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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. This is rather ridiculous.. you realize that, right? Guess what those links are there for? Duuuh.


    Also, this thread is full of spam. So.. that's going to be a loooot of bans.


    Hope you get it...


    No, it is the rules, or can you not read?


    You are allowed to put your referral link in your signature, not in the main body of your post. You're also not allowed to post JUST for the purpose of referral links.


    This has been made QUITE clear by Eric and the rules. He even posted about it today and specifically mentioned the rules and posting of referral links.


    Or do you not care about the rules?




    And yes, there should be a ton of bans and removal of clicks tomorrow.

  2. Hey folks!


    I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




    Good news, thank you...


    Can you please let someone know about the runaway referral links being posted? I would like to see a follow up in a few days letting everyone know what was done about it and that bans and removal of clicks happened.


    I follow the rules, everyone else should as well.

  3. http://www.swtor.com/r/XsPx - Must check this out


    ^ This is the 3rd or 4th time you've posted this, after muliple people (including Eric) have posted that this is against the rules.


    Note: I've edited your link, it won't work, but frankly if you don't get a forum ban and a removal of all referral clicks, then shame on the admins. The rest of us follow the rules, so should you.

  4. You should probably get a ban, too, for quoting their link just to keep it bumped in the thread.

    Wouldn't be surprised if those are your alt accounts.


    If you look at the link, you'll see I removed part of it so that it no longer worked.


    On all of the "against the rules" links that I quoted, I removed a few letters from the link itself so none of them would work.

  5. Hello!


    So just to be clear.


    What was that code give away a few page back?

    I'm here all day and can't play the game the main page is "offline" and now I've just see that was a give away?


    What else did I miss?

    So some1 just get 2400/450 CC just coz they can CTRL+C, CTRL+V?

    Nice one.


    Yes, bots likely did, refreshing and pasting as fast as a computer can...

  6. Just a couple notes everyone.

    1. I posted a brief update in the maintenance thread. I am hoping to get an update with more information in the next hour.
    2. This thread follows all normal forum rules, please be courteous and follow the rules (examples, no referral link spam please)

    Ok, on with the game! Last Writer's Livestream we had a special guest. Who is he and what Class story did he write. First 5 correct answers win prizes!




    Eric, as much fun as this is, why not just post a code that can be used once per account, for the next 24 hours, that grants 450CC?


    Anyone who bothers to come here right now gets it, no fighting over it, anyone who comes tomorrow or the next day, well, they didn't miss out since they weren't playing.


    Just expire the code at midnight or something and carry on. :)

  7. It was out of hand a year ago, none of this is new...


    I'm not at all surprised it is still down, I can't remember the last major patch that went flawlessly...


    Eric should have just posted a CC code for 450CC that was usable once per account, good for today only. So anyone who comes to the forums and wants to play today and can't, gets a CC code. Just expire it tomorrow and move on. Anyone who isn't here, likely didn't lose anything from the downtime.

  8. Of course you may do what you like...


    But if you're on a metered connection, this type of game may not be for you. The game itself doesn't take that much data while you play, but the patches and downloads are brutal.


    I would be surprised if the patch team gives much thought to the size of the patch when they make it.

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