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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. Point being, I have never felt scammed through the CM until now.


    With the reduction of drop rates, chance cubes, etc...

    You can't get a player base, that generally is ok and comfortable spending money on a certain drop % and then without saying anything at all reduce the chances of winning. That is literally baiting people into a scam, and may even stretch the border of what is and is not morally ok and legal.


    Just a side note... "Ok, so NOW this is a problem because YOU feel scammed?"


    News flash, a whole lot of us have felt that way for a long time, you're late to the party. :) That is part of why you're getting the replies you're getting, we have all made peace with the situation as it stands.


    For me, the final straw was the cartel slot machine a year ago, haven't bought any CC since then. For you, maybe it is this.


    It is not, however, a scam, or illegal... Vote with your wallet, it is the only thing they listen to.

  2. If you are truly trying to accomplish the most in the least amount of time then you need to stop obsessing over running all of the Heroics on a single character. There's a select number of Heroics that offer up far better credits per minute than others, focus on these and run them on multiple characters.


    That is what I said, not sure what you meant, unless you're just agreeing with me?


    The OP's point is that we have ended up in a situation where most people seem to be doing JUST that, running only the easy ones, with the others ignored. Beyond a single run for the achievements, why would anyone want to run the others? There isn't anything interesting or unique about most of them.


    Pre-4.0 the Heroics were largely dead content. There was little reason to play through them, it took a long time trying to find a group to run the H4s, the rewards were pitiful unless you were after some of the non-transferable orange gear tied to them. It was more efficient to ignore them while levelling and maybe head back once you were high enough level to solo them.


    I did just that, prior to 4.0 coming out, because we didn't know at the time what level sync would do. So I took my best geared 60 on each side and went and did every heroic, for the achievements in case they weren't soloable post 4.0.


    Of course I didn't know then what I know now, I could have waited, but I didn't care to take the chance.


    Side note: Other than obtaining alliance boxes, heroics are STILL dead content, to me at least. I don't need the credits and my main toons on each faction have long been at 20 rep with each alliance member. I might run 5 or 10 a week on 1 or 2 toons while waiting for ops to form, but that's about it.


    Now it's too hard or time consuming to think of how to use the resources available to you to minimise the threat of knockbacks and stuns!?


    I didn't say it was hard, or challenging, I said it was annoying... I don't play games to be annoyed.


    I get the use of stuns and knockbacks when I'm doing operations, but solo heroics? Thanks but no thanks... It is just annoying.


    Many Advanced Classes have utilities that can be useful in making the most of stuns or minimising the impact.

    The mobs are extremely predictable in their attack patterns if you have a difficulty learning this and adapting your play style it's no wonder so many players have issues in the transition to harder content.


    Ahh, the "if you have trouble with this, you must suck as a player" comment...


    Rest assured I'm fully able to use all my abilities to deal with this stupidity... I just don't choose to, and I suspect most other people don't, it is out of place.

  3. Well it's not the end user's computer that is the issue here, it's the server where all that information is stored. Sure there's not much difference between an 8 bit number and a 16 bit number as far as storage size on an individual basis, but as I pointed out in another thread there are over 18 million unique accounts for SWTOR, times however many characters on each account, times however many items they have. That adds up pretty quickly.


    And as I posted, that still doesn't matter...


    Even if all 18 million accounts each store 50,000 items between all toons in all storage bays, moving all of them from a 1 byte number to a 2 byte number still doesn't matter.


    That is only 900GB of additional storage, across all servers, all accounts.


    Now in reality, due to imperfect systems, it would likely be higher than that. But you're still talking about a single 2TB hard drive, give or take.




    TL;DR - the storage space demands of this change are trivial compared to the storage needs of the game as a whole.

  4. This! 5 bays of Legacy Storage can finally store all the mats you need with so much room for all the things that can be shared across your account, event tokens, companion gifts, etc. Before that patch 2 of my crafters had to use their personal cargo bay to keep their mats.


    So it freed up a lot of space both in Legacy Storage and cargo bays, how can anyone whine about it?


    I'd still like another 5 legacy storage bays, or at least 2 more, which would fit on the physical screen without scrolling, as it is designed today.


    Yes, this change is wonderful and makes a ton of difference. My Artifice went from 5 completely full personal storage bays (with overflow to other toons) to having all mats on one page. But I still can't store all my mats in legacy, there are just too many types when you include lower than grade 8/9 in the list. But I now can keep all grade 8/9 for all types in legacy with only below that in personal storage.


    2 more legacy bays would allow me to move all of it to legacy.

  5. I realize that, I was replying to the person I quoted that the database limit would be a power of 2 not a multiple of 10, and the structure is probably similar to SQL given that C++ and C# also follow the same limits when declaring variables.


    Regardless of whatever is limiting the quantity, it takes up the same size in the database, whether it's 256 or 65535.


    ^ This... But it is worth noting that in 2016, storing a 16-bit number in a database is not a big thing. Storing a billion of them is not a big thing. Storing a thousand trillion of them is STILL not a big thing...


    Moving from a 1 byte (8-bit) number at 99 to a 2 byte (16-bit) number at 9,999 is not going to break any computer worth using in 2016.

  6. If I had to make a list from worst to least frustrating, Makeb IS the worst. Does anybody bother? Makeb is always the last heroics to do, and usually, 95% of the time, does not get done.


    Why would anyone bother?


    How many people are grinding alliance boxes yet have only 1 or 2 toons?


    If the alliance boxes were bound, then fine, but they aren't. So take 8 alts and do the easy heroics on each, problem solved.


    The OP is correct, the balance between various heroics sucks.

  7. PS. Also the item stack limit could be raised to 65535 without affecting the size of variable defining the stack, since it's already taking up 2 bytes.


    ^ While this is true, the game may not be able to display over 9999 due to the physical space on each icon, and they may not have wanted to code a smaller number size or another way to display it.

  8. Hyperbole much ;)

    They are viable. They may not be as easy or as quick to run as some Heroics, but they drop Alliance crates if that's what you are after as a solo player.


    They are not viable compared to the other ones, not if you are trying to accomplish the most in the least amount of time.


    Most people struggling with stuns/knockbacks are just reluctant to learn how to play their character or utilise their companion... or co-ordinate in a group. Set companion to tank stance, make companion attack the mobs first (crowd control one if you have the ability), use snares/ pushback if available. The fact that there are still mobs that require some tactics is a small boost, I thought it was bad enough that standard story content is now just a case of spamming the characters AoE attack.


    Ahh, the "Learn to Play" comment... was waiting for it...


    Yea, yea, boring, none of that is fun, why bother when better options exist?


    Being stunned, knocked back, etc. is not a "challenge" it is "annoying". Most of us can tell the difference, but clearly a few cannot.

  9. The first exemple was a guy on a commando in SM EV, queued as DPS, using plasma cell, in 216/220 coms tank gear and using a commando heal ability. Could the group have cleared the content with that guy in group? Yes, no problem since a guildmate and myself were on our main and we could have 2 dpsed the entire thing.


    The second exemple is in the HM FP, Boarding Party. Got a Assassin Tank 1st mob, he pull and died before he heal could do anything, it's then that I inspected him. He was without a shield, with no force form activated and in dps/heal gear augmented with alacrity. I whispered him, if he had some tank gear after that 1st mob and got no anwser and he pulled the 2nd mob. He got kicked at that point, because he pulled the 2nd mob(and died in 3s) when I was starting the vote to kick.


    I've got no problem with teaching people in pug group how to do a FP or an Operation if they never did it before. What I expect from people that use GF is to have some understanding of the class and role that they are playing. It's not my place to teach them in a pug group, how to gear themselves, which role their discipline is for, the most basic rotation for their discipline or how to fill their chosen role in the Trinity with a minimum of success. If it's a guildmate, I'll teach them those things, outside of group content, but not for a pug that queued/joinned a GF run.


    ^ thank you, this, all this...


    There is "teaching the FP/OP", then there is "teaching basics on how the game works".


    I can't tell you how many times I've seen people without any color crystal in their MH or OH. I ask about it and they say "oh, I don't have one yet, I'll get one later".


    Really? You showed up to HM FP or ops without a bloody color crystal? Yea, thanks, but you haven't even bothered, so I'm not going to either.


    Or people outright missing things, like a relic or two (not even a low level, nothing at all in the slot).

  10. That's quite a bit different however from someone piping up at the start of an SM OP and saying its their first time though, and without hesitation some tool or two initiates the vote kick. I'm not saying there aren't legit reasons to vote kick someone, new or otherwise, but demanding that everyone in a SM Op should know the fight is just plain douchebaggery by players who forget that once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away...they also hadn't run that OP 57 times.


    Keep in mind that this was less of an issue when there were new ops and the existing ops weren't OLD...


    At some point, those of us who have run it 57 times no longer want to do it the old slow way, at least not without signing up for it.


    I've started to tell people in game, "if you know the op and are geared for it, use GF, if not, find a guild that is willing to train you".


    I know some people will disagree with that, and that's fine. But while you make a fair point that many of us were new once, I'd like to see the new people take some consideration that some of us are NOT new and don't want to spend 2 hours on an op that should take 1 hour.

  11. A change to this has already been made once, it can be made further, it would fix a lot of the nonsense hopping and jumping in PvP...


    In PvE, it doesn't matter what direction your toon is facing, if you attack an enemy, you "auto turn" to face and attack.


    In PvP, it does matter what direction your toon is facing. You don't auto-turn to attack. It used to be a smaller "front" window in PvP, they recently changed it to be "wider" so that you didn't have to be facing quite so "front" to have it work.


    But what you really have is these bloody ninja bunnies bouncing all over the place using turn, run, nonsense that doesn't lend itself well to the engine or play style of SWTOR.


    It would be understandable for a FPS, but not for this game. I suspect it also turns a lot of new PvPers off considering they can't play the same way they have been playing as they level up.


    What works in PvE should work in PvP.




    TL;DR: If this is a game of gear/stats/levels, then make it so. Your agility with the keyboard and "hopping" should not be part of it. Your ability to "hit the target" isn't based on reflexes, it is based on stats, so make it that way in PvP as well. This is not a FPS.

  12. Why are there no mod comm vendors for lvl's 61-65? How are we to upgrade the adaptive armor sets that we have or will get from loot drops and cartel market?


    There are, they are on the fleet in the inner circle of the supplies section, they sell 208, 216, and 220 gear.


    You can use the gear as it comes, or rip out the armor, mods, and enhancements and drop them into your favorite gear as you please.


    Now, if what you're really ************ about is the COST of that gear, well that isn't new. End game(ish) armor needs to be expensive, if 208 (or even 200) armor/mods/enhancements were 2 or 4 green crystals each, then you wouldn't have to do anything to get them, now would you?

  13. IMO the PVP and Raiding communities have been slowly killing their own content over time.


    At one time, there was a large enough community of hardcore players to support both types of play, but quite a few modern game studies have demonstrated that the hardcore MMO market is shrinking rapidly. And it seems casuals have little interest in either form of play.


    Toxic and elitist attitudes have made both types of play undesirable to casual players, and without casual players there is no future for the current PVP or raiding model.....they need to evolve IMO to survive.


    The lack of new ops for more than a year and PvP maps for almost two years doesn't help.


    Back when we used to get new ops, there were guilds and groups of people who trained up newbies to be in ops teams. Today, less so.


    My own guild doesn't do this as much as we used to. We still do, but it is nothing like before. That is because there is nothing new to do, so everyone is getting tired of the same content.

  14. There are several things going on here.


    First, yes, people do behave in the game in a way that they would not do so in real life. No real names are attached to our game names and there is no penalty for being a jerk. So some people behave in the game in a way that is simply not acceptable in real life. Only a "real names" policy would really do anything about this. But that has other issues.


    Second, Bioware is at fault for not providing tools to help people better find "like minded players". There are times I'm in the mood to help newbies, and times I simply want to stomp something. The longer I play a game, the more often I find it is the latter rather than the former.


    Third, the game has promoted lvl 65s who don't know what they are doing. Tonight, Rav GF popped, it appeared at first glance to be a decent group. Lots of 208/216 gear with a reasonable selection of augments (I was main tank in 216/220 ops token gear augmented). Great, this should be easy enough. Only one person spoke up about being "new". Wiped on first boss, lord the DPS sucked. The performance was not at all reflective of their gear.


    The new 4.0 leveling progression causes people to show up who end up with enough comms to get gear, but not know what to do with it. A few FP and heroics and they get enough blue crystals for a 208/216 mix. Yet they can't play their class worth a damm. They get away with it in the rest of the game because of stupid easy mode and companions that are better than we are. Then they hit ops and just die.




    Solution: Allow GF to have a toggle, "only group with people who have completed the content before". I suspect you'll get 2 things. First, you'll get more "old hands" actually using GF. Second, you'll give people a reason to join a guild or find a friendly group to take them through the op the first time.

  15. Swtor didn't always have a F2P model. Here's a little blast from the past...




    Yea, the game has gone through ups and downs since then... the team that launched RotHC isn't here anymore, they have a new one (mostly), and what they promised back then didn't end up coming to pass.


    Since you're effectively "new", you have a ton of stuff to do, but consider that you'll find both new and old players in the game. Some people will be happy to learn the ropes with you, others will not.

  16. Also, I don't remember there being a subscription at launch. At least I didn't have to pay for one when I first started.


    There was... F2P didn't come until after the launch game largely failed... (so to speak, it never closed, but 6 months post launch was ugly and empty).


    You got 30 days of free play with your initial purchase way back when, after that you would have had to sub. It has always been $15/month.

  17. This is never going to happen, and an engine change is even less likely.


    Yep... Look at the problems today with 4.1 and the bugs and broken parts. they can't launch a basic content patch without a 7 hour disaster, and you think a new client and/or engine are going to happen?

  18. I would say the main point of this is to force people to use the cartel market even more. So far we've seen the commendation gear vendors removed, orange gear drops from flashpoints and heroics rewards removed, and now this.

    The chance for an orange drop while killing mobs on lower level planets was small, but it did happen. Since 4.0 hit I had gotten several oranges from doing heroics. For instance I had hydra boots and a panther belt drop on dromund kas and a supreme inquisitor glove from Hoth. It was kind of nice to still be able to get some of the old armor sets still. But now thanks to this improvement those chances are gone since the orange gear is at the planet's level.


    I think we have a winner...

  19. The new chance cubes strike me as the same sort of thinking that led to level sync and trying to "reuse" the old content from launch until pre-4.0.


    The game is catering to the new player rather than the old timer. If you just showed up, if you've just started playing since 4.0, then the chance cubes are probably wonderful.


    For those of us who already collected everything, meh, who cares... but the new people are probably loving it...

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