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Everything posted by aaronbaron

  1. George Washington was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, serving as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and later as the new republic's first President. He also presided over the convention that drafted the Constitution. Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, is named for him, as is the State of Washington on the nation's Pacific Coast. Washington was elected president as the unanimous choice of the 69 electors in 1788, and he served two terms in office. He oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government that maintained neutrality in the wars raging in Europe, suppressed rebellion, and won acceptance among Americans of all types. His leadership style established many forms and rituals of government that have been used since, such as using a cabinet system and delivering an inaugural address. Washington is universally regarded as the "father of his country." Washington was born into the provincial gentry of Colonial Virginia; his wealthy planter family owned tobacco plantations and slaves. After both his father and older brother died when he was young, Washington became personally and professionally attached to the powerful William Fairfax, who promoted his career as a surveyor and soldier. Washington quickly became a senior officer in the colonial forces during the first stages of the French and Indian War. Chosen by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 to be commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, Washington managed to force the British out of Boston in 1776, but was defeated and almost captured later that year when he lost New York City. After crossing the Delaware River in the dead of winter, he defeated the British in two battles, retook New Jersey and restored momentum to the Patriot cause. Because of his strategy, Revolutionary forces captured two major British armies at Saratoga in 1777 and Yorktown in 1781. Historians laud Washington for his selection and supervision of his generals, encouragement of morale and ability to hold together the army, coordination with the state governors and state militia units, relations with Congress and attention to supplies, logistics, and training. In battle, however, Washington was repeatedly outmaneuvered by British generals with larger armies. After victory had been finalized in 1783, Washington resigned rather than seize power, proving his opposition to dictatorship and his commitment to American republicanism. He retired from the presidency in 1797 and returned to his home, Mount Vernon, and his domestic life where he managed a variety of enterprises. He freed all his slaves by his final 1799 will.
  2. I hope I can see you on the fleet. I'm shocked no one had anything to say. .oogle.com How often to water your grass
  3. Hahaha! Ha! It still made sense, still, to the end. Look what I've counter-bolded.
  4. I just got merged to the Bastion (yes, I know, should have done it)! Look me up! Here's another off-the-cuff gem (I'm thanking you here for this one): transfer all mods regardless of the class armor restriction based on that expectation! Again, there's probably something I'm missing at the end of it. I don't pretend like I'm the developer and it does seem like you've got a better grasp on this type of business. Bioware! Bioware! Read this and save yourself from the ridiculous MMO's released every month that already heeded this advice (GW2, Rift, Eve, and Drifters).
  5. Check out what I've bolded in your post, it kind of answers both of our questions! And here's the kicker, GMD's are really just offshoots of main stat diminished returns (but you sound like more of the experienced PvPer). Quick thought, though, and this is probably just me over-thinking this, but why couldn't they do all the amendments to current armor sets? What server are you on?
  6. First off, brilliant! This could not only eliminate the "grind" but also balance PvP post 50. However, If buffs are negated by class vs class counter-stats (and more specifically, gear vs gear counter stats) how would you handle mitigation in other respects? We all know that they're increasing the level-cap, we know this; but then we'll get new mods, new armors (new classes?) that will restart the grind, or as you put it, "irreparably draw attention to class imbalance." Here's hoping for more of the same. Is it too much to ask for this thread to get a sticky? Do we know if developers read the forums? I'd love to hear what others think.
  7. Really Bioware? This is your solution to this family name quagmire? I'd prefer non-action to this level of silly parlor game, slight-of-hand, tomfoolery. To a man, we're all experienced MMOers, master field-hands to turgid gardens; we've seen the strings on the puppets, we know the steps to the dance. If I can be figurative for moment: Give this man his family pride back! "You know me, I know you" -CBSJerichoholic
  8. I really feel for you, really. I didn't have any of the same frustrations, but it breaks my heart hearing this. Obviously, there's nothing I can do but pray. Thanks always. "If you see it happen, you're not really there, and the winds forgave you." Think about it and I think you'll find your answer.
  9. Same here, I want to go RP. Will the high-pop servers affect RP servers? I'd hope that was sacrosanct.
  10. Yeah, I'm approaching my tolerance limit. I love this game, but the frustrations are mounting, and this is the main catalyst for me.
  11. You're one of the many that have this problem, but we haven't heard anything from the developers beyond the vague postings that say, "They're aware" of a need to implement this. Speculation is that they'll roll something out in November along with F2P and the cartel shop. Far too long in my opinion. I feel like smashing plates every time I look at my frustrated toons spread out on several servers, devoid of their legacy affiliation. My guess, which is painted in a frustrated hue, is that they're needing to close more servers and are waiting for that conclusion before they open this service up. I'd make some idle threat here about how I'm going to play GW2 until they figure this out, but that'd just be a lie, and I'm above that sort of thing.
  12. You do realize that the ability to transfer is already in place? And that we've already used it? All they need to do is open up more servers to transfer to.
  13. We're all waiting for this, but developers have remained frustratingly mum. I have toons spread out across three different servers; kind of silly I can't consolidate them seeing as I elected to re-roll due to dead servers.
  14. Look no further than the infamous Guild Wars 2, transfers are available right now.
  15. Unfortunately Elfa, I think you're right. My worry is that by the time they do implement this (November?) the damage would have already been done in terms of sub numbers, frustrations, etc.
  16. I would love to have the open transfer service. It's silly to have toons spread out because of server pop issues and not have the ability to consolidate them. We need this now.
  17. Same here: I love this game. I dabbled in GW2 the last few days but only in small doses and always come away unsatisfied. SWTOR has its issues, to be sure (lack of a transfer service) but it's really gratifying to play.
  18. They've already locked transfers and rerolls to the origin servers, so no need to wait for them to finalize anything. Just open up transfers from destination server, to destination server. We know the transfer system is in place--we've all used it--they just need to flip a switch that allows for more destination servers. The solution is easy. I suspect, though, that there's something they're not saying or are afraid of. I think there's a real possibility that they want to shut down a few more servers before they implement this, otherwise, what's the hold up?
  19. Don't most games have this at launch? The fact that people are begging for a service that should have already existed and that exists in some facet right now in this game is ridiculous. I love this game, and I love Bioware, but for a company that has a reputation for innovation to not have something like this just seems odd. People begging for paid transfers is like people begging for a chat system or an "invite to group" feature. Nobody's going to say anything but "finally" when paid transfers come.
  20. Exactly, this needs to be kept in the forefront. This is a feature most MMO's have at launch; and again, the ability to open this up is there, we've used it, it works. They've created an emphasis on the new Legacy system, but created an inability to actually utilize it because of scattered toons.
  21. I don't understand why we can't do this since we know a system is in place--because we've already used it--that works really well. Do you think something else is going on that they're not telling us? Maybe they're not sure if they want to keep this many servers open?
  22. Has there been any word from the developers about open transfers? I don't think I'm alone here, but when my initial server went dead I rolled on another, more lively server. All my toons are content on their respective servers, however, they're all spread out. Wouldn't it be nice to combine all your toons in one spot? Especially given the relevance and emphasis on Legacy? I browsed around, but not seeing any update on future transfers. It seems odd given that most MMO's (including the infamous GW2) have a transfer service at launch. Really, having all my toons consolidated would go a long way in reinvigorating my enthusiasm.
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