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Everything posted by LrdScorpio

  1. Its not like fixing the bugs they have already is taking away from the bigger fixes in the works.... They roll them out as they are finished, as they should be doing
  2. The issue is that your premise is wrong. Coming out with tentative timetables and a bunch of maybe's is not good business and does more harm to the customer than good. This has been proven in every single instance where a development company tries to parley their internal predictions to the customer. You don't pay for any entitlement to get answers to these questions and even if they were to qualify every date they give as a maybe, they will get more heat for missing the date then if they had never said anything at all.
  3. Computer hardware 101: The hardware advertised as being better does not always give better results in every game. Also, your video card is not the only piece that can cause issues. Also, shouting out your specs is all fine and dandy but the specs come secondary to how each brand and each specific piece of hardware you has works together. Eventually, some of you will realize that you can buy new ram, processors and video cards all day long but HD's and buses will still bottle neck your PC. This means that the more RAM, CPU and GPU you get, the more ineffiecient your PC becomes, actually causing you more problems.
  4. lol you have no idea how saved passwords work if you really think it makes 3 less likely. In fact, a saved password opens up another vulnerability. Internet security 101 is -----> that way
  5. Its really like people think we have limitless technology and capabilities... Like seriously, why isn't my living room a futuristic virtual reality play area yet. You would think by now...
  6. For all of those complaining about the decision to err on lower server pops rather than high server queues: The very first rule you learn in any simple high school level business class is the concept of supply and demand. This concept does not solely revolve around pricing. From a business sense, it is better to supply the product to everybody in a sub-optimal way then it is to limit access to ensure only some customers can enjoy the product to its fullest potential. Even though the server management didn't work out perfectly, the chosen course of action was the correct one. Long server queues would make more people mad, would result in more cancellations and be more difficult to manage then low server populations. This is all relative to both scenarios having the same base total population.
  7. ITT people posting about game engines but whom obviously have no idea what they are or what they do
  8. You must have never been anywhere near software development in your life if you really believe that these things can't happen right down to the last minute. Not that that is overly terrible but as a developer myself, this type of thing can happen at any time. It isn't uncommon in the world of software development. You are overreacting in a pretty big way just based on your flawed reasoning.
  9. It is not their job to make sure everybody reads every bit of info. It is there job to make sure the information is available. They have no obligation to ram it down our throats. The people who don't go online to read, generally don't care. That majority you speak of, plays the game for fun and doesn't take it so seriously. You know, the player base game companies actually make their games for, as they should.
  10. Right but if not everyone experiences it, there is no guarantee that devs can replicate it consistently which must be done before it can be fixed.
  11. Features missing? I guess that just depends on your expectations. People keep throwing out a 6yr dev cycle which is not abnormal for an MMO to begin with. Most of the features people want have not come stock in most successful MMO's. All MMO's are layers and all of them have these features come out over time. BW did spend more time than others on the questing. That is BW though, it is there bread and butter and their main focus in game design. It makes sense and at least to me, was expected. Most of the games that focused on the minor features first and foremost were left with a terrible base game to grow out of (WAR comes to mind). If most of these features are game breaking for you, I don't know what to say. You must be relatively new to the MMO world
  12. I work for a small development company, non-game related. My non-compete clause is 2 years. Also, it is not normal nor is it usually effective to bring in a wave of new coders in mid-development. In coding, adding more coders does not mean improving the development process. Quite often it is the opposite actually. Too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak. This is because everybody codes different and having too many different coding styles and approaches to optimization can backfire when it all comes together. It's like comparing a painting done by an expert to a painting done by 10 different experts on the same canvas. The solo job will be better
  13. lol so true. Remember though that most kids think WoW launch was at BC...
  14. This A fact many people refuse to accept is that not all bugs can be found in beta (or reproduced by devs any ways) and also not all bugs can be accurately fixed until the bug goes live and the full extent of said bug is realized. Welcome to the world of computer science
  15. Only so much can be done in a set amount of time. Regardless of what the haters say, this patch has a lot of stuff in it for a relatively short development cycle. If they can keep up the pace and maintain the nerve to pull back on features that aren't quite finished, this game will be rolling full steam ahead by years end
  16. Another example of first world entitlement. A subscription in an MMO is much closer to rent then it is ownership. The only thing you own is the disc the game came on if you bought the physical version. Not the game on the disc, the disc itself
  17. You just know nothing about game design or computer programming in general. This and similar arguments are just a reflexion of that. It is the reason why these types of words are hollow and fall on deaf ears. What you are failing to understand is that there is no black and white rule to releases and launches. Know this though, no program releases bug free and very few programs get through a beta without features removed or held back. This is not limited to gaming and is controlled by our current level of technology.
  18. There is nothing wrong with providing the option to customers of "...wait until it is ready or unsub". That in fact, is the only real option that can ever be provided. Successful companies do not cator hand and foot for every paying customer. They stick to their vision and attract like minded customers.
  19. The total list of things that "should have been in at launch" is the reason why most games don't get off the ground. The list is objective and no successful MMO has all of those little features in at launch. The game is only a few months old. Most of you people talk like it has been out for a year or more
  20. RAM and vid cards are relatively cheap right now. I suggest to anybody upgrading to go to at least 8GB of RAM (only cost me $50) and I got my Radeon 6870 at $150 ... I'm in Canada and I went to CanadaComputers.ca (They have stores everywhere). TigerDirect and all the other stores up here have the same pricing. I am running those pieces with an i5 2500 CPU and have 0 issues with framerates
  21. This x100 Back then though all we needed was the servers up to have fun. Which was a lot oto ask out of WoW at launch lol
  22. I take issue with anybody that expects the game to launch bug free or who expected all beta features to be included in the game
  23. Its the lack of subscription that caused the fall off in the rate of new content and the eventuality of micro transactions. The studio that actually made GW was very small and their box sales covered a lot. Mostly, box sales cover the initial investment. If their model was sustainable, it wouldn't have had to resort to cash shops. Also, that studio runs CoH which makes them more consistent money with a subscription model
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