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Everything posted by OldRepJedi

  1. I think it is awful that we cannot sell CM market junk (i.e. Republic Banners, duplicate speeders, pets, etc...) to vendors. Hardly anyone buys these on the GTN and the rest of us are stuck with these duplicate items taking space in our cargo holds. I want to be able to sell these off when I want. What is the thinking behind this? We can sell other bound items and when you hover over these items when a vendor is opened you can see a price for selling the item. I want the option to do this. You can only spread so much over your alts. LET ME SELL THESE ITEMS OFF! I'm already spending real money on these. Let me make at least some virtual money after the bind timer releases. I don't like having all this junk. And that is what most of it is, junk. Please do something about this EAWare. Lots of other people have expressed this same concern and you have not given any statement as why we can't or when we might be able to do this. This is money being spent beyond my sub and I think I should have the right to get rid of these if I want. Please give us a statement on this.
  2. And that is why all the raging makes me laugh. 4 months is long time for content to be added. No they haven't said anything about anything else and that is my point. And EAWare is hardly the first MMO to do this. WoW has done it a few times. And with less information. So I just say sit back, relax and see where the ride takes us. Free DLC content is a thing of the past. At least we are getting a discount.
  3. You know what? We're getting new content, a level increase, and other things. I bet there will be new HM FP's and new Ops. New high end gear and weapons. I will gladly pay my $9.99 to get it. I mean, look at how much they charged for Omega in ME 3. That was $15.00 and it was only a few hours of gameplay. This looks like it will be more than a few hours and I for one and anxious for it. Like is said all throughout this thread, they never said they wouldn't charge and that is fine by me. I have no problem paying for DLC's. I would like it to be free, but we don't know all the specifics other than a new planet and level cap. I for one will be here for it. Maybe it will take away from some of the anger I have for the Life Day non-event and the crappy Life Day things in the CM.
  4. So, you get all the junk from the CM. What are you supposed to do with it? I mean, all the Republic banners and speeders that you get, you can't do anything with after you spread all the duplicates through your alts. Fix this EAWare! I don't want all this junk taking up space in my cargo holds. You should be able to sell the excess to vendors. And nobody wants it because they have the same junk in their cargo bays. Please fix this.
  5. They don't listen. They never do. Look at the craptacular problems with Mass Effect 3. They didn't listen to players then, they won't now.
  6. Ya know, I can do without a Christmas event, but you would think that they would want to celebrate 1 yr of actually holding onto subs. I am a sub and loyally so. But I do think that taking the game F2P so soon and the addition of the CM so soon that they are setting a bad tone. I mean, look at the junk they put out for "Life Day". I don't know of anyone who would buy that stuff. I mean, who wants to spend CC's on a holographic tree. And the ugly reskinned Czerka speeder? Ugh! I mean, they should have done a holiday speeder like a sleigh being pulled by Tauntauns. I would have paid a little for that. Not 2400 CC's worth, but maybe 800. Sure it would have looked a little goofy, but that would make it unique and fun. I started my sub the day I got the game, (Dec. 25th, 2011). I would have expected some acknowledgement and thanks from EAWare on what they would call (not I mind you) a successful first year. So please EAWare, take heed. I love the game. I have met some great people through the guild I am in and have fun trying to tackle HM and NM OPs. But this so-called Life Day event you want us to pay for is a shame on your company and an insult to your paying subs.
  7. I don't know if I am the only one getting this glitch, but when using my DB saber, after starting an attack, the "rear" blade disappears when attack ends. Have changed crystals and am still getting this problem. I am using the Devastators DB lightsaber. Anyone else getting this?
  8. So this not really all that much of a surprise to me. Since EA bought Bioware, quality from Bioware has gone down the tubes since the new Overlords have been dictating BW's business. I mean look what happened with DA2, and this summers huge debacle with Mass Effect 3. I think that if EA had never bought Bioware that we would not be seeing the problems we see now. Bioware back then had great quality control and actually listened to its customers. Now with EA owning Bioware, we are seeing what happens when the Most Hated Company in America dictates things from the Boardroom. I was excited about the Cartel Market at first. I thought, " Here is a way to get the cosmetic items that I have lusted over (re:Revan's gear) and put the Advanced Mods from Columi. BH, etc...and actually look good". Cause lets face it, the design of Tionese and Columi gear just plain stinks. BH is a little better, but the helmets are horrendous. Now they did introduce Revan's Robes and Mask, but they even failed on that. I would have spent CC's to get this set. But they failed on the lower robe. Looks nothing like the one from Foundry or Maelstrom. And the for sale Life Day items is a joke. Why do I want to spend money on a holographic tree? I don't. The starship upgrades blow me away also. Now I don't do a whole lot of starship combat, I do it to pass a little time, but even I think this is wrong. And not offereing crafting specs for the new vanity armors on the Market, just plain wrong. And the crystals also. Granted, the color crystals can't be found, so make them drops. I must say that I am deeply disappointed. I don't know if I'll unsub just yet, but I don't think they will be getting anymore of my hard earned money in the Cartel Market. Oh, and having 10,000 Republic Banners that I can't do anything with is just ludicrous. I mean, they don't sell on the GTN and you can't just sell them to vendors for cash. I've given XP, Social and FP upgrades to alts that I am playing, but they can only hold so much too. So I say to EA/BW, do something about this, I f I get one more atmospheric probe droid I'm going to put my fist through a wall.
  9. All you need is one set of Dailies at the Black Hole and that pays for it.
  10. Nope. Not bugged. My group got through it just fine and that was only about 4 hours after launch. One of our group figured out what needed to be done. And things are highlighted on the ship. You just have to find them. Most everything like the bonus logs have a blinking light on them.
  11. You say you're in it to win? There is no win. Nothing is scored. It is about advancing through the next level and the storyline. If you don't do this with you're Guild mates, you shouldn't do it in PUGs. Cause like it was mentioned, when you hit 50, you are going to be SOL when going into Ops and HM FP's to get really good gear because you will be blacklisted. Your companion is not a need. It is a greed. Get over yourself and be considerate to others in FPs. I have never needed for a companion and my companions do just fine with gear from mission completions or what my other toons make them. Sounds like you just don't want to spend creds or resources on your companions and want to try to gear them the easy way. You should quit that now before you are unable to do it at all.
  12. I have to agree. I recently joined a guild but I met them through GF HM FP. The group I was with was very considerate and when they saw I actually knew the mechanics they spent less time worrying about me eventhough I was a little undergeared. Got a lot of helpful tips and now am part of the guild that was running. They have even helped me gear up to almost all Exotech and Columi gear(lvl 56 mods). There are a lot of considerate players out there who understand that to get the better gear you need to do the HM FP's. But there are also a lot of d***'s out there who could care less and are only looking to do the FP in record time and get the BH comms. It is hard to find players like that, but you come across them every now and then. These people make the experience so much more fun. Especially when they are trying to help you. I just need a Columi or BH chest piece and then I can start tackling ops with them and get even better gear. Keep at it. There are those players out there who do understand and will help you out.
  13. So from what I have read in the past, Lucas or his agents had to sign off on any EU content. Lucas had an iron grip on how the EU could progress. He wouldn't let writers just write about anything. The publishing houses actually had to submit story lines to Lucas for approval. From what I have read, he was the one that actually signed off on the approval for the death of Mara Jade Skywalker. A sad day to be sure as she was one of the best characters ever created in the EU, if not the best. As for what we can expect in Ep. 7? We don't know what route Disney will take. I can only surmise it won't be anything pre Ep. 1. Hence, Ep. 7. They might place it a thousand years in the future. I mean, you would have to get mid to late 20's actors to play Luke, Leia, and Han. And I don't think that people want to see that . If they were smart, they would do them at least a century after Ep. 6 so that they could bring in good actors to maybe play the decendents of these iconic characters. Just my opinion, I could be wrong-Dennis Miller.
  14. People just don't get it. Anything that has been published is "canon". It all had to be signed off by the bearded one. So if it has been published, created, played on a console, viewed on Cartoon Central, it is considered canon in the Star Wars Universe. I personally have loved a lot of the books that have come out of the EU. Some of them p***** me off (re: the death of Mara Jade), but on the whole, they have some really talented writers that have written a lot of the books. My favorites were Timothy Zahn's. He was highly perturbed when they killed Mara Jade also. Not what he envisioned for her when he created her character. But on the whole, the EU books have given me over 20 years worth of reading. Some good, some not so good depending on the writer. Oh yeah, and to those who think that books are a lower art form than film making, get an imagination. I get more out of books than I do out of any movie. It is a shame that the younger generation has lost their imaginations. They are all for immediate gratification and what they can get out of a 2 hour movie. It's a shame. Writing is the ultimate art form. It takes a trully creative person to put into writing what they invision for others to read and get substance out of. Reboot of Star Wars-No. Nail in the coffin of the EU-I don't think so. A new adventure in a galaxy far, far away-waiting with bated breath.
  15. I have only done a few pvp warzones. I didn't really like the experience. I am definitely a PvE person. I like doing FPs and Ops. I don't really care for PvP. So I don't think that changing something for PvP should affect PvE. As far as the class differences, there are supposed to be differences. You can't expect a ranged character, i.e. a Vanguard or an Operative to function like a Knight or Inquisitor. Those are mostly ranged classes. They don't get in the thick of it like other DPS classes. They are ranged for a reason. And cutting down the range on their abilities and not adjusting the NPCs abilities the same in PvE is just wrong. This was advertised as a primarily PvE story mode game with PvP. So why should be PvP'ers who whine because the classes are unequal in PvP get to dictate the way things should be. If this is a primarily PvE Story MMO, should we who are not looking to do PvP be the people who dictate it? Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
  16. I actually switched my DPS Guardian to a tank. Loving it now. Plus, there always seems to be a shortage for FPs.
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