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Everything posted by Motro

  1. Motro

    Operative is too OP!

    Your sig made me lol
  2. We finally got a dev response: I am sorry, but we will not be bringing back the giggle. There were teams of scoundrels giggling and causing people to unsub. The other players weren't able to hear their lightsabers. The game is intended to sound like this (open in 5 windows or more to experience our true vision): As you can tell, it is far less obnoxious than a giggle. -Georg
  3. I never said it was OP prior to 1.2. It was balanced with the other classes. These classes were nerfed to be "underpowered" relative to your marauder, but it left your marauder overpowered relative to the rest of the field. Detailed explanation of what makes marauder OP: You kill too quickly for the survivability you have. This is exactly what led to the nerfs of other classes. First nerf to operative - killed too quickly when considering that they could approach undetected. Sorc - survivability too high relative to the amount of damage they were doing.
  4. Translated from "Don't Nerf Me Bro!": Apparently the OP thinks that the skill of marauder players greatly increased with patch 1.2 while the skill level of all other players dramatically decreased. The string of nerfs handed out to many of the classes, the buffs to marauder* and the changes made to PvP have resulted in marauders being unbalanced. End of story. *There were multiple buffs that benefited all marauder specs before anyone tries to spin that argument.
  5. "Ray and Greg [bioWare co-founders] have always pushed the culture of humility over everything - what that means is that when people start yelling at you ‘you’re screwing up’ you have to listen." LOL! Well THAT has gone out of the window.
  6. Motro

    Teams of Marauders

    Here, I will spell it all out for you... The OP was referencing a comment made by one of the developers and using it to mock them. The developer justified a nerf to operative by stating that "teams of operatives" would stun lock people and make them un-sub. Stun locking was and is not possible on an operative because of resolve. The developer's comment was asinine. Roots do not affect resolve, and it is theoretically possible the root lock someone with a team of marauders. The OP facetiously suggested a nerf to marauder, because of past precedent, so that it doesn't "make people un-sub." It was suppose to make you laugh, not rant. *Edit* - Btw, I am a Scoundrel, not a Gunslinger. I haven't been having much trouble with 1.2 Marauders, although I thought you all were fine pre-1.2. I have literally had a team of marauders all leap to me at once in a WZ so I found the OP's comments that much more hilarious.
  7. I sent you a PM... Scoundrel forum would be a better place to ask and get more input.
  8. Motro

    Teams of Marauders

    Bwahahahahahahaha! Well played, OP. Well played indeed.
  9. Am I the only one who is absolutely sick of hearing them talk about how everything is perfect according to their secret "metrics"? Newsflash: Your metrics suck. You need to scrap them and whoever is responsible for their creation. Quit trying to take a shortcut to game development. Get more involved and hands-on with your product and listen to your player base. Quit changing things, with which nobody has a problem, just because your "metrics" tell you to make adjustments. As it stands, most people think your game development meetings are somewhat like this:
  10. TL;DR version of thread - The OP doesn't know and is pretending to understand.
  11. Because it has to be the mirrors. I couldn't possibly be the enemies you have encountered, right?
  12. Your name's "Leg-et," boy. Quit tryin' to French it up!
  13. Then that must also be you whining in the comment section as well. You must be really butthurt.
  14. Q: Operative or Sniper? A: Assassin or Sorcerer
  15. Wow, that was about as condescending as it gets. I thought SOE treated its customers poorly. You will always have angry customers, if you can't deal with them in a polite manner, then perhaps you shouldn't hop on the keyboard. Unbelievable. The OP wasn't speaking about factional balance, he was talking about class balance. There is currently little reason to roll an operative with a greater incentive to roll a sorc (among others). It gets worse with each patch. This is heavily reflected in class distributions. You might want to fix it instead of trolling the people keeping you in business, moron.
  16. These changes are a result of that retarded "value system" they use to "balance" all of the skills. I can't wait for target dummies and combat logs so we have actual numbers to shove in their faces. I am tired of this "well, we have all of the numbers, so you just have to trust us" crap.
  17. I have a 48 Sniper and a 50 Operative. I definitely enjoy the Operative much more than my Sniper. I don't like the sniper's lack of mobility and utility relative to the operative. PvE is easier on my operative because I have heals. I can solo champions a few levels higher than myself while I have Dr. Lokin out. I can't kill them fast, but I can kill them by myself. Additionally, I can skip through a mission to the objective instead of wasting my time clearing the way there. Operatives can solo many of the 2 and 4 man heroic missions in the game. My sniper moves very slowly through all areas and needs to group more often, but the one thing I do like about sniper is that I am never struggling to fill my rotation. I am constantly putting out damage. PvP is easier on my operative because I have cloak. Sniper is capable of some decent damage, but enemies know that it is coming and can therefore heal through it, move out of range, LoS or use defensive cooldowns. Operatives can deliver similar damage without giving the enemy the chance to prepare. Cloaking also gives operative much more survivability because it provides them with a way to escape from an enemy. Sniper has tools to keep the enemy at a distance, but is not able to get away from an enemy that is set on attacking them. **Almost forgot - the Sleep Dart ability of Operative is tremendously useful in PvE content. It makes an enormous difference when you decrease the number of enemies you have to fight by one.
  18. Motro

    Some data

    What people are trying to tell you is that your research is meaningless in almost every way from the way you compiled it to the amount of data which you compiled. - Sample size not nearly large enough to make any statistically significant findings. - Too many variables for which you do not control Your "experiment" also has a huge fundamental flaw. You are measuring DPS in "trials" where DPS is not the given objective of the participants. It is like concluding who the fastest sprinter in the world is by using data from the high jump competitions. It is illogical and invalid.
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