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Everything posted by Mookind

  1. Hadn't happened at all to me until today Happened 3x already but the Harbringer is laggy is **** so i logged anyway......
  2. Well I am taking out enhancements on my new PVE gear and getting ridiculous stats 30k HP 1400 bonus tech dmg and 1750 expertise, with the new blue nano stim. (Conqueror barrel/1 conq enhancement/ 1 conq implant) I don't know how the bolster works but I would bet that PVE'rs will get quite a bit more than 1300 expertise
  3. Some one is jealous of the sorc deeps
  4. I don't think I want to give you guys a cup........
  5. Ok well after a little messing around and some help from some peeps on my server Enhancements seem to affect bolster, take all of them out and watch your stats skyrocket Take out the mods in belt/bracer No relics Earpiece/Implant seem to work for some and not for others, play around with them to find out what works best for you
  6. Unfortunately it is not that simple The formula seems to be complex and take more than just raw stats into account. I am not smart enough to just pop equipment on and off and catch the pattern. But there has to be some structure to it, just isn't easy for the average person to understand I guess. Naked is not the best stats and neither is fully itemized elite war hero for a 50. Best stats seem to be a mix of pvp and pve but you also get good stats with lowbie gear. And something as simple as a shell with a main stat augment greatly affects the stats.
  7. For PVE use it during burst phases, its like having an alacrity relic, you could use it for an extra tactical in emergencies but you probably won't need it. PVP I would only use it when some one is below 30% and u need to spam emergency medapc. Occasionally if i need to pump out heals on a single target I use it as well. But I normally just save it for the tactical, nice not to have to shiv ever
  8. Time to kill has always been a couple globals on the last patch 3 6k smashes = death that is one global People whining about everyone having equal gear, lol HE HAS NO ARMOR GAME IS BROKEN I'M OUT
  9. On PTS I don't think full conqueror gave you any bolster, I doubt that has changed just no one is BiS yet
  10. Mookind

    lol bolster

    I can get 1210 bonus dmg 37 crit 1978 expertise at lvl 50, best i have been able to get mixture of pvp and pve 63/61 gear
  11. 1. you r gimping your stats going naked 2. it is not an exploit lol
  12. Mookind

    lol bolster

    So from what I can see BiS for a 50 is naked with 2 63 PVE barrels. I also have 2 main stat augs in but i havent played with it too much.
  13. Mookind

    Scripts in PVP

    I guess if it had some RNG to the proc it would be useful But this doesn't seem like much of an advantage if you play with sound....... I see what you're saying and people are clever. But in pvp it is all still situational. For example on my operative I would NEVER give up any modicum of control over my tactical. And there are certainly classes that fit it better like a madness sorc with wrath proc. But still not even close to game changing much less game breaking. And even the madness example is situational I still don't see how this gives me an advantage over some one who uses sound to track procs and knows how to play.
  14. In a ranked match no one competent is going to let you pop your bubble on them You think that some guy who has been playing against bubble stuns for months doesn't know how to handle one on a sorc healer? And you people are seriously considering gutting your own spec. And losing your highest HPS ability that is now a *********** instant for it? There is no discussion. ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO PLAY WILL RUN FULL CORRUPTION. Full stop Edit - lol at acting like you have any clue what good players do as you sit there thinking one bubble is gonna save u
  15. Wow i hit 1365 last night and was going to post it for the sole reason of knocking verdus down a spot Then he posts this while I'm sleeping I'll come back with a link or a pic later I didn't screen shot it.
  16. It worked, i was running both, no idea if that was intended tho
  17. Same with every other sorc healer who has any concept of how their class works lol
  18. This, they nerfed the expertise to the point where there is no choice
  19. When I said doughnuts off I meant in good positions. Not his ability to actually get it out lol The only force debuffs in the average ranked match you need to worry about is force crush. The rest is pointless to cleanse unless its another slow. Healers throwing out affliction, why the **** would i not just hot through it...? Not to mention sorc DPS will be viable in 2.0 probably. So this is not a greatly valued attribute. The interrupt is a big boon to utility. Especially with the stalkers. Probably one of the biggest thing sorcs have going for them IMO Heal overload is cool but you are going to piss off every melee DPS in your match spamming that ****. I don't count it for much utility. Whirlwind sucks and if you have time as a sorc healer to sit there and cast it on an enemy they are doing it wrong. Flashbang is many times over the better abil And remember operatives have roll/stealth/sap/fashbang/evasion(which got a huge buff)/30 sec cd single target stun with movement boost. Operatives got massive buffs in 2.0 while the sorcs got just mediocre ones. They reworked our energy and energy cost. They literally halved the cost of kolto probe from 15 to 8 lol. Anyone thinking sorcs are king of the hill are gonna have a rude awakening when 2.0 gets here
  20. Mookind

    Scripts in PVP

    But that is about the limit of an effective macro. The rest is all situational............ You cited the ONE TIME you always want to do something lol
  21. Mookind

    Arenas pls.

    Didn't read the thread, don't care how unbalanced it will be. **** that **** make it FOTM I don't care Give me deathmatch
  22. Its not a mistake for them it's a decision They feel you guys will tear through it no matter how fast they put it out Which is why I don't raid any more lol
  23. People have tried and failed with those comps. That is how we got to the meta And it doesn't take much thinking to realize a DPS scoundrel shouldn't be part of a team
  24. That would make half our abilities useless and be decrease time to kill by a **** ton
  25. Well I don't disagree about 2 ops being optimum. Assuming you have 3 equally skilled healers 2 ops and 1 sorc I know who I would take. But the HPS limits of the two classes assuming you can get doughnuts off isn't going to make a huge difference But there will be NO *********** QUESTION who to take if you run a hybrid healer lol
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