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Everything posted by Willhousefour

  1. I agree that Bioware should take a step back and address any memory leaks and other inefficiencies that may have popped up. But I don't understand why you capitalized the word "EARNED" in your post. How is the fact that you earned your cash important to your point? Would your point be diminished if the cash you spend was won? I can understand run on sentences and misuse of commas, but deliberately capitalizing a word not central to the argument is baffling.
  2. The score is inconsistent with the review. I would never recommend someone try out a 4/10 game yet in the 6th paragraph the author does just that. If I considered a game a 4/10, I would stop playing, move on to a game I would rate higher (start at 10s, then 9s, then 8s), and never look back, but we have people posting comments on this thread saying they agree with the review implying that they are still around. To them I say: What are you doing? Go talk about or play a game you like. You don't have to spend your time telling us why we shouldn't like a game. I like it for now. Sorry. In spite of the score, I think the author rightly chastises some of the stupid free to play restrictions. Rezzing and cost increases? Come on! Of course this doesn't effect me because I subscribe and I still don't agree that it drops things down to a 4.
  3. Sure, it's "fine," but it could be better. Seven daily rewards (I'm talking about the random HM FP awards) per week regardless of when you do them allows for more flexibility than having to do exactly one per day, and I think more flexibility is better. I only brought up the lack of drop (actually I lost the roll), because having been so close to an upgrade strengthened my desire to queue up and try again, but I restrained myself due to the daily reward no longer being available.
  4. I haven't noticed "a ton"; maybe a pound, but it does seem like more than before and certainly more than I'd like.
  5. Bump - this would present a large quality of life improvement for me. Yesterday, I did a FP, didn't get the drop I wanted and didn't jump back in the queue because there was no daily reward anymore and I want to maximize my daily rewards.
  6. Edit: read some more of the thread and apparently workarounds are unacceptable to some, so I'll just say I don't understand why the name with correct spelling is so important and if someone could explain, I might be interested although I'd probably still disagree.
  7. While leveling I think healing companions make a lot of sense for melee dps specs. You'll be on top of the mobs and bound to take some damage and the healing companion mitigates that. For ranged classes or classes that have positional attacks, a tank companion works well since they can hold mobs to prevent an interruption to casting sequences or keep them in position for positional attacks. DPS companions can be used effectively with a tank or healing spec character, but I often level as dps spec to kill as fast as possible. DPS + DPS can be somewhat tough on gold mobs - I always needed my companion to take some of the damage, so I'd let them get aggro then run in and start dps'ing and hope to grab aggro off them before they died.
  8. I agree with Agent has large replayability but not so much based on accumulated alignment - IE you could go through the game making mostly LS decisions, but a few key DS decisions would sway some of the key story points (and vice versa). I wouldn't rule out Sith Warrior, and that's simply based on what I've seen in Act 1. The Tatooine storyline and Act 1 conclusions certainly take alignment into account. Also, I believe your Jedi companion can either be swayed LS/DS based on your decisions/conversations (I haven't observed this first hand).
  9. I think SWTOR should switch to the WoW model when handling "daily" reward missions. Basically, it allows a player to perform the daily missions multiple times a day but no more than seven times a week instead of having to do the missions each day. This allows players to maximize their play time actually playing - for example, if queues are popping quickly on a certain day, I could do a few random flashpoints that day for the daily reward and wouldn't have to wait on days where the queues are long and could do other things.
  10. I was in a group for a heroic mission and the two other group members were male body type 3 and my character was male body type 4. They said I was fat and they were jacked and made stereotypical mean fat jokes the whole way through. I found the whole exchange and mission hilarious. The problem with male body type 3 is that it is the only "tall" one. So if you want to be tall, you have to be tall *and* jacked. There's no tall and skinny. Further, I would argue that type 3 is the most popular and this makes types 1&2 seem diminutive in comparison. Anyway, adding this feature wouldn't cause me to delete any of my characters to get this body type, so it's not that big of deal to me.
  11. Why even have that trash there if the intent is to skip it? I don't understand why Bioware would put mobs in the game it didn't intend for you to kill. Just take them out, so we don't have to walk this elaborate tightrope to skip a few packs. I was vote-kicked for not knowing the proper route to skip the trash on HM Ilum and kept dieing to that stupid giant robot in the beginning (I joined an in progress group and other three had already skpped by him). Apparently you can squeeze by it if you keep holding up while riding on the hill next to him (I've always killed him since). I didn't like being kicked at all especially after having waited ~30 minutes in the queue and pretty much cursed out the initiator of the kick until he put me on ignore. So I definately think you should kill groups that someone is having trouble getting by. On the other hand, it does save you time and some packs are easy to avoid.
  12. I disagree - complaining is the not the healthy attitude and being unrealistic is not healthy either. I simply don't believe subscription numbers/population problems are a gameplay issue at the moment because I'm not having that experience, so asking about subscription numbers is not constructive criticism - it's meddling. Further, asking about subscription numbers does not "fix issues." Subscription numbers is not a gameplay issue. I'm not saying people shouldn't suggest improvements to the game, but asking about subscription numbers doesn't accomplish that.
  13. Can I ask two practical questions: Do the subscription numbers effect your gameplay? Why does anyone care what subscription numbers are? Here's my personal answer: No, subscription numbers do not effect my gameplay - the server I am on is full and I don't have major problems getting groups. People care about subscription numbers because they feel slighted by Bioware in some way (be it game decision or feedback), and they erroneously want to use subscription numbers, which they suspect are low, to prove that Bioware erred. The only logical reason to care about about subscription numbers is if the severe lack of players affects your ability to do group content, and we simply have not reached that point with the server merges. If you're not enjoying the game for some reason, suck it up and move to a game you would enjoy. Unless you're a Bioware employee, it's not your job to worry about subscription numbers. I'm still having a great time, and the group finder and server merges have only made it better.
  14. Taris is possibly my favorite planet. I love the post-apocalyptic stories and scenery.
  15. It could merely show the average time the past X number of dps/healers/tanks took to find a group for flashpoint they've queued for. In this case, the tank's timer would simply read zero and the other roles would read the average (the average would account for the lack of tanks). I agree that being able to do other group content while in group finder queue would be beneficial as long as you can't get a group finder pop while currently grouped.
  16. I suggest that two timing features be added to the group finder: 1) the amount of time a player has been in the queue, and 2) the expected wait time until getting a group for your class role. I don't know if an explanation is needed, but this information would help me make decisions on how to play. Specificially, I could determine what characters to play and whether to do heroic quests or not. For example, if I know the queue times will be long for a level 50 dps character, I would probably prefer to play an alt. As it stands, I simply have to queue up and hope. Similarily, if I'm out leveling up while also queued in group finder and I receive a heroic quest, the time I've already waited in queue plus the time expected to get a group will help me determine if I would prefer to drop queue and do the heroic quest or wait until after I get a group. If I have been in queue for a while, I would probably prefer to stay rather than do a heroic quest and start the queue time over, but again I don't have this information. Perhaps I should invest in a stopwatch. I know that this has been brought up before, but the most recent thread I could find was from August and I decided not to necro it.
  17. Yesterday, when I logged into the new super-servers, I was shocked that I had to change the name of one of my six characters. The level 44 sniper previously known as "Mixa" (a random configuration of consonants and vowels assigned by the name generator) must now be known as "Mixxa". This is an absolute outrage. "Mixa" is a name one associates with skill, power, cunning, luxury and sexiness. One can only associate the name "Mixxa" with the dirt-caked garbage picking characteristics of the 47% living on government handouts. Nothing will change my experience within the game more dramatically than this name change. Already, I am being shunned from group requests and even npcs treat me differently. Please, Bioware, I don't ask for much - restore me to the glory I deserve due to my $15 subscription fee or face further forum wrath.
  18. Yesterday, when I logged into the new super-servers, I was shocked that I had to change the name of one of my six characters. The level 44 sniper previously known as "Mixa" (a random configuration of consonants and vowels assigned by the name generator) must now be known as "Mixxa". This is an absolute outrage. "Mixa" is a name one associates with skill, power, cunning, luxury and sexiness. One can only associate the name "Mixxa" with the dirt-caked garbage picking characteristics of the 47% living on government handouts. Nothing will change my experience within the game more dramatically than this name change. Already, I am being shunned from group requests and even npcs treat me differently. Please, Bioware, I don't ask for much - restore me to the glory I deserve due to my $15 subscription fee or face further forum wrath.
  19. I prefer VOs/cinematics to any of the features suggested by the OP. In fact, I cannot think of a added feature that I would prefer instead.
  20. I'm not sure of the purpose here. I transfered from Mind Trick to Correllian Run and it's been good, I've been able to get groups for the heroic quests pretty regularly and do a few flashpoints with the group finder (although that is not as consistent as DPS). Now, Correllian Run is transfering to The Shadowlands. What is to be gained? Even easier grouping? More items/competition on GTN? These seem to be marginal positives, and on the other hand, I'll probably have to change a few names (and it's becoming harder and harder to find names I'm satisfied with) and there will be more competition for resources/mobs. Ah well, easier H4 groups (especially in bonus series) would probably trump competition for resources and I can just add extra consonants or vowels to my exisiting names.
  21. I feel like this is a troll post. In case it's not, I have some advice on how to use your companions when fighting golds of comparable level: Basically, it helps a lot for companions to take some of the damage from a gold while you beat on them. Send your companion to attack first, then run in and get aggro by either out dps'ing him or taunting (if available). Doing this, you can almost follow your normal rotation when killing non-elites, although I would also recommend using defensive cooldowns while being attacked and offense oriented cooldowns regardless. Hope this helps non-trolls.
  22. I agree - I think doing a majority of heroic quests while leveling should get you up a few social levels by the time you reach 50. On one of my characters, I ran esseles 3 or 4 times (and it took way longer than 8 minutes) and they were still one run away from social 2. At that point playing normally became more important than social gear.
  23. I'm not in as dire a situation as the OP (only 5 chars on main server atm), but could visualize being in the same fix in the future. The ability to have all chars on the same server would not be critical to me as I'm perfectly happy with my server and am confident I could find another one to put characters on , but account-wide legacy and account-wide item/credit transfer would be nice.
  24. My feeling is that any thread with a demand as the title should not be defended as respectful. In response to main discussion point, I don't have a problem with the travel times. Quests that require a large amount of travel are very rare as it is. Therefore, I don't think Bioware must put effort into solving a non-problem that is a rare occurance.
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