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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. With the 300 Galactic Command levels and RNG luck discriminators (because they discriminate against people with bad luck), naturally it's going to take a while to gear up. Hence, choose your main.


    Choose your main.


    None, I'm not interested in gearing up again with no purpose or content to care about... I did 4.0, that was enough...

  2. Right. And, the thread title is misleading (shocker!), as SWTOR was not the sole reason for the $1mm drop, but was a significant contributor. So, we really just know that something fewer than 66,667 subs left... or at least stopped subbing. During a time which corresponds to schools and universities resuming classes.


    The other thing that we don't know is how much the game was or is bringing in through subs. We don't have real context of what the basically unknown number even means.


    But, obviously, the game is shutting down tomorrow and I just wasted my time typing this. :t_rolleyes:


    The game isn't shutting down tomorrow, even if half the subs left, so that doesn't mean much...


    Note: I think you misunderstood the $1 million loss... How do you know that SWGOH didn't gain $10 million and SWTOR lost $11 million? That would be a $1 million loss, but a massive drop for SWTOR.

  3. TUX, let's be honest here. How often has the forum gone apesh*t crazy over a proposed change in X.0 and predicted the end of the world (SWTOR) as we know it? How many countless NGE examples have been made for level sync, RNG boxes, Discplines and Utilities and even slot machines?


    The game's continued existence does not mean those issues turned out to be nothing...


    The empty servers would seem to indicate they are very big problems indeed...

  4. Yeah, but most brands are like that to a point. It's more a question of, "Can you tell the difference?" And in BW's case, people say they can because they don't like what BW is doing with SWTOR as an MMO. But the core storytelling design is more or less the same. The MMO part can't be the same or not be the same because BW didn't do MMOs prior to SWTOR. It's new ground for them.


    In other words, there is no way of knowing whether the "people who started and ran the Bioware you remember" would doing any better of a job producing an MMO. Because MMOs aren't what they were good at or known for. They were good at story RPG.


    The story telling is pretty bad, all things considered... KotFE is really fan fiction quality, IMHO...


    That being said, a lot of us see the past with rose colored glasses, KOTOR was nice, but have you played it recently? The story doesn't hold up the way I remember, I tried it last year and "meh", it was unimpressive.

  5. I just don't get why he says " I hope Bioware won't make it" it's not like the other branch is bad.

    And if I'm correct, people from the other "Bioware" have worked parts on Swtor, but not 100% sure on that one.


    There is no more Bioware, but the fact that people think there is shows the power of brand names.


    The people who started and ran the Bioware you remember have been gone for years.

  6. you do also realize that they get paid per job and their pay reflects the dry spells? for example. it cost me $500 to have a wood stove installed. it took 2 guys less then an hour to do so, but lets round it up to an hour. huh, $250 an hour right there, except... travel time and the know how and the tools and the fact that they don't do that year round and suddenly the pay is more reasonable. kinda how voice acting works - since you know, you brought up construction and all.


    snip a lot of pointless drivel


    You paid $500 to have a wood stove installed, that's fine. It is also fine if I can find two guys to do it for $300, or perhaps I can do it myself. Perhaps they won't do as good a job, or perhaps I won't, but I have that option.


    The insanity here is that not only are the voice actors trying to say "we won't work for this pay anymore", but "you can't hire anyone ELSE to do it either, so accept our terms or else"


    Yea, yea, go pound sand... Not "everyone" can do it, but it isn't THAT special...

  7. I feel the big point is, there was never a need for a strike. They could have just set up that deal from the get go. "Okay, I'll do the VA for this, but I get so much residual after every 2million subs/copies sold" If they don't get that, then they can always not take the job.


    ^ This, a thousand times this...


    If you don't want the job, that's fine... but if you ALSO think that I shouldn't be able to hire ANYONE ELSE because YOU said so, well, then you're an idiot...


    This isn't 1850, the world has moved on since the days of slave labor, unions have largely outgrown their usefulness... Anyone can start their own business or set their own terms, but the laws of economics apply to everyone...


    Just ask all those workers at the old Hostess company how well their union did for them...

  8. So far, from like four devs stroking their joysticks streams, I havent heard a single feature that I find appealing. Over the weekend I watched blizzcon. In one hour the people there revealed more about the upcoming specific content on two games there than bioware devs did in four streams, each at least half an hour. Thats pathetic.


    ^ This...

  9. What I am excited about are the Uprisings. And then, I want the Kotet expansion to be over so that the writers/devs can focus on the Star Wars story, ops, more customization options, and bringing our companions back. I've never considered myself a Ludite, but I definitely pine for pre-kotfe SWtor. The good ole' days.


    What in the world makes you think they'll ever go back to any of that?



  10. Years of wz comms = less than 2 hr of heroics

    Why? I mean seriously... PvP players probably care the least about credit on average...


    And yet you convert a years worth of banked invaluable currencies, into what could easily be accomplished by a companion carrying us through some heroics in a few hours.


    Adding insult to injury, you then cap that at 2 million... A cap that is quite easy to hit. Because 3 million would certainly break the economy... As would letting us legacy transfer comms to spread out the wealth.


    This is Bioware telling you that PVP is no longer wanted, PVP players are no longer wanted, please go away and stop giving us money.


    Will you listen?

  11. See? HE gets it. :)


    No one is saying they should renege on deals they have already taken (and I don't even think that's part of the discussion here). What they ARE saying is they want a more equitable deal going forward, like they get WITH THE REST OF THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY.


    It's really sad that people with no understanding about how performers are compensated are raging because they don't get to make the same salary at their jobs (which include benefits, insurance, withholding, etc.)


    And what YOU don't get is that this union doesn't represent all voice actors everywhere.


    What stops EA from saying "fair enough, your offer has been heard and rejected, have a nice day"?


    Unions that can control all the labor just end up in extortion, demanding "max pay to the last day" and running companies out of business in the process. I've seen both sides.

  12. And if you contract with me to do job A and I do it for the contracted price, I am in no way obligated to do job b for the same price. I have become the face(or voice) of that part in your customers eyes. You want job b done, we will have to negotiate the price. EA wants to lock down these actors for future VO work, that is going to cost them. EA will have to determine if it is worth it to them.


    EA did lock them down, my understanding is the main voice actors are under 10 year contracts, to avoid just that...


    Putting SWTOR aside, many movie sequels have died on the drawing board because one or more of the principles from the first movie wanted too much. Sometimes it is a minor part, Kristie Alley got famous between Star Trek 2 and Star Trek 3, so they replaced her rather than pay her more.

  13. if you dont want to pay them what they ask, dont use voice actors. It works both ways. And yes, some programmers do get residuals. Not many, but a few do. I see idiots complaining all the time that athletes make too much. If you dont want to pay them that much...dont offer it to them. that simple. But dont complain when they get hired by someone else.


    You're missing something...


    If I don't want to pay them what they ask, there is another option besides "not using voice actors"


    There is hiring someone else.


    If I want to eat bread and the local bread baker wants to charge me more, I'm pretty sure I can find someone else on Earth who can bake bread. My only two choices are not "pay what he demands or not eat bread".

  14. You're missing the fact that when you start asking for more work out of those non-union guys, sooner or later they become union, or they form their own union, and begin demanding more pay because you're asking so much of them on big titles for skilled labor.


    You can then attempt to rinse and repeat like an ******e if you'd like, but you're playing with fire treating an entire industry of workers that way. Eventually even the non-union are going to get the picture and refuse to do the big jobs because they know how the cycle goes. Then you can't get anyone to do the big jobs


    Hollywood is not the whole world...


    There are groups of voice actors in other states, including Texas where I live. There is also this place called "not the United States of America", you might have heard of it, it is most of the rest of the world.

  15. Yeah, the camera guy works for the movie company. He gets a paycheck. Actors are independent contractors. They are not employees. They get a check and a residual. Every actor who shows up on screen gets that. It is part of their performance compensation.


    Not all actors get residuals... that makes most of what you wrote wrong based on that false assumption. There is a day-rate for actors that does not involve residuals.

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