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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. umm in 3.x we got the equivilant of 1 chapter, a daily zone and a single instance raid boss. they gave us VERY little new content between 3.0 and 4.0


    Yea, that is what I get for posting late...


    2.x was the sweet time... It was 1.6 and beyond that it started to pick up from launch... gets fuzzy after awhile... :)


    I remember the release of DF/DP and Oricon in... Oct 2013 if memory serves, that was the sweet time...

  2. so before 4.0 how much content did we get each month?


    I mean the people here act like prior to 4.0 we where getting a new raid, daily zone and warzone each month.


    an hours worth of new content each month is honestly an improvement as I see it


    Pre-4.0 people were waiting for the above... when it didn't arrive, people got a bit upset... it is now way too long for some of those items. All of them actually.


    3.x was the sweet time of SWTOR, a good pace of content and development. 2.x was ok, better than 1.x, it was headed in the right direction. 4.x is fine for newer people, but a bit barren for those who have been there and done that.

  3. True, but pre 4.0 you could also fall back on a plethora of old content, achievements, overlevelling to do things that couldn't normally be done previous and so on... as well as a mass of cosmetic grindables in the form of planetary drops, FP drops and so on.


    4.0 absolutely gutted the old optional content, overlevelling was demolished, soloing HM FP's was demolished, soloing WB's was demolished, a MASSIVE amount of cosmetic grindables was flatout removed from the game (commendation levelling gear, Flashpoint armor/weapons, plantery drops, differing levels of random boxes)... and since I did a lot of those, they just up and vanished when 4.0 rolled around.


    ^ Much truth here... a lot of things actually did go away when 4.0 dropped... at least things worth doing...

  4. Edit: so if we assume a drop rate of 0.05% for the certs and 500 credits per spin ( if that's still correct ) then ideally it would cost 1,000,000 to win a 500k cert currently of course that doesn't take into consideration the credit you make back selling rep, free spins and any jawa scrap you can sell too.

    It's not quite to the break even part but it's getting close.


    The credit cost per spin is 750 now, that was changed with the nerf.


    So that raises it to 1.5 million credits per cert, on average. But keep in mind that thanks to RNG, that number could be higher or lower. You'd have to spend 15 million credits to average 10 certs, but you might get 7, or you might get 13.


    Another factor to consider is the time. If you want 10 certs to get the Revan mask, for example, you'll need to pump an average of 20,000 tokens into the machine. At 4 seconds each (accounting for not being perfect), that is 22.2 hours of clicking.


    What do you think are the odds that very many people are going to spend 22 hours clicking on a slot machine in their stronghold?


    Does that strike you as reasonable?

  5. And all you guys running around with your "female" characters and their female companions dressed like they are attending a prostitute convention doesnt break immersion? :p


    No, I have an Imperial Agent dressed that way because she is undercover and has to get close to her targets. You do whatever you have to do to get the mission done.


    Raina Temple is dressed that way because she is often the evening's distraction. The bodyguards aren't paying attention to me while they are looking at her.


    Stupid men. :D

  6. The latency last night was so horrible at times, it as impossible to PVP. I am using a 60 meg service and a $3000 computer rig.


    Side note.


    1. You're right, the lag on Harby has been bad the past week, in the most random of places. Then it is fine. Then it is not. Sometimes it'll go an hour smooth as silk, then suck for 5 min, then go back to smooth.


    2. The speed of your connection doesn't really matter, the game isn't using enough data for the speed to count. What matters is latency and the number of hops from you to the server, and where those hops happen.

  7. Two of the best DPS in my ops group are a gunslinger and a sentinel.


    I have all the classes, in my personal opinion, Gunslingers and Sentinels are great DPS if you know the class well and know their rotations, but terrible if you don't.


    Commando/Mercs are better for average to under-average players. I think their max isn't as high, but their floor isn't as low.


    My 2 cents.

  8. Interestingly it was quite a heated discussion thread so there were many people in favour of a nerf as there were opposed to one.


    I however believe most agree that a nerf was required, it shouldn't have been this harsh and communication should have been much better.


    All true... but a lot of the pro-nerf crowd turned right around after the nerf and said "what the heck?".


    Just like the companion nerf recently, lots of people were asking for a nerf to companions post 4.0, they were too powerful. So Bioware did it and nerfed them to nothing. Healing was reduced as much as 75%!.


    That isn't a nerf, that is a nuke. A week later, Bioware undid a lot of the change and while they aren't quite as possible as 4.0, they are closer to 4.0 than to the companion nerf.


    Had Bioware, a week later, rolled back part of the CSM, that would have quieted most of it.

  9. No offense but you'd have to be completely naïve to think that machine was going to stay as it was with those drop rates ... they were crazily over the top, as much as it was over the top nerfed.


    Also anyone who got their hands on this prior to the first post of this thread ( let alone the nerf itself ) would have come out immensely on top unless they bought them and decided to just not use them for a couple of weeks I believe it was from launch to nerf ( if not longer ).


    Do you read my posts? Just curious, because I've said like 5 times in the past week that I was fully aware that a nerf was incoming. I've also said that a 50% across the board cut would have been fine.


    Not a 98% cut! They went from being too powerful to worthless.


    As for coming out ahead, oh rest assured I did, very much so. It doesn't matter because it is the principle of it, not how wealthy in game I am. I have not purchased a single CC since the CSM, and I never will. Bioware broke a "real money" item and didn't make it right, so I'll never buy another CC again.


    The CSM cost Bioware at least a thousand real dollars in the past year from me. I have no way of knowing how much from other people of course, but I suspect it is a lot.

  10. If the frame timing were constant, that would be true. Movies "feel" smooth because the time between one frame and the next is exactly the same. When you are watching a computer which is drawing complicated things on the fly, the time between frames is not constant, because it will have to deal with new details in the scene, or something will be missing. That's why 30 FPS isn't really good enough.


    Movies also feel smooth because of a lot of tricks that Hollywood has learned over the years to make 24fps "appear" smooth.


    Steady frame rate combined with motion blur and lighting tricks make it look better than it really is. Watch some real 60fps video and be amazed at the difference.

  11. The situation is more complex than that. It's true that something between 20 and 30 fps is enough for the brain to interpret it as continuous motion instead of distinct images. However as fps increases the motion becomes smoother, especially with perfectly sharp graphics like games.


    Input latency is another thing. The faster we see the results of our actions the faster and more accurately we can perform those actions. If you have a setup that can display 30 or 24 fps, you can try it yourself: set your monitor's refresh rate to the lowest available, then try hitting things with your mouse. The difference may be surprising.


    ^ Quoted for truth...


    For a short period of time, I had one of my 4k monitors at work connected to something with only HDMI, so I could only run it at 30hz.


    It "works", and if it is all you have, it is usable, but even not in a game, just running Windows, the difference in refresh rate and mouse smoothness is noticeable, coming from years of 60hz.


    Frankly I really want to see 120hz become standard, it gives so much more room for stable framerates and smooth display of things. Sigh...

  12. I recently purchased and built a new computer to run SWTOR. I went with an Nvidia GTX 970 graphics card. I have a Samsung monitor that runs at 2560 X 1440. Was wondering if it makes sense to buy another graphics card and run SLI? My goal would be to run at max settings and achieve the best possible FPS in warzones.


    Do you think I'll see any benefit to doing this in game?


    Thanks in advance!


    No, you won't see any performance benefit to adding a second GTX 970 card. I suspect you wouldn't see any performance loss either if you had only a GTX 960 card, you aren't GPU limited, you're CPU limited.


    Good cooling (I personally suggest liquid if you have the case for it), and good overclocking following one of the good guides on the web, is your best bet for more performance.

  13. ...If you're having issues it's not the game. It's your rig. Although the eye can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS. 40 FPs in a raid shouldn't be an issue.


    Sure it can... I can tell the difference between those two easily. Both my iPhone and video camera both shoot at 60fps (the video camera does 4k at 60fps), and the difference is clear and obvious from 30fps.


    Now, that doesn't mean it is an issue, the game is playable at 20fps, if annoying. The smoother speed is "nicer", not "required".

  14. Would it make sense for me to upgrade to an i7? My current CPU is an i5 6600K at 3.5GHZ. I was under the impression that the only difference bettwen the i5 I own and the i7 is hyper threading (which SWTOR can't utilize).



    Thanks in advance!


    Allow me to jump in here. The 6600K is a wonderful gaming CPU, for many reasons. But in SWTOR's case, the benefit comes from single threaded performance and clock speed (the combination of the two).


    If you have that CPU installed on a Z170 motherboard and you have decent cooling, you can hit 4.2GHz fairly easily (higher if you know what you're doing).


    The jump from 3.5 to 4.2 won't matter in solo content, but it will make a noticeable difference in warzones and ops.


    Side note: The i7-6700K is just your current CPU with hyperthreading enabled, an extra 2MB L2 cache (which is nice, but not that big of a deal), and a default clock speed of 4.0GHz turboing to 4.2GHz. But the i5-6600K you have is really the same CPU made on the same production line, it should hit 4.2GHz as well, with a touch of overclocking.

  15. Kind of don't care ... just pointing out ( per what you quoted ) that it was never said to be working as intended.


    He didn't say it wasn't working as intended, either...


    Most reasonable people seem to read Eric's post and see something other than what you see, but it is really beside the point.


    Bioware can change it however they like, it is their game. I on the other hand don't have to give them another dime of cash for CCs.


    Bioware clearly pissed off a lot of people, look how long these threads have gone (and there were a ton of them back then). That is real.

  16. When people started posting details of the drop rates on Reddit, it was apparent to most sensible people that there was a mistake made by whoever coded the CSM. This is what drove the concerns of "Hey, will we get in trouble for using the slot machine?"


    Anyone that didn't expect a nerf had their head in the ground.


    The problem came when the nerf was overdone. Not that it happened at all.


    ^ Agreed, no one with any sense doubted that it would get nerfed... I wouldn't have minded a 50% across the board cut.


    A 98% cut is just silly, it changes the nature of the item completely...

  17. It DOES says it's not a bug or an exploit and it DOES say they would review the jawa junk's drop rate and adjust to accordingly which they did.


    Keep in mind that what the post says doesn't really matter to anyone who bought hypercrates before the post happened.


    While it is true that the Terms of Service allow Bioware to change anything they want to, there is a basic customer service rule in life that says "don't overly screw with the customer for no good reason". Or something like that.


    I'm one of the people who bought it before the post, I purchased several hypercrates and ended up with several of the CSM. My purchase decision was made based on how it worked, because my guild at the time quickly put 4 of them into our flagship and we started using them.


    I quickly decided I wanted one for my own stronghold.


    I frankly don't give a damm what Eric's post said, a lot of hypercrates were sold very quickly those first few days based on how it did perform, then it was changed into something else completely. (a rep vendor)

  18. It actually drove a few ... shall we say interesting players away or at least away from paying yet their presence is still clearly seen on reddit ... probably why I tend to avoid reddit.


    Prior to the CSM, I purchased thousands of dollars worth of CC.


    Since then, nothing, not one red cent. I pay my sub and that's it.


    So from at least this customer, it has cost Bioware/EA at least a thousand dollars in the past year of CC sales they never received due to my refusing to spend another penny on the CM.


    Why do you think they have been dinking around with the CM since 4.0? Sales clearly haven't been what they once were. Of course there is no way to know if the CSM is why, it probably isn't the only reason, there are many. But it could well be one reason.


    CM sales were quite good, in the hundreds of millions of dollars, in 2013-4 timeframe, but they have been on a tear making changes the past 4 months. Just from looking at the GTN, it appears far fewer people are buying CM items, they used to be more plentiful on the GTN, now they are harder to find.

  19. O'RLY?




    Is there another post somewhere because nowhere does that say "working as intended"?

    It say's it's not bugged and not an exploit however the drop rates on jawa junk are going to be reviewed and changed accordingly. Of course it didn't mention certificates so I guess people could be annoyed at that.


    Jawa Junk is just the purples...


    It isn't the greens or blues, it isn't the rep, it isn't the certs...


    One out of many items, and they nerfed to oblivion everything...


    That isn't "an adjustment", it is a nuke. Pretending it is anything else is just silly.

  20. Uselessness isn't correct either ... compared to the majority of decorations it has far more use since it's actually usable.


    It is correct... enough...


    Also it is now the only source of cartel certs left ... well once the last of the old packs dry up on the GTN.


    Not really, you have to run more clicks on it than is remotely reasonable to get a single cert. Only those breaking ToS running macros on it are ever going to get, say, the 10 cartel certs required for the mask, or similar items.


    Wonder how poor that drop rate is going to look as the relative value of a cert increases per what you can buy/sell with them.


    It isn't a value issue, it is a time issue. You could quite simply click on it for three hours non-stop and get no certs.


    That is useless by any reasonable definition.

  21. I'd also like to know what in the name of 9 hells happened to all the orange gear vendor that were on the planets. It's like they all upped and disappeared.


    Really forcing players into the whole box stuff which is really annoying.


    Miss some of the old mission rewards and some of the stuff you could buy at certain places then upgrade.


    If you were getting gear that way, then you weren't buying it on the CM.


    Much of the gear from many vendors left in 4.0, at the same time as a massive CM overhaul, which still isn't working since they keep messing with the CM every month.

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