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Everything posted by Mookind

  1. Mookind

    Lost at Void Star.

    The timer resets ONLY if the attacking team in round 1 gets the core. The timer becomes your "clear time" because obviously if they got it one second later than your team. Game is over. So they just trim the 7:30 in a down to however long it took for the first attacking time to dowload the core. You probably don't know this because you haven't seen many cores downloaded. But next time watch how much time people start with. I have seen buggy voidstars where it randomly throws out a victor. But what you are describing is the map working as intended.
  2. lol stat weights are not a guide to prevent ******* from improperly gearing their toons they are a guide for a 1.1 ratio........
  3. SEDATIVES HAS NO EFFECT ON A NINJA CAP If you are using your sap more than your heals you play incorrectly, if you are trying to cap a node after the ninja failed you are playing incorrectly (Meaning sedatives are *********** useless). There is ONE situation where sedatives is some what useful. But if you are competent it has no real effect, you are already in stealth, why the **** do you need a dmg debuff? When sapping you are just stalling, and as a stealther who knows how to LOS that debuff isn't going to get much use. Extra energy from diagnostic scan and adrenaline probe can come in handy in LITERALLY EVERY SITUATION. Trying to take a node? Throw down probe grenade backstab shiv then USE YOUR ADRENALINE PROBE. To help the DPS finish the defender(s). Because only turrible healers watch their dps burst on the off node Lots of DPS going down on the zerg node? Had to chain cast to keep your tank alive? Its ok you took diagnostic scan you can go from 45 back up to 60 in less than 2 seconds, most of their burst is gone now so the diag is more than enough. Wow that's convenient sure glad i didn't get ****** sedatives and now i get to keep adrenaline probe for another round of burst. I can feel my HPS skyrocketing Now for sedatives as an op healer there really isn't one situation where this is going to help you. "Oh LOOK I SAPPED YOU WHILE I WAS IN STEALTH AND NOW YOU HAVE A DMG DEBUFF" its too bad i'm 30 yards away in cover with an LOS point near and the ****** debuff will run out before you hit me......
  4. Ok let's dissect what was said since apparently this is difficult 1. Cunning always wins, it does in current possible gear arrangements, obviously at a 1:1 ratio 2.. The DR curve for cunning was not changed (no where did i imply or say that power has a DR) 3. You would have to get over 5k cunning for power to outweigh cunning at a 1:1 ratio. Also true, again no where did i imply power has a DR I know my grammar wasn't perfect but come on. There is only one way to interpret what i said
  5. They give away the story free which is the best part.................... I love not having F2Prs in the WZ, they should be segregated into their own matches at max level. Unless you are paying to wear purple there is a giant gear gap anyway.
  6. lol dude if you play the game without your energy ever going under 60% you are ridiculously fail unless NO1 on your team is dying. And you NEVER have a reason to dps. Which in decent games obvoiusly doesn't happen We dont have ways to regen energy for nothing It is to deal with burst If they have high DPS focus we have to respond with a high single target HPS rotation. If you don't do this learn to play
  7. Just to reiterate, as an op healer you should not be defending a node And if you are, as you pointed out, an op is more than well equipped to handle it without sedatives More energy = higher HPS Sedatives = **** talent
  8. Cunning DR is not power dr.....
  9. Cunning always wins................. The DR curve for cunning was not changed and you would have to get over 5k cunning or something to make power outweigh cunning
  10. Yup i agree with the dude above me PTS copies are a good sign Next server transfers, then cross server ques and season 1
  11. Biochem has 0 advantages in pvp dude Granted that might change with the new patch but you should not gain a noticeable advantage from your crew skill.. And I am for keeping it that way
  12. So you are complaining about the ease of prep for a wz? Yes lets make it more of a pain in the *** to get an extra cc. Then lets make a giant gear gap again too. That will be fun.
  13. I wouldn't even get my hopes up until we get server transfers Those will come first
  14. 1. as an operative healer you should not be gaurding a node 2. If you are guarding an off node, you shouldn't die for a long time even if there are a few enemies there........ Energy for actually healing or worrying about a dmg debuff as an OP healing class that can only be applied in a situation you shouldn't be in anyway hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  15. sedative sucks, the energy from the adrenaline probe or diagnostic scan by far outclass it personally i get both the energy talents but i definitely see the benefit of evasion. No harm there especially if you use the 2 piece enforcers. All 3 talents are interchangeable IMO sedatives has to go tho And if you are opening with a sap you are doing it wrong..........
  16. Skill cap implies that they have the same capabilities (possibly better), just one is harder to take to the fullest than the other. When clearly the merc is the most simplistic of the healing classes..........And the healing output is gimped compared to the other classes Being a bad AC isn't "raising the skilli cap". It's just a ****** class that gimps your output And it should be fixed
  17. lol i speed up to 8 minutes in and immediately see him go down while trying to cast himself out of a sub 30% hole Woudla walked away scott free The point here isn't all merc heals suck It's just that ALL merc heals could do better with an operative if they aren't *********** retarded
  18. Not to beat a dead horse......But there is a date on the post lol
  19. It would be impressive to see a fabricator kill solo
  20. Hahaha as a PvPer I assure you I finish my dailies on ilum quickly and so do many others Assuming I don't get distracted doing more important things
  21. This was posted yesterday.......... You can probably assume he was talking about what is live
  22. Watched a jug auto attack 3x in a row then turned it off
  23. Sins hold nodes - Definitely viable and necessary. Force shroud wins game especially with hyper gates they are a must Sorc - Bubbles put them on top of snipers, you can't field a team that will compete without a sin node holder and a bubbler Sniper - great to AOE caps and wreck warriors. Obviously viable but teams can get by without them Mercs - Nuf said
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