prequel films is quite similar to those that were piled on SWTOR... I remember my utter disappointment with the newer 3 films when walking out of the theater each time, but with context and less expectation fueled inertia, they have turned out to be much, MUCH more entertaining and valid when viewed second time around. Now... back to the PvP - Grilled chicken sandwich in hand!
  2. I agree regarding the Hero engine, if anything - it will by proxy make the use of it seem more validated by the MMO community. Is anyone else excited to have a great Star Wars MMO and a yet-to-be-seen Elder Scrolls MMO existing at the same time? I'll subscribe to both - my 2 favourite gaming IPs having persistant worlds at the same time.. butterscotch.. I'll have to alternate days.. lol. GW2 might get a weekend spot here and there, no stress on that - due to B2P.
  3. ^^ Highlight of this pretty, pretty, pretty good thread. I feel like a schmo-hawk just from reading it.
  4. Even though my server is booming, I can fully appreciate this statement. Community is paramount in my opinion, from my short stint as an MMO player I feel it's the most important thing for the game to flourish. It's obvious even to a noob like me that in order for the community to embrace the game as it deserves to be, the whole subscription base needs to be able to participate in all the facets SWTOR offers. It's hard to play catch when there's no-one on the other end when you throw.
  5. This ^^. I will be happy with 750,000 subscribers if it meant more positivity in the community... at that point though, there would have to be server 'surgery' for sure though.
  6. Thanks mate - glad to be here. Now, back to PvP.. something I thought I would hate, but have come to love (it's always nice to discover new things, right?)
  7. Before SWTOR, I had previously only played Guild Wars 1 (for about 2 weeks..then got bored as hell) and WoW (for about 1 week, but at that point I was too busy with work to get into it) - so it's fair to say i'm new to the genre. I really enjoy The Old Republic - the stories are great, the social aspect (Guild / Chat / Grouping / PvP) is awesome and the gameplay is fresh and new to me.. far more strategic and skill based than I thought previously before playing MMOs proper. The constant comparisons to WoW may be totally valid, I wouldn't really know having never got passed the first bit in that game (and it being in 2007 when I tried it.. bad memory lol), so having so many abilities to tap into during battle, and so many mechanics to learn (resolve/stuns/mez/snares/healing/aoe etc) has been a real eye opener for me.. so much fun. I traditionally have been a solid RPG gamer through and through (first RPG being Space Quest II in 1987), so some of these techniques have some cross over features, but the real time action and need for serious tactical thinking has been a great discovery for me. I am also a pretty big Star Wars fan, but I must say this game has made me a far deeper Star Wars lover - after playing the game for a couple months, I have devoured books, the newly released blu-rays and CW episodes with new found vigor.. and I couldn't be happier. The story based gameplay that I love from single player RPGs such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Knights of the Old Republic is still in-tact in SWTOR, along with a new style of gaming that has really opened my eyes to why people love MMOs (PvP especially... I didn't think I would dig it.. but it's really grown on me!). I get the feeling that a lot of the negativity on the boards is generated by 2 things - expectations and server population. Expectation for a re-invention of the genre by long-time WoW players seems to be a key aspect of complaints, but to a new MMO player, this argument is moot as we never had the first base of comparison/expectation to begin with.. so life is good in that respect. The other topic that is permiating the threads is server population, and this I can understand - I'm on Dalborra (Asia-Pacific Server - Very High Pop) and at very off-peak hours it is nigh on impossible to group for some things on some planets.. .I can only imagine it's like this all the time for low-pop server players.. which would totally suck. I hope Bioware get their act together and make this a very high priority to get done ASAP as it is painfully obvious that servers need to be either merged or transfered in full/shut-down, even from the outside looking in - I feel for those suffering due to this delay. Overall, I am loving the Star Wars : The Old Republic gaming experience, and i'm in for the long haul... look forward to the new content, stories and socialising down the road : The Force will remain strong with this one. :)
  8. D3 can **** off for all I care, lucky for me i'm on the Asia-Pacific servers so population is never a prob for PvP (except at like, 5am.. lol). Saying all ^^^ : I will still buy D3 eventually ..
  9. Well... I don't reckon you level to fast - I play every day, for a 6 weeks - and am just getting to max on one char now.. albeit only for a few hours a day due to work, but still... Then again, maybe this is considered fast - I don't know to be honest, i'm a noob (but getting less noobish by the day thank you very much lol )
  10. Either you're 'Molly late to the party' or 'Bob the Graverobber' - I like it.
  11. Had to bump this, didn't even know I had a resolve bar.. ;P Now, the tables may turn at last ! (hopefully). More noobs such as myself need to see this, it will reduce QQ by about, oh.... I'd say 1000%..
  12. Thanks heaps for the tips - did my first PvP ever (in any MMO) today - and got 10 medals twice in my first 5 warzones (not sure if that's good, but seemed ok for starting) - with a lot of thanks to these tips for helping this noob . First one was a bit of a right off due to me getting to grips with it all, but once you know what has to be done, and communicate.. BOOM !! The most fun i've had I think in a video game ever. I can't believe I've waited this long (level 40 now - Guardian) to try PvP.. it's ridic good! :D:D
  13. I have experienced/agree with none of the OP remarks.. I do think however, that the community is getting slightly better at being less negative aka getting better at being a 'community', so maybe some of those 400,000 were carrying the hater flag (and good riddance).
  14. Does anyone know if any of the batch files optional tick boxes handles the use of Shadows in-game? Or are Shadows just frakked in SWTOR (I go from 70-80 fps to 18 fps by just changing Shadows from low to high.. ) CHEERS AGAIN ALL THAT WERE INVOLVED IN UNLEASHED 3.0 - AWESOME IDEA!!
  15. Our servers down under here in ol' Asia/Pacific (I'm in New Zealand) are rocking along GANGS. aka FULL-BURSTING IN PEAK STANDARD-HEAVY MID-DAY IN THE WEEK Re-roll downunder and ye' will have much fun & plunder.
  16. Doom breeds Doom... amiright?
  17. More people need to hear this... POTD! * * Post of the Day.
  18. Massive thanks for SWTOR Unleashed 3.0 - Load times are nearly nill now, and I have had some minor improvements in FPS across the board (especially with shadows off/low). I currently have DiskCacheArena, LocalApp, FX and Dynamic ticked (I have an i7 - - 8gb DDR3 - 7690m 1Gb - hdmi to 40" LED) - and I'm getting 70 FPS most places, 45-50 FPS on Fleet (720p - Everything Max except Shadows - grass/trees set low too because I prefer it). I have recently tried turning down the settings a bit (textures to low, bloom off) and have been able to play most PvE environments with full shadows at about 45=55 FPS, but this drops dramatically to 20 FPS or less indoors (all indoor environments it seems.. even though there are less/no shadows there) and the same approximately on the Fleet. I defiantly would prefer to have shadows on all the time for PvE if possible, even if I could get those slow areas to 30 FPS or so. I was wondering (so I don't have to keep changing shadows from High to Low all the time) if there was a specific file to tick/include in the batch file with the 4 aforementioned ones that deals specifically with shadow animation - also, would it run ok with any additional files transferred to the Ramdisk if it starts to creep towards 5gb in size, leaving only 3.5gb ram or so of Ram free? cheers again for the mint effort guys, kudos x 1000!
  19. I'm straight DOWN with a LFG tool. TL;DR the rest of the thread. Kind Regards, Indy Sandbag Trick
  20. The overall sub numbers I mean - shoot.. chill out bro, I wasn't taking a stab at your Jedi with my online Light Saber.. I was merely saying people are obsessing over the numbers a bit too much. 1.3 million paying subs is an whole bunch of people, even 1 million active subs is still great. I also agree that servers need to be merged though, as the thought of grouping with no-one around is more depressing than a Dagobah Bed & Breakfast... too much swamp, not enough bacon. Also, I agree regarding the first expansion - let's hope it's a doozy.
  21. I like what you did there MetalGearYoda. Solid Snake has taught you well.
  22. I doubt it does include those subscriptions (unless they have paid time after the free month owing perhaps?).
  23. This is when I do some work.. lol (my business' profit margin has suffered due to this game). More maintenance please BW, I need 3 new tires and a new fence!
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